The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 12, 2008 -Al 5 exclusive of taxes. No aster may be combined with any otherfiogers' offer, unless specified. Regular monthîy rates appîy after promotionai periods. Certain restrictions may appiy. Some devices, products, channels and services not availabie in ail areas. * A $69' monthîy System Access Fee lnon-government fee), a monthiy 501 911 Emergency Access Fee lnon-governmenvt ee) and a one-time $35 Activation Fee appiy in addition ta the monthiy service fees. Local airtime aver the aiited mxnthly minutes in the plan long distance and raaming charges, any additixnal service options selected and applicable taxes are extra and are asa biîîed manthîy. Eary canceiain fees appiy. 1 Offer applies to al new arrivaI DVDs. Adult Mxvies and Eiu-ray Disc rentaIs are exciuded. 2 Offer applies ta 5-Day Rentais. Trademarlts of Rogers Communications lac., Rogers Wireiess or Rogers Cabie used under license. AIl other braxd names or lagos are the property of their respective amners. AIl rights reserved 0 2008.