B2 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 12, 2008 CORRECTION NOCE Lexmark x5690Oprinler 1010805. MeanenoeIIiaII the Lemurk x5690 on page 36 of the Deme er 7' We - -ý nùe MM *i qu:.'Nuqh Momo! MaI . - Ige sppr OY CLAUDIOC(U GLIARI / SPLMIAL ii THE CHAMPION. CREATING A SCENE: Hawthorne Village Public School recently took part in the Halton District School Boards 'Creating a Scene,' s seventh annual showcase of dramatîc and dance performanc- es by more than 500 students representing elementary and secondary schools across the region. The event took place at the Mssssauga Living Arts Centre. Youth chorus to perform at Knox The swcet soonds ol the holidays will fli the air on Sunday; whcn thc Milton Youthi Chorus presents ils Christmas performance. The concert, Tidings of Cornfort and JoN, will take place ai 7 p.rn. at Knox Preshyterian Church, 170 Main St. E. ht will Icaînre chidren and young adoîns lromi ages live no 20, singing a repertoirc of Chbrstmas carols and holiday classics. Thc Milton Youth Chorus is dîrected by Karen Caruana-Darling and accompanied hy Nicole Fnsing. The performance will feature guest accompamist Carl Steinhauser. Tickets cost $5 cach, or $20 for a lamily and arc availahle an the door or by calng (Q05) 878-9071. THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL No Passe(PG) Fri. & Mon. - Thu. 710 Fi. & Mon. - Thu. 7,10 Sat. & Sun. 1,4,7,10 Sat. & Sun. 1,4,7,10 PUNISHER: WAR ZONE (1 8A) Fri. & Mon. - Thu. 7:30,10:10 Sat. & Sun. 1:20,4:30,7:30,10:10 FOUR CHRISTMASES<(PG)FR. & Mon. - Thu 630,935 Sat. & Sun. 1250,410,630,935 BOLT (G) Fri. & Mon. - Th. 6:45,9:30 Sat. & Sun. 1:10,345,6:45,9:30 TWILIGHT(PG) Fri. & Mon. - Tho. 6:50,9:45 Sat. & Sun. 12:30,3:50,6:50,9:45 QUANTUM 0F SOLACE (PG)FR. & Mon. - Thu. 7:10,9:50 Sat. & Sun. 12:40,340,7:10,9:50 MADAGASCAR: ESCAPE 2 AFRICA(G) Fr. & Mon. - Th. 7:20,9:40 Sat. & Sun. 1:30,420,7:20,9:40 loss of a friend or farnily member. Thinking of honouri..ng the loss of someone close 10 you may help you during Ibis overwhelming Dotre ,ree Throughout I)ecernber we welcome you 10 visit the J. Scott Early Funeral Home, and select a dove from oor Memorial Tree. Upon taking a dove, you are invited 10 replace it with a personal memoriai card, in memory of someone close 10 you. This dove may become part of yoor own seasonal decorating, as a memorial tribute to your friend or family member. Wýhether the death yoo are remembering happened recently, or years ago - yoo are welcome. ARM a /m4=d J. Scott Eairly Funeral Home 21 James Street, Milton (905) 878-2669 w wearl)duneralhome.com Open To The Public ~ Factory Direct Mon, Tues, Wed 9-6 P hritmasThurs, Fri 9-8 PreChustasSaturday 11-5 Blowout Sale Thursday, Fruday. Saturday ONLY!1 GuaraneedDeilvey For Chrlsbas on AU In Stock ftemsl */Pool Tables *'1/ Poker Tables< Bronte St. 4*/. ars%/Barsitools 4/Gameroout Furiture~0Iltsra r --t 1