M4 - The Canadien Champion, Friday, December 12, 2008 Budget to go to council fr~~~~~"à fn il~nw Mn -from MUNICIPAL on page Al another 22 per cent. Counicillors spent mosi (of Tuesday nîght going over this section carefully, with Ward 4 representative Paul Seherer in partîcular probing staff about budget increases and looking for soltness in tbe numibers that nitgbt allow a reduction. In tbe end tbougb, the $25 million tax levy was approved pretty imucb as proposed minus about $48,000 il) cuis. The capital budget on the otbcr band was slasbed by about S2.5 million alter counicîl lors scitecl iii ccii of nte budget a pro- putsed pcdcstrtan bricdgc giing ilver tbceCU rail tracks sîtutb of Main Street between -buttîtpson Roaclanid jancsý Snuiw Parkway Tbiictgb rnany courciillors support tbe walkl- way'i prîtîciple, th-e c(ist vas uinsiclcred toit btgb. Thbe capital budget isu it recily Icînclec bv pritperty taxes. Inisîcacl i gcts more iban bal of its revenuc Irîtîti ccvelîpitni cbarges, as weIl as grantîs and scîbsidicscusage of reserve funds and debi. Iligbiligis of tbc $*,3(- nmillion capital bcudget luir 2009 iniclucleý *Miltoin Spotrts C entrc expansionit $5,899.903 Design lfor nrirnks. puossible poocl, ancl cinitttunity lacîlîties * Communtty park detaîled developmni -$5,326,348 Firsi phase of construction încludîng site servicing, grading, soccer fields, hall fields, parking, and trails e Central Fire Station replacement - $3,589,451i Reconstruction on exisuing Steeles Avenue site e Main Street (Bronte Street to Trentaine Road) $1,907,891 Design and environmnental assessment bo realîgiu Main Street e I ower Base Lin)e S1,678,997 Reconsiruction lfrom l-iltb tmin oSxih Li m desigu w\oi k frin Fourth Lfine o Regional Road 25 and bridge replacement e ( ivic Opcrationi C entre - SI1 458.675 lDesign of ne\,\ Operations C entre (inoved Iroin Nîpissing Roaci to Regional Road 25 .,ouib of Britanniia Road) and conustruction of ,-and/salt domnes 6 Miltin Meinorial Arcna facilitv imnprovenients -- SI1,203,094 Major redevelopinent încluding nev ice surface e C onservation Plani implemei)tation - $1,073,289 Repairs and improvemients to tbe olofl the existing hîstoricTIown Hall and to Hugb I-osier Hall. Town council will lo0k tw pass the budg- et ai ils meeting Monday at 7.30 p.m. Tim Foran coat be eached ai tfoýranýirnl- toincanadiancltwnpion.com. items for Blue Box *Cardboard boxes Fine paper & envelopes *Newspaper *Boxed beverage containers *Plastic 2 botties 4 *Aluminum food & pop cans Items for GreenCart " Turkey, hamn & meat, including bones " Challah bread " Gingerbread "Latkes, fruits and vegetables " Paper napkins " Paper plates and cups items for Garbage Clearînquid4 plastc pakging Christmas Trees: Christmas tree collection occurs in January (urban areas onlyl. Check your Waste Management Calendar or www.haiton.caIwaste for exact dates. Remove ail tinsel, lights, decorations and plastic bags before collection. Ensure trees do flot become stuck or frozen in snow banks. More Blue &Green for aBeter Planet .11.................. ..Otari. *M31- An Invitation to Attend a Community Sustainability Forum with Ken Melamed, Mayor of Whistler, B.C. 'Whistler's Action for Community Building and Global Change Mayor Melamed will speak about Whistier's success with Community Sustainability Planning Thursday, January 8, 2009 Halton Regional Centre Auditorium 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Poster session showcasing various "green" initiatives throughout Halton Region 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Ken Melamed, Mayor of Whistler B.C., speaks about his municipalitys inspiring model and shared vision down a long journey to a sustainable future 8:30 - 9:00 p.m. Questions and Answers with Ken Melamed soi , z*M.* o *..l'léff9à,.t ý