Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Dec 2008, p. 25

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The Canadien Champion, Fridey December 12, 2008 - 25 a Dscover vl of your employable okilîs a Deveisp s resunie that esrks a Learn fu market yourself tu employero 3 ilndersfatd and deutlop interview skîlîs * ?bw emala JUNK & ruSSsh reunoual. Greaf rates. We do ail the hease lifting. 4016 -65 5 -8 2 60 t 888-8îunkboys 000 the unkirsys.cont LICENSED ELECTRICIAN for ail tour electrîcal needs. Panel up-grades, psftughfs, te-wdring homes. Reasoniable rates, Cati Joe 6472746866. $15 MATH/ Englsh/ French classes. Aso. af- tnrdlable pruaf e tuforiig any subect/ grade. Great futors. 905-821-2700. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24 hr. answerlng service Phone 1-800-891-4862 1-519-836-1522 FREE lob Search workshop for Experienced Workers ..... ...... ... .. 905 87m24 7&r&etm1aT1 The Burlingion Fost, a division of Mefroland Media Group Lfd., han an immediate opening for a permanent part time Reporter. The Bar- ingfon Pont is an award-winning community newnpaper that publinhes three timen a week. The succeantul candidate wilt be a highly-moti- vated indiiduat who ponnennen encellent wnft- ten and verhal communication nkilln and who cen write cleani crisp copy that attracts and de- manda the readeros attention. You wîil have a journaIinm degree/diploma, he a team player in a newsroom envronmenf and be able fo work within a tauf-paced, deadtine-driven environ- ment. Knowledge o Burlington woald he con- idered an anset. The position reqaîren an indîvîdoal f5 cover arts and entertainment, community torien an au- uîgned, în-depth protiles on focal pernonaltien and general newn tories. Some nîghf work and weekend aunîgnimenfn are required. fnterenfed applîcanto uhnuld torward a renome and two writing samplen, no later than Monday, Dec. 29 f0; Don Ford, Managlng Edttor, Burffngton Post, Hafton Media Group, dford@burllngtonpoat.com We fhank the inferesf of ail applicants however only fhose aefecfed for an interview will be coetacfed. No phone catis or agencies pleane. *MIONEY* * EXERCISE0 * . *INDEPENDENrCE 5Poper routes arnoul ingrjmst kid'sstufi'fl SCellent oppîounls i n Oakstflc for sers ctoinded. conscienfious adulîs. Pan-time- Vednesdavss. Eidavs & saudas. o ick pur O Interc-sted aduits mal, contact Bob ' ( 905) 637-8795. Caz e sz a erz Cmzza erz rez Czzr GEO-FOUNDATIONS CONTRACTORS INC HUMAN RESOURCE GENERALIST Do you have a pasion for human resources and wanting to hefp Speople ? Ara you Iooking for workflife balance ? Are you interesteci in participating in a fast growlng entrepreneurial envfronmient where people are the prlorfty? il so, this is a preat opportunity for someone who is fooking for a part-time position assting with the Humnan Resource aspects of a dynamnic and progressive construction company based In Acton. GEO-Foondufions, a growîng company of 50 emplnyees, iv seeking a Humas Resoorce professoval f0 vopport the "peope' wihin tihe or- ganization, on a fhree-day per week basin, We are looking for a Human Resources Generalist to fake respon- sibilify for dealîng wîfh a broad range of ruman ressaîces funictions and administration. The HR Generaltat wîll assînt in thre administration, impie- menfation and monitoring of apprsved human ressurces programoi and pronîde day-to-day nupport and solutions f0 employees in relation f0 alt areas of the HR fanction. The rîghf indîvîdual oi enioy working wth a euriefy of people and wîll fhirve wth a wide variety oft renponsîbilîties, Primai-y rospanafblllffea include: *To serve an a finit befween management and empîsynes by handlîng questions, înferpretîng and adminîsterîng employee contraci s and helpîng resolve work-relutled problemo -Pan, direct and coordinate work relntîng f0: recruifmrrent, retention, pertormance management, comrpensation, labour relations and employee relations *Develop and/or admînister special proiecto in reas such as: puy equify, employee recognitîo programu, company event s and social actîvîties -Dnpute and conflîct renolafion *Adminierîng company benefîfs/pension program *Adnîsing managers on organizational polîcy manters *Develop and admîninfer Performance Appraisalu/Oevelopment Plans *Asniof oit h wrîfîng resumes as part oft client proposaIs Knowledge and SkI Requirements: *Abilify f0 anderofand and respect confîdentîalîfy -Mnimum of 2-3 years esperience in a Humas Resoarce role *Team Player .Companuîonale -Positive, pro-active, 'can-do attitude *Strong interpersonal and communication sklîs wth the ability f0 analyze dut a and provîde recommandations *Enîsys coordînatîng company events *Abilify f0 bud rapport oîfh field staff Dse ruo me consfiainfo, ooly thove who are selected for infervien' wîllire covtacted. Pfeaae aubmtt your résumé In confidence to: lhughes@focustnsigfsfs.ca people getou* - thn e oueta Ou Bur *.o soe nees a o o'.MEC-AN . -idotmr tne.ajb Diegaiti1cardý VISIT: www.gitcardcaalongue.ca Circulation Deparimenýt Reqoîres Part-time Staff " lv roesoa phone manner " Work wutl with minimal supervision " Be comfortable wîth computers & office equipment " Be wilîng f0 work ciosely witli or youfh carrier force " Be a quîck learner " Be very reliable and reoponoible " Be able to work somne evenings " Have own vehîcle and valîd drivers lcense Please send your resume and avalabilityschedule to: Kim Mossman e-mail: kmossman miltoncanadi nh minCOM Fax: 905-876-23649- NO PHONE CALIS PLEASE MitCp Home Outftteru ww.homeoufflflem.com M .Houa Claaning SHINE CLEANING Service caoi cdean your house, apartmenf, ofice, moue i, moue ouf, narty & renoua- fions. 9058242376. Hovme HOME, OFFICE renoua- fions. You need basemeef tînîsired? New bafhroom, renaît al Samuel Seneral C on t ra ctris 4f16823-f5f6. SPECIALIZING IN Fiant îsg, ry-oatt & Tapnn. No lob fos smatil 17 ears exp. ttasemrenfs, Addfions, Hardwood Floor fiefinish- îng, Finish Carnenfry. Cati 41 6-566-0492. ~ntS&,~S .svos&n, Tire Say Arna Learnng Centre 2nd useor u6o HarngioneCourt tturlingtsn, ON L7N aN4 The Bey www.theby.com cn "Cîneplen SaSem-s ci.* 9 wwcineplex.com www.sears.ca FB Cames www.ebgames.com Hakim Opflcal www.hakinioptical.com HMV www.hmv.ca Home Hardware Stores Uimited www.honehardware.ca Longo Brotfhers Frit Market f nc. www.Ibngos.corn www.grocerygateway.com M&M Met Shops www.rnmfmoathops.com Moxies Clauuic Grflf www.rmxies.com Pzza Pzza www.pizzaplzza.ca Shoppers Drug Mart www.shoppersdtugmartca W wWeepeiece.ca Sir Coi-p Service fnupired Restaurants www.sMrcorp.comi Wal-martiwww.walmarLca The Source www.thesource.ca ENTER FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN VISIT ww.lgîlteparutaîolueci Burlington Post DISTRICT SERVICE rij1 REPRESENTATIVE-iJ The quali fed candidate w Il pouses excellent wrten and verbal communicafion skIs and wll r fd . bave working knowledge of Microsoft office. You w Il be cutomer focued in ensua ng that our cufomers dstributor needu are met. n CE thîu role, you wîll work clouely wîth the carrier force by enuuring ail newupaperu and distribu- E4M tion productu are delivered in a tîmely manner. You will be organized and capable of workîng wîfhîn a faut paced, team oriented environ- ment, If yoo are înfreuted rn workîng for a leader in the media indufry fhîu opportunîfy may bu the right onu for you. If infureufud pleasu forward yoar rusumu: cbabineau@burlingtonpost.com Fax: (905) 632-7768 We appruciatu the intereut of ail applîcants however, only those selecfud for an interview wîll bu contacted No phone calIs or agencîus please. ENTER FOR YODR CHANCE TO WIN L i I mq 7711 MMM7MI-mr7mmM7MIM"ýMXIMMMIMMMM IMM Gourtesy of cine.

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