Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jan 2009, p. 19

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The Canadian Champion, Wedneaday January 07, 2009 - 19 padrme elp Pa-Tmeep PaETîme Hep kfr Secure, Steady Part*time Incarne Wfile thers domesize, me ofer immediate epenîngo, FREE TRAINING, and a chance ta learn jest hom remarding itis te drive stadents te schoel and back each day. 0ur all-automatic fleet includes fuit sîze, ornait and mheel-chair vehicles. Wift over 12 full-service branches mithin driving distance. youIll enjoy the best cheice et routes, vehicles, parking locations, epportanites, and friendly faces. As the industry leader, me fecus on safety, service, respect and prefessionalrsm, Eacb branch is lecally managed mith an aim te treat aur drivers as rmpnrtant/ emhers ofoi am a/t If yioJ rave heIs a tu/I 'G I/cet/ce l/1/c ya i i tri/i enjey merking ifh cildren and the public .. If pou are NOT interested le a fuît time lob, but piute reliable, responsible and anailable te drive kids ta schoel and back eacb day.. If yeu are available te make a dfference in a childs lite .. . we'd like to meetyou. FrstÇStudent Canada LBirth Announcement in Memonam Graci, Yoanda In tonmemnryi rn/iy Dasphrer Sster io passed avay Janua As another year p ie take tOrnein0 t We tin/sof /tupane PRICE, Jeff and Jessica (nee Jakabi ;n pra/ers ne cor daughter Beatrice Grace t Mlon tne pses wby s( Dstrict Hospital on December 17, 2008 pet em a Bea/rce is welcomed hy rer Bg S/iser S/ee G/asr sacy Ahîgail as well as Gramrry, GOOPY, bfr 0k~ Nana, Grarîdad, and her Auns & Oncles. TO/s pasear sac Special /hnks tn Dr,/.,nefr and the nf/a new lt//e wnndertul nurses ut MDH for their Yion fiS P ave /nved excellent care.pnnrr sthers In on pour brthdap o/ 51frun Announlcemenlt 1Bnrn the aay MASSIE B/g brother Fél/x arnounces the recent art val ot h/s 1tIe brother. Keegar tienne Masse. 8lbs., t oz.. hor Octoher 29/h. 2008 Momn Den/se (nee Estub) and Dad, Dan Mass/e are proud. Gardpatents Joan and BobstibI/h el- corne thelI/Oe guy to the tami18 ýithAnouncement- M y3lnteeiZ M yolnteej- ALCOMOLICS NORHATN DISTRESS CENTRE1 ANONYMOUS S NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR NEW VOLUNTEERS 24 hr. answering We ate a te/ephone dmtes i/ne ana are service ookîng for Carîng individuals abs aunt /0 reach ouI and ht/p peopleeie need Phone LAFEE- Edward & Carolyn n( Our exensive train/cg ptogram ai/i înach y05 1-800-891-4862 Harwood> of nuringtor are olasedh bnw te be/p Ibane aho are dstenned, oneiy 0 ecrnoray ne atJc/ ibî/sîgofsuiide1-519-836-1522 Hannah Elizabeth wergbîng 8/ho 12t For ore nforatio conact,905-77-055 a Milon Dstrct Hnspital on Augus r Parmoe nfarntîn cntct90587-0552008 Proud grandya r ets Geraid G/ens, Lt a, Emma & rTmotyBitngtcr rBirthday [Engagement SHHHHHHHHH! Its a Surprise....- For Late Larry ... Corne and Celebrate 'Late Larrys" 6Oth Birtdy Open House - Sat Jan lOth Royal Canadian Legion 21 Charles St. - lpm _ 4pm Best Wishes OnIy tee kd, san es, 0n the Irene Horntes (Roy LeBlano)& R/chard Brocnu (Chrstne Broc/r/) would lke /0 anns/snce the engagementt of theîr dauqhter Michelle Brochu to Jeffery Patterson son ut Truernan & Jenny Pattersor onr December 25/h. 2008. Congratulations Mommy & DaddY Love Joshua e,.pla e * guiy otc ci958824 ~I emonam Pns're nn/ frcen Grandpa deai F/or ever sou/I psu he An long as /5e anSdrremnt tant We shai remernOer rnee. Always in our hearts Monique & Diane In memonam Josie Collen January 6, 2004 Thnught/ t e goes oy ansdt/e rt/o/t/n Pecorce peurs Wshvt/ use /nwh ouseetyday in our Oear/5 Bob, Phît and Bobbi ThankyoU THN O oourarn y and frend oro pou compassion andsunpportA npeial than/synu tohbother CPu le, nnsenb nda, Mary NieceTer yn, nephemOChases, anB Res Charle Musersf0r ynur eautiu wnrs Aso n heiJ.Scott aly Funera Hne rneyur 5prnfenn onalinm and kindnens da ng a dlff ult me beonard Stokes and tam py 1eýI your f arnily & frient5 with Birth AnnoUnCernent5 Obituary LOTTHRINCX, Darne Pa5serfaway ,udden1/; on Wednesday, Dec eýrnrer '/1, 20/8ah nthe/Milton DstictHospital athe agie ot 61 years Dar/one I s//Pince eanen oephind ber fr/ens and /artner Dave Fraser. Lsntng mooher of Trmn and Pro mrfe //ssert/ary of M//ton and Crndy ard ber husband Edmund Csriîng/sr/ of Csrnwall. Sad/y nttssed by Pet gtan/dch//dren 6e/ena, Ktmberie , Thomas and great grand- c/n/Bren S amP, Xaier and Vt/et aiso ber step dagh/er Lori C o/Jh/er Fraser and s/ny grard i/ren Sheby and Dawson Sarnrned Py hber brt/ers Rosse/i and Lewis. Predeceased hy ber rother Rosbert F/udt/ser. am//y a/id frtends ga/oerod auth/e /2cKersi-co t er Frnerai Hocmce 114 Ma/n St, M/ton 9058784452 t/t Saturdnp aJanuary '., 2009 for /he Fane/ai Service. tf deir/eS. mnomra/ donat/on.s c t//e Heurt and 6t/t/e For îJda/ron or the Long Assoca- t t.,,.3/ t 3/rn o~ t eOr ot Obituary CUNNINGHAM: Diane E. "Mirs. C" PeacefuiIy on Wednesday December 31, 2008 surraunded by ber tam//y ut het home. Diane rHaey), betoved mo/Pet of Jetfery tKeIIeyI Amanda Heliat, Luke ICbrrnnîe baovn/qs/ier aof Louise Loader (Gary), Karen Siapier (Raiphi and Brent Haey. bsned grand- ma/ber of Kyta. Savannah, Bruelyn and Stenna. banîngpi remembered by te/a/ives and frrcnds. Vinit/ation mas heid ut the Koprîna Taylor Commun/tyi Furocrai Home, 64 ba/seshare RoaB West. Oaknitle (ane b/oc/s east of Kerr 905-844-2600) tram 2-4 & 7 Opm on. Sut/day. A service oeiebra/îng Dianens lite mon be/B 1/ am Mot/day January 5 2009 ut St John's Uni/ed Cburch. 202j RanBail St.,Ou/ssi/le.F/omets gratoful- ty sec/tocs Expressions cf nympa/hy ta thc Canatian Cancer Socie/y or the Heurt and Sta/se Founda/îun mou/dB6e apprecrated Oy the famî/y. Emaîl con- da/enoos may 6e mode thrsugb mmm koprina/ayiatram Obituar Pea nfsi/s at th e BraftNuood Lte Cure Cen/et nn Ian/t ury Ot ?009 Josuph /u/t/es MtC at//tsIept avJay F/e /0 3,/n/seS hp f// a//t/tsi n/to/ 556peurs YoIartsa (Perusceilol /2MCcantt,Ioint/ Hawitoi//, Detntse (Wayne s-owdenI mcCann5of Mt/on, Patt/ /2/Ca//n otMi/on and Do//g//s ILaurai McCann ot Vancou- vnr B.C. Loutogly rementbered by is Gr3acdc/tt/dtott, Vctoria, Natal/c and ros or. T/et at ttiy m/i rncetvs /O/osat /he J SCOl P CARLY PUNEPAL HOME, 21 Jante St/, Mitnt, 905 878-2/669 on Thursday Jatrsary 8. 2009 ttom 2- 4 & 7 9 pjni. Vgil prayers wii 6e prayed in the tunerai home aI830 p rn. The tuner ai mass wiIPne Cera/ed on Frtday Jatuary 9, 2009 an 11.00 ar..tram Ho/y Itosary Chu/ch, 139 Marttn tn /, Miton.tIn les st/tomers donations ta t0e Haton Azheimter Foutoct/on ortht/t Milton/3Dtstrct Hospt/ai Asetiary wosid 6e apprecited. Donafronn and cortdo/enc es on//ne at www earIyfoneraiht/me comn eto donations te Th e g 2 Canadien Canner Society are deepiy appreciuted. E E 0 m~ Cà 877-914-KIDS Onnnrttinitv Emolover --j Fii--- , ie

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