Chudle"igh tossed UUL eI mbmlciaume after accusation The Canadian Champion, Frday, December 12, 2008 - A3 By Tim Foran CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF He adnîiîs it wasi2t bis fineot bout, but Haton MPP Ted Chudleigh was unrepenlant Wednesday after being îossed from i the legîslature for accusing Ontano Energy and - Infrastructure M in is te r G e org e Smitherman of ' not telling the i îrutb to Halton N r es ide nt s about why a new hospital in Oakville has Ted Chudleigh been delaved. Chudleigh saîd it was bis firsî time beîng thrown out of Question Period in bis 14 years in provincial polities, but the Conservative felt his actions "got us (Oakvîlle resi- dents) dloser to a bospital.' Amy Tang, spokesperson for Smitherman, declined to comment on Cbudleigb's specifie charges, but said, "Our commîîmeni to the hospital remains unchanged." Wednesday's heated exebange began after Chudleigb asked Smitherman why the govemnment haso't îssued a requesi for qualifica- tion (RFQ), a prelîminary step în the construction of a new hospîtai for Oakvîlle. Dissatisfied wîth Smitbern3an"e answers, Chudleîgh yelled out, "Tell us the îruth." The Speaker asked Cbudleigh to withdraw bis comment, but the angered MPP refused tbree times before beîng escorted fromt tbe room. lronically, Chudleighs removal came a short time alter the Speaker had already admonished other MPPs for displaying poor behav- iour - constantly înierrupting each other - in front of students observing the proceedingo. Followîng the incident, Chudleigh complained that Smitherman hasn't been suffîctent- ly fortbcoming about the reasons why the opening of a new hospîtal at Dundas Street and Thîrd Lîne in Oakville bas been pushed back to 2014/2015 from the original open- ing date of 2013. Infrastructure Ontario, wbich organrzes the construction of large projecîs on behaîf of other proin- cial deparîments, advised Halton Healtheare Services earlîer thîs year the delay was due to a lack of con- struction capacity Smîthermarî expanded on that advîsorv in bis response tcf Chudîeîgb Wednesday when be said bis ministry cecided on the delay after a "sophisnicated con2ver- sation" wîîb the few large conîrac- tors capable of building complex projects sucb as bospitals. Chudleigh disputes this. ie said he bas spoken to igbî companies with the capacity to build hospitals 1ni Ontariot"and everyoinu of iheno said, 'Vol can bciild it righît noxo. Hc denîanded the Pirovince isseCan1RF-Q, Wbich dllîw'e Infrastructure Ontario 183 identify companues qualificd to participat in a later competilive bidding process to build the hospitaf. In an interview iast week, Lîberal Oakvil le MPP Kevin Flynn said an RFQ doesn't makc n3uch sense night now if the Province knows there aren't enough compa- nies available to have a competîlîve bidding process. 'Just going îhrough the niicsns doesn't serve anybody,- Flynn said. 1 "If youre only going 10 gelt one bid, (the charge) is going to be off the charts."i Flynn said hes pusbing for t1he Province io start t1he gradîng and servicing of the 50-acre bospital site in preparation for future con- struction. An analyet on the constructioon industrv in Ontrno said the cor- rent economic climate means man- power shortages previjousfy faced by large construction comparues might no longer he the case. "Ilîs a good lime for governmenî to be launching ihese (public) pro)j- tets,' said Alex Carrick, chief econ- omîst for Reed C onstruction Data- CanaData. Carrick saîd private sec bu con- stnuction projecîx aie slîtxsing down, whicb i' f reeîng 012 workere, and at least some of tben2 would be qualîfied to work on hospitale. -Any kind of bîgf2-rise office building isnlt that much dîfferent that a hospital," Carnick said. Thougb no RF-Q bas beeni îssued for the construction <of11he hospital, the search for a facilîties management services company for the new bospilal lx now in the sec- ond phase - the 'request for pro- posaI process. The biddîng process is designed to find a respondent to operate the future hospital's ener- gy-efficienî systemrs. According to the RF-P the new Oakvîlle-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, wbich xviii replace the exîstîng one on Reynolds Street, xiii be about 1.2 nmillion square feet and have 427 in-patient beds. This may be expanded in stages to 704 becls by 2023/2024. The exîsting hospital is operal- îng at or near maximum capacity, Haltori Heaitheare Services repre- sentatives saîd iin a lettex $12 October. T1he overcrowding meane some patients who are admitted may have t0 remaîn in the emergency room for a day or more before being moved to a regular acute care unit bed, the companys ombuds- man added reeently Tirn Foran eati be reached at îforanCamiltoticanadiaî -~-- f~ 5t0Qlitres of gas! Din pavily I he puiiip 4dýlieVft( 09 Yaris 9!~ 10 K0M ('1 MSRP- ~13,945 c 2.910 AI-new O9CoroIIa CE fi 3 CtA 10mPl) t, SIARIN(lI RIOM i$79*'-4.91> $14,835. 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