A6-TeCanadian Champion, Friday, December 12, 2008 V-À è- Please don't let your holiday go up- in smoke This time of year for celebration can quickly turn loto tragedy - right in your own home. Sadly, the number of residential fires increases during the holiday season, destroying homes, memories, presents and, more frighteningly, lives. Most are preventable. Pire Prevention Canada, the national voice of ire safe- ty and education, reminds you to be rindful of things as simple as turning off decoration lights before going to bed. 'Neyer leave lit candles near omnaments and neyer overloati extension cords,' advised Pire Prevention Canada president David Hodgins. "Have your cimrney cleaned and inspected regularly' The holiday season is a hectic trne, and ifs duting moments of forgetfulncss. inattention or hurry that ire hazards can tum into destructive ires, he said. "This should be the time of year for celebration, 50 Ici us be as vigilant about being ire-safe as we are about not drinking and driving." Other prevention measures to save lives and property include: - Keep candles in a sturdy bolder away rom cbildren, pets and combustible materials. Blow themn out before leaving the room or goîng to sleep. " Stay in the kitchen when cooking. Unattended cook- ing is the leading cause of kitchen ires. " Alcohol and ire are a dangerous mix. Kcep a close eye on anyone cooking or smoking wbile under the influ- ence of alcohol. - Space heaters need space - ensure at least one metre of clearance. - Make sure you have working smoke alarmis on aIl lev- els of your home. - Keep your natural holiday tree well watered to pre- vent drying and becoming a ire hazard. ind more tire prevention tips in the fact sheet section of Pire Prevention Canadas website at www.fiprecan.ca. Prom everyone at the Canadian Champion, have a safe and happy holiday season. Readers Write F-mail your lettors w tolnal@rltnncarîacùianchamipion nom. Suspension of Pariament outrageous [ye mre -nc dbleiih.tat ha DEAR EDITOR: The recent suspension of Pariament is an outrage. Shutng dlown Parliaineni to avoid the outcome of a vote is sotnethîng that Canadians would expect rom- a third- world dictatorshîp, not a C anadian government. Halton MP I isa Rati.s statement that for ber, "Its always about makîng sure everyone's voice is heard," is absurd. Nobodys voîce can be heard properly now that the polinical process bas been shut down. ihis action %vas takken as a sîînc whcn the goverment shoulel be direccing Ai of is efforts ai solving an ccoloiic cri- sis. The prime ministers reccni actions arc both irresponsible and dangerous to oui political process. Lets hope that our politicians make Up for loit time in January when thev return frorn their seven-week Christmas break. IAN STEPHENSON MILTON Imm 0 OM imoncmommu 1 I.pftcrita ruisosrf: A paws-itLvely heartwarming response to adopt -a-t ho n Christmnas has corne early at the Oakville and District Humane Society. That i, at least for many of its fusny residents. With its fline numbers swelling as of late, the shelter - which hantiles animal control for Milton - is currently in the midst of its first-ever Happy Cat Adopt-A-Thon, which continues tomorrow and Sunday For a minimum donation of $50 - less than hall the usual cost of adoption - you can now give a cat a loving home. Given how much goes mbt caning for these kitties, they're practically being given away Pending successful completion of a screening process, which includes ans initial interaction with the potential adoptee and an interview, you can take home your new friend right away Each adoption indludes a micro chip, cur- rent vaccinations, de-worming, a collai and tag ansd six weeks of pet insurance. As-a volunteer at the humane society for a littie over a year now, it truly warmed my heart to see a number of kîtties [mnd _ homes during the adopt-a-thon kickoff last Priday Among them were several cats - including two of my favourites - that were looking at spending their second Christmas at the shel- ter. Their adoptions were especial- ly gratifying. While certainly wcll taken care of as 445 Cornwall Rd. in Oakville, Thats where trained matchmakers corne into play. With ample info (see for yoursclf at www.oakvillehumane.ca) kept on each cats Sdemeanour, as well as his or her medical history, adopters can rest assured that they're getîng an ani- mal tbat suits their specifie situa- tion. Humane society staff put a lot of care into that, since uts espe- cially bard on an animal to have to be brougbt back because he or she - didn't fit in with an individual or family no animal should have to live in a cage for 0f course 'm not endorsing a spur-ol-the- that long, moment adoption. Pets should neyer be While the shelters feline ranks have defi- acquired on impulse. But if you're thinking nitely thinned outs, theres stilI plenty of little of getting a cat anyway, this might be the fur-bails to choose rom - in al colours and ideal ime to head on up to your local shelter. with aIl types of personalities. l'in paws-itive you'll be glad you did. MILTON - SANTA 14ECOMI* a- CLAUS Jgle Bel Fund PRD UNITED WAY AAA5 0F MILTON SYYMÇA 555 Industrial Dr, Milton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax. 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 wvvw.miltoncanadiancçhampionl.com V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver General Manager DaviiHar vey Editor in Chief Jii-Davis Managing Editor Karen Miceli Advertising Director Lei lî K lpejan Production Manager Tinm Cita Circulation Manager C'harlr-ne Hali Office Manager Saily Pjî-li Thse Canadian Champion, published every Wednesday and Fniday, is a division of Metroland Media Group Lsd. - President Ian Oliver. r.g (e. t Ie - teîrcn î!-in hg ýtpýý Ce, th e., I nqcii e' . iia iiÛýo abý i1o CCAB Audited ocim .Oitio Coimrnîaiy Newspapers Asoiationl 4 A C andan Comnuiii CCNA j ewspapers Asoiation, @6" subrban Sewspapers là oftfer 1 IL