Learn about French Immersion The Halton District its French Immersion pro- grams at various schools around the region in December and january. The board is already mak- ing preparations for the next school year, so sessions regarding the board's French Immersion programs have been planned at its designat- ed centres. Ihe Halton board offers immersion and extended French to, students begin- ning in Grade 1 (early) and Grade 7 (extended). In these bilingual programs, elemen- tary school students attend a Halton board elementarv rcturned bo the students receive haîf their daily instruction in English and haif in French. "This provides students with the opportunity to achieve a working command of French and simultaneous- ly acquire the personal growth, knowledge and skills expected in the regular program," said a school board press release. Registration forms for French Immersion programs are available at any Halton public school, including the French centres listed below. Applications should be Information evenings will bc held at the flîowing French Immersion centres in Milton: - Tuesdlay, Dcc. 16 E.W Fosier PS., 320 Coxe Blvd., 6:30 p.m. * [hursdavJan. 8: Robert Baldwin PS., 180 Wilson Dr.; Martin Street PS., 184 Martin Sti; both 7 p.m. Parents with questions about can contact Marcelle Faulds at the New Street Education Centre, 3250 New St., (905) 631-6120, ext. 437. Catholic board finalizes ail deals The Halton Catholîc District School cent wage increase duning each year of the Board has ratified settlements with its cleni- four years, as welI as non-monetarv and cal and technical office employees who are housekeeping changes to the ctirreni coliec- members of Canadian Union of Public tive agreement. Employees (CUPE) 3166, as well as its cus- T he agreement with the boards more todial/maintenance employees who arc ihan 155 cusiodial/maintenance cmploves members of CUPE 2888. (CUIPE 2888) also includes a 3 per ccnt wagc Both agreements cover the four-year peni- increase duning cach vear of the four vears. od of September 1, 200810o August 31, 2012. as well as non inonciary and housekccping fhe settlement covering the boards more changes te, thc currcnt Collecctivc agrccmcnt. than 200 clerîcal and technical office Thc board has now ratîlîed agrcemcnts employees (CUPE 3166) provides for a 3 per with ail of its unîonîzcd emplovee groups. The Canadian Champion, Frday, December 12, 2008 - Al13 Tatiana r5O' Art~7tud0 Orawîing and Painting Lessons Ages 6 & Up CLASSES ONCE, A WLEK 270 Sherwvood Rd., Milton 905-876-9239