B14 - The Canadian Champion, Friday. December 12, 2008 HIT MILTON Wl JUST MADE TOUR EXTRA VALUE EVENT EVIN 111711 FOR A LIMITED TIME Brian Goodwin Rob Farrant Richard Nelson George Peruzzi Anthony Andrews Jet Green David Gallinger Saes &Leasing Saes &Leasing Sales &Leasng ae &Leea g Sap ea o rdir manageM anorai Manager Tearn Member Team Member Team Mererrer Teare Memiber FoSem ýrd W ý r 'O S. .rrrrrA. eeer Bring In An Unwrapped Toy For Our Annual Salvation Army Toy Drive! GALLINGER c5i;ýe LINCOLN (/a&e aed 7éewe,?,.wee 1967 Luxury levels and Performance panache weII worth checking out from SATISFYING on page BlO0 heater ducts " Power group " Push button start " A power tiltltrlescoping steening column with dniver memnorv and cruise control a Tire pressure monitoring systemn Tberes a wholc lot more than 1 can fit in this story but the fuit bist of cquipmcnt can be scanned at the Lexus websitc. The 2008 6$ 350 starts at $51,000. Ail GS pnices wcrc chopped by $1900 this past sommer and the folks at Lcxus stress that the 2008 model added almost $7,000 more content with lîttie change in pnice. The nav system mnentionecl in my test vehicle was part of an additional $7.000 Premium Package wi th. " Clearance and Back up Sensor " Power Rear Window Suonshade " Rear Spoiler " DVD Based Navigation Svstem with Backup Camera " Hcadlamp Wasbers " Adaptive Front Lghting System " Rear Seat Sîde Airbags " Rain Sensing Wipers " Heated and s'entlated front seats Anvone checking out the new 2009 miodels wil fnd the staning pnice up slightly to $51,200 but the premîum package is down to $5,900. Check the con- tent levels and compare. We've only touched on the GS 350 here. The uine- up includes a 6$ 350 AWD (an all-wheel-drive model), the GS 450h that boosts the 3.5-litre V6 with electnic assîst for a feel-good eco package with V8-like power, and then theres the top-of-t.he-line 6$ 460 with a formidlable 342 bp 4.6-litre V8 engîne and eight-speed automatic also found in the LS senies. Thaî's a potent array of vebîcles for this competi- tive niche in the sport sedan market. But if se etc talk- ing about competitive, Lexus' 6$ senies fîts tbe bill wîth choices of power, luxurv levels and perfornnance panache well worth checking out. EXTRA ,VALUE YEAR-END EVENT