24 - The Canadian Champion, Friday December 12, 2008 Index: Real Estate 100-135 Business 140-169 0Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 2000-239 Community 240-299 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classitied@milItoncanadianchamp ion comi e Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470* HeIp Wanted 500-5 IMon. to Fri.9am-5pm BONUS! Alclassified ads also appear on www.haltonsearch.com! * Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION calI: 905-878-5947 Ad submission by mail or in persan. Thre Canadian Champion, 555 lodastrial Drive, Side Door. 2nd Floor. Milton, ON L9T SEl Deadiîes: Tues, 10 arn , for WedI publication, Thurs, 10 a.rm. for Fi. publicatio Special Feature & Holiday deadlines may vary. Payment: We accept cash. cheque, lterac, Visa, Masterard, American Express.Ail ads placed are nen-refundabie and no credit wiIl be issued. Business accooxîs cao be opened with an approved credîl application avoulable from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS tx ensare the information is correct. Contact yosr Sales Cosoltant mithin 24-Hours if as errsr appears. An error on a Fni. publication must be reported ns later than Mon., il a.m. §[111ussFr Sae m a Hoses F rSale 5-BEOROOM APART-J DISTRESS Sale.- Bank Forecosures MENT tn Acton. Uppvî Free liai of Bank owned properties. fluor of House Large deck Receive o Free Compoferîzed prînfol plcedoîn ree/mos inre Pre-recorded message cludes apptîoces. ublîtîlv.1 1-888 412-9651 eot 1042. aid cabie Avatabte imme OR dtateto Calt 519-853-0921 www.GTADisressSalelist.com or 416 709-4590 10 place pour ad n HomeLîle i'eiace eealtc. rokeaoe ndeperderty Vie CaMedaiChain ci eand operated ctt ,0.,,,.234l EXECUTIVE BUNGALOW hy appoinvO (erarnm- Fac-ssFrnhses thadwoodr e smOFrach custom ktchen. siyîh and hgtî end apptances. PrivaIs ack-yard oasis A a in£us n s vilS in-groand saittvter pool. Extensive 001100 tondscaping ard '-~' sprinkter system. No .s..pportufity in dsappotrnents. $4a5K Woutd lvase 1224 months K St 0 00/m th Kitchener! 1905-689-7179 Set to OPEN in the NEW YEARI MILTON, "DORSET BE A PART of one of Canada's Park'. 4-bedroorno. pool.' fastest growing easual dininag $329900. Pwner trans- ierred, Satordoy showîngs. resaurant and bar concepts. Cati 905699-2781 or vst ttp://dorsetpark cjb.oet G" 3dFood OenusesÉj ý7 OPEN HOUSE SBady2- M IbelvllmTisbeut!u comt oMlo, uig GREAT downtown locataon ~~ateaie~jwith HUGE projected sales. ORANGEVILLE FREE- HOLD Toxohouse Re- ucOd $11l.000ý Nov THE UPS Store Frachse $199900 Total nterton Opportunity vaîtoOto oin AaimaS& renovation South West sec Canada s trgeýst netvnrk Flats Fer Reni fion o Orangevîtte rr 0y- Of neighbouriîood o-aî s b55 usiness service centres CO -ERO wxv.îorsatebyioe a 0îwt xvtîtupsînne 'a ATN 2ERO Csting C 12531 cltor colt1800-6616232 598.rn oî1 ultîlte 117 Is. 519215 0455.- o e l vQietuidng.Nopets, E I Mrtgage, 192 Ctîurcsîit o SoijtO ç'uini.SpeciaI $SMONEYSS Consotîdote REASONABLE INDUSTRI- Pebts Morgagrs 10 95% ACTON 2-BEDROOM AL ants tor rert No tocorne. OBadcredt 061 parîmeot, New rrnsvo 1600 7200snIt vît, 1004 The Morîgage Centre tîos $8000 montS plus ly ng docks & drive in 1t8000 2082 1 1 69 dros .nctudng gosater> 905-277-9347 or www.tgcentre.com Cal 647 294 7664 or 905275-6834 905 607 9644ý 87j Apariments & *Office/Business FIisFrRn ACTON 2-BEDROOM i lm apqtiiens plex. arge luvury Sce 1,2,3 BEDROOM apart unt. on 2n0 floor aith yard. SMALL PRIVATE offices- ments. Avoîahte mmedî $1 150/montS plus hydroc beootîfutty oppointed. Cx aîety. $650. $1,100, CoiltMke 41688,9164. 25 & 401. $1,250 per nionth pion 1905277-9347 or utlttes. Cati 519853-5991 905275-6834. or 905703-4495. ACTON 3 aparîntents. hedroon n vth orivte yard, Business ess'"' 925/montS plus uttes. U 1 niie u~pex $1,150/munth pus lm Opperuiis u oppilorlmes dl tiftes. Cal Etizabeth Pvl oe e ooo Assocites Haton Ltd. JoinriCalada'e 90875165. la rgeot & fa rtest orowinq Greek foodl franchise! GLEN EDEN COL 122 Brante Outstanding franchise 905 2999 101 opportunity at Main & Thompson in Milton (647) 297-3935 -.-.- www.opasouvlaki.ca - ACTON 4-BEDROOM, rvnovaled. Pls basenent apaîtiiîenl $1I300/muinIs plus. C.slast Ni soiok ne, pets. eoied sacky.urd omi e d vi a1 9 05 7 9 4 7 71 416 888 5726. ACTON APARIMENTS vry ceari. quietbhildng vîth iadldry lac lily Oit sie, 1 Sortît apt. s avoulable Open t days & evenînes. Same day approuat Cati 1 519 85 3-4 74 xxv reaisiarca ACTON. AVAILABLE aut ary 1tIClvan,liuai '001 bungaow i Freptacey. C, naige, stove,. avldryi grroid pool Wa k t schsssî St 190 n ,Oqti snarvd Liti ies 519821 48/G ACTON LARGE 2 ed $760/monîlitiplt. nydro onu voler, Ou able '1110v diatety. Cal 416-663 7756 ACTON/ROCKWOOD 1 and 2 tedroon- ivury apartîltnts. Aduil 5auilding No dsgs $9C or oiintd0 $1,200 rîtooti Mke 4016-8889164, APARIMENT FOR ln across !romî parn 0onn bai M.ion. F venseconid living ocoîn>ktcvi. saIh soon-,parrtt.g tao pets $90000OS icisiveý 905878,6430 or 905 8754217 COZY 2-BEDROOM hoiuse ni Aclon nsth 3rd bedroîoni n a'en vol News viowas, sdg aîîd roofi $975 iii liii piLsý FrsI anîd i05 euived.ail 905 699 9010. DoWNTowN MLTON Mifside Tasers 82 Mii iside Drive. Anrcactive qui0t 0.il ho e Spactoîis boghl cival 1&2 bvdr5.. n-Itswt aîîldryIlacilty und sociai roocrioî 'o hegittar ides v litsv Open 7 dans & evenings Cali 905-876-1249 www.reastar.ca GEORGETOWN 1iBED- ROOM aparloîvîti. Avoulable îîîiîdîatly. Frdgv and sIcv,1 park- ng. Roîovaled. 905 565-0033. N COUNTRY large 2 bec- r0cm apoolmeni xîlh sep- 01db oenrarco. $1,200/rîooilh toclusive. Cati Peler Hrkac 905877 5211. MILTON LARGE t bdrnî brîghl gardon levot. ini ma lune arva. Carkig/ utîlttes/ cabte & inernet inci Large livingronm, lire place. $875/mth. 905-878-7056. Flats For Rent LIMEHOUSE. BEAUTîFUL country seti g hetouevi Geogetowniand vclsn' O0îgiît ,1 eoti nîi base mnvil apaîrîi $905 0.0111 vuvrylhiig s n.udvHilgri spvd intîernevt / satlitîe. Ns pets Cai 519 85 39743. MILTON. I-BEDROOM hasemn , ,paciouis civaii strard entraîl v. parking, preir is0iîsn oeîîgrig ealy. ail inclusîve 9058761159 MILTON- cozn 21bpont. Osevîvcît aurer SOntario Street Sepvraloe etrance. parking, large PaIn ns s fl Sali, 1tub, van t. i rvi. storafie Otite' & cose, check, 91 i 905 876 056 MILTON large Or gIrt t bd4r0 001 riemi0 dvcsrar ed> appl 3paivrig, laun 0ry, use of sockard Close Il ot0 y, î,îJat' ItI 9058765581. MILTON- 100i10 tbec 'oooaparlnerîlchrry kilhen, voo loor gaý t rvpiacec ý9OO i O Oit. tle Ava dabie Jai,, 20309 Csntact Sc0ot nr> Reax Reai Folate, 9008187777 MLTON, NEW 1tbd, rît basenri vîtapl Separale enloanceititlies. 010 irkn n îîîovd $907 ils. Oua oSe jan 1t 4168174383 MILTON- 100 Mîtsîîre Or ?lbedr'cl s.' 00, 5 apptý Gynuît udla 1.door p000o $140 010 h O"(cý uiîtîtO& ton Avaltble Muarchi1t905 8/8 1198 MLTON. NEW 2 bout rn-m 2 salt ondo bý fluor ove. 1010 g Puni 110 ippýp' r- .îo gr o sr parkig. Oar tîirepiace. ft nes cnre, Oua 10111v ti nedote y, $1/50 10 oit.lu ttir hes. George 9 05 6 8 q 5 99q 416 318 6520, Fer Reni 3 BEDROOM country toper. puttine green, nOv v ndonss. appiarîces, 10cr- 1ig. Cvntrai air. $1500 -per monts iin l i. 905.876.4299 3-BDeM HOUSE main es et. near 401, Sydro rot nct Free noble & internet, $i 1200/rrth. Fi-,st/ ast/ refereticesý 3-car parkng, 289878 8330 or i905 699 0902ý arobaa dehsiroosO0ahoo.ca. BRAND NEW 4-bedroon- semi, prrnîum lot oackîrg on 10 brevobvir, apprnv 1900sqfl. tcitîdes 3 orand ne w app10 ces. $1 655A l'o + ,tttitvs 416899-8690 FLAMBOeOUGH. NEWLO rvnovoled country home. S bedrooms 2 haihronns (iacurot tub) trîdgv. stove. dîshwasher, on 3 acres. S1850/mo. plus utlltes. Cati 905592-3328. GEORGETOWN 2-BED- ROOM main floor or house'. Srnroom/dvck. Hardvu n /f ridg e/stluvs and parking. Near GO, No- pets. ebruory lIst. $975/monttt inclusive. 1-705799-2586. GEORGETOWN 3 , I svrorn iials/pper levolt of house Hugo dock ands povasie toi. Sotlite V,1 P dry. parking 8hA li cusive $1.600 niontlîl li daIe. Mapte 'Mountiiueus Call 90538668439, GEORGETOWN. 3-BED- BOOM brick country OuI galons O 'C. waaer soSteerr iroptoce. SuppiN arices, n, sosr soosi.g S1, 300/ totrîl plust ultire Cati c 905877.3661c t GEORGETOWN 3-BED- ROOM. top lioounga tIo, 2opa king. viiaooi îî. .îgotoit.No .ecnktig.oet' OOuayI S 1.'000 oîIl i icusive Ca' 905 299 2458, GEORGETOWN, LARGEë bulot g o eIlntcim'e I ýhoots/ '5 pp'nOr, Cqusot y sinles Clcoparu. kavitabtO inied aIely $1.700 litn pics îîtîîotis Fr tasl Cal 416-626-8171 HUGE 3-BEDROOM bui. 9,la lons 5 5004 ba'e Oct r aid Georgeon < itl ies, CaP Otr-l H rko 905-877 501 MILTON BRAND cens lrever hiver] n, 2200sqo ht dbhdrnîr amil, r Oi 10f/p delachva '0,5e oP erry/ Scott avaîtable for reit 4168325360 or 90550O17492 MILTON BRAND ew lever vd i,18i0sq o 3 biriii, oi, iy oom 416832 5305 or 905 501 7492 END UNIT ncnsito use i Six Mlton, excelletnt condi tien), $1 390 loitI healtydîo, 3 bSen, a c. grge lokng tor 2 cars). Cal Crs416l209 2586 MILTON, BRONTE St. Sou1hWetlkt TH1 83br, 3both, CAC, garage, Pi volne drivepark. close 10 scitouts. 300so il $1400 monoS + utîtlies Aval Jon ItI Contatc beon (à 905 302 0561 or tshnsraceralgmatt con- MILTON. NEW 3 Sooroons fireehotd, 5 appitooces, rc/u air iîshed Soasemeno, garage. Proiessîoot / e tI ovOcouple. Proier rio pets/ nont smokers. $1500/intc plus tiilitios 9 05 8 64 6 7d48 905-842-826& MILTON- News 4 bedroot s on 2100 sq.ft. granite, 25battih,$1650/mo Coli 905 997-7885. s . RomsFo"' la Ret lWanted MILTON LARGE moto itoor bedrocen. shared fa- cîtîltes. Ovuit sectuded country hume, Mate pie Ierred. dOl Puetph LCmv $475/mc 905854-0359. R OOM FOR lentO shared accommodations, close to GîO train, pay weekty monthly. 9050878-0225. S aired Mm Acmdaien MiAIN/ Soonîr 0ev de1 tailivo home hn, 0011 10 shure. I-soi $595/mth, Preler nso smocking/s 9015 56,6-4642 MILTON LARGE bodroso' lItieý & interîetl i ci, hutiabte m1000001y Hou' v Lias pet'. $601 /mIs. firsî iasI les 9052?99 2171 MICTON OIO M for renI 5500int I1robrard 0ew oeauthui 'oineAit uti ies plus casie and uire(ess in 1011 el nciudv0' Cen a!e prefvrred Pte a'e Ca.i 905 611.5826 EXPERIENCED LIVE-OtiT idn neded insmecdlv ey 15 nae for 2 chiidrer Fîrsl au ,Cf'hpoice chook, o id lceîîsv 0a.d Iransporta t'l nvedvd Please foruant orsirne 10 Mpo uitl 289 260 18h9 Babsitn g MILTON: NEW Il the arva and0 ifi voperale 'îvvd of vabstîle' Waîîled Occa iOFaib, lur' evnîngs and vevet o s.Studvnts oet comv Cali28987801396, îîîrv aOn w2mîesvicsî 401ail Hdto2 1 dOîiy y Cai 16 t726 ALL E est PMlus t iii lastic Pube 25 trss eilcue.tee tuers 905961 for73 BUFFEP HUTC. Par mates-îul 202hmghle52'ong 4and 17' nvep25.$100 Masîvo & 1015' tnylon car pue S275.dolîingînoîr & haisfor$8 tmrictudes cor- pret. pad& fiotîoî 30e $7ards) g$95 Sti ee ie90561207 GRFET, UCHîSTASk 905-80754orem. HORT TUBavSpoCversi pet. pnîcedo si vgoi it& hape ors38g icturs cati 90-6865920S preset ecraccGiarwt HOT TUB/ Spa-Brand cens 2008 noîdet v atltions, 4i and cover. SUIif)triarpperA Cosl $8995., Sacrice r 14750, Coui 9(J5971 1777 o POOL TABLE. Brand lion, siiii boy Sotîd Wod,2 tOSlte. AtiAccessorivs t nosî $6,700, Sel $1 950ý 905 304 9994 SNOWTIRES, 4 Purtop5 Srasp.c 21560 16 a.l are t 16x7 situer rîms Evceî ltf condtion/ 11000 ils Cee us (Toyota) $500. 905 878 5284ý SUPERIOR AUDiO, Oîdc1( g Alr- 0versîockvd' Great Christmas gift Nens $2' Sharp IV Specota 1Cdic loi (C52SE9401 $2599 pus Iav 905873-7813 M ile anted ALL BEST Co$n$ Poîo Con's, exy tery Sotd. Sul ver, P.omoîîds, China CrysîalSîlser, Figurines, Royal Pouloi, SO'OlOvski, Att anique urnshîn.gs, Ail. Coi oclîbtesetc.Fslate SpoiaitIsnsp Cash, Cai [CImIIChia s rees JPTREE FARM Caf your sws Sprsce. Pine. Balsam, 6-7 feel. Large seleciion nf wreafhs (tarm prîcea). Hwy 25 tD 15th Sîderoad fors W to th Lise N 1/2 mile. Open Nov. 29 Dec. 19 mPets, Supplies DACHSHUND PUPPIES, miniture long 000iv e nuies, ed 1t ed male Shoîs, $375, 00kvilbe 905 849-7136. Q ' Cr urSale 1994 PLYMOUTH Sun dance. gond rîîîunung condi- ion, $300 obo. Cai 1997 ACURA 1.6 EL. 440cr, situer, todvd, 240.OOOkms. E tosred/cer tfed. $2,000. C l 905-702 725, Car fr Sale 2000 MAZDA Proîge. 4-door, situer. AvIomalîc toC power ns ndsnsAocks, remole sta ter.$1.500 obo. Runs Great.0 C' 519 853 9403. 2002 CSvv vrecrureEv lenoed Van, situer, ons kn- s, $4995, Stesssr Mo- IsIs Milton, 905-878 1797, oSter nouos cait 647 444 5083 30 cors/volts/ tcrs onder $5000, cal for delaîts, Wl faK Or ensaît ilventoOy 51t 2004 0-yvodai Santa Ce 4 door, sî ver ails, tooded, tons kn-s. $8995 Stessor Molors Mlton, 905-878 1797. aller hours cai 647-444-5083. aeree Tn ing Thinkieg ai becoming a Teacher? Tran toc l eccme a Teache fE'g 'as a Secons Lai gt.agt TeannhEqgish Ic r 'nees tlcanada or goab oan Oadtous! te wv 10 Now accepliog appicatîooa for TESE Diploma atartirg FTîin Janaary. Ev e ent o eae rat14 n n Os' pni n-oby TESs Ontan, & T ES C Canada Requesi ant applt'in lodayl 905-896-000 w nscýgvotvoucators ta >m suites located in a n. social room & lobby ful downtown Milton iighways, GO Transit ?d on availability UF k S )01 'iý