B1s - The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 12, 2008 Most festive Christmas sweater fundraiser at Hardball 13:Y \ilItpniparîî-OVW UN S At Il Miltonians are beng invited to search high and low for their most [estive Christmas sweater - i.e., the ugliest Christmas sweater - to wear to an upcoming fundraiser to help a local boy "We're ail frantically trying to The bumorous idea was set ini motion recently by a long-urne group of friends who decided they wanted to do something to raise money for 10-year-old Chnistopher Lambert and bis family afier read- ing in the Champion about the [arn- ily's efforts to fundraise for a Christmas Sweater Party for Christopher will take place [rom 7:30 p.m. until about 2 arn. at the Hardball Cafe on Regional Road 25, about a kilometre north of Hwy 401. Included in the evening will be three Milton bands/artists - Carly draw and more. Organizers are hoping ta selI 500 tickets. Tickets cost $ 10 in advance and $15 at the door. Srnith said tbe ides came ta hirn and a group of area friends who grew up together to do some sort Frîay& aturd av Ieccer1" &1 24 FIou St 1 S P ores:I ia ai11S alt rd a fpi ai ohisoic:I1 idavid ( auda pu-(Cls W, fJfestOV1e4,REALCA NAD IAN MOST STORES OPEN 24 HOU RS!** **Effective until Dec 23rd, 2008. Some exceptions apply. See Superstoreca or your store for extended hours 9ýncatfood *We pay the GST and PST vin . picab;obrl o trot' ai ,leotooers etfuding ptoch.,seof )tohocLo. prescriptosdry on, Uas .tar loty (iftvorilt'ood -01>>0,' on thO it o!tIù(e' "f!wi .f tl( checksis totonSfrtxleattem i i n îi fts romotion WS e ms,' iOtheght to imit purchttes foreasonbte tarmly eqotînoients Pfer on> y td i n tartîoîpating stores in Ontano io t i, o ibnni oi >any cefotn lo'tonal , fi Aitt.t tcaîdîtg .tboîtl .Utistoplîci, they decided they wanted to do their part ta belp birn in wbatever way they could. Smith said it's only recently that be's corne to, know the Lambert farnily - Lisa and Pst and their cbildren, Christopher snd seven- year-old Ryan - but already bes been struck by how close-knit they are and their positive attitudes. "They're 50 dlown ta earth, sucb arnazrng people, and you see how much effort they put into every- tbîng," he said, addîng it was easy to get excited about the fundraiser. Christopher was dîagnosed with cerebral palsy st the age of mune rnonths. He has lirnited use of bis arms, bts eyesight is damaged and he cau't feed himself or grab hold o[ abjects. He also can't operate his wheelcbair on his own, and can speak only a few words. But, said bis mom, his srnile can light up a room. He also has a high level of comprehension and is very social. Ltsa said she can't believe how much effort Smith and his frnends are putting iat this eveut. -I baven't met anyone quite like him - ta wanîta do ah ithat to help out," she said. "I'm quite overwhelrned by the whole thing." its an amazing group of friends that bas devoted their trne ta this fundraiser. Although they've eacb gone their separate ways - Smith actually lives out of the country and is just home for the holidays - a group of about 70 friends remain close aud keep in contact, ofren seeking out chariiy apportunities. Two years ago, the group trav- elled ta Chicago ta participate in the "Embrace Race," where they broke the record for giving the most hugs in 24 hours. Anyone who would like ta donate a pnize for the Chnistmas party or buy advance tickets can caîl Smith at (905) 462-1887. Stephanie Hounsell can be reached ai sthiesserî@mîltoncanadianchampi- ofl (arn Local bands to perform for Sick Kids Three local bauds will rock the house for chanity ai Hardball Cafeé nexi weekend. Classic rock group Traffic, Fo Fighters trîbute band In Your Honor and promineni local ensem- ble The Randalîs will bit the stage Saturday, December 20. Tickets cost $10 ai the door, with a portion of the proceeds going ta the Tarontos Hospital for Sick Children. Cancert-goers are also asked ta bring a non-perishable food item donation for the Halton Food Bank. The music begins ai 9 p.m.