Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Dec 2008, p. 12

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Ai 2 - The Canadian Champion, Friday December 12, 2008 Standing up to bulli to combat bullying Tina Depko METROLAND WEST MEDIA GROUP ~You must be the change you want to see in the worid." That famous Gandhi quote served as the theme for an anti-bul- iying conference hosted by the Halton Catholic District School Board and the Halton Region iast Friday. Two students from each of the Cathoiic boards 47 eiementary and secondary sehools attended the event, formaily calied Be the Change! Youth Leadership and Action Day The focus of the conference was to give students the opportunity to iearn new skiiis that couid be used in the halls and ciassrooms to com- bat the age-oid probiem of buiiy- ing. While they were picking up fresh ideas, students were aiso Danielie Waiker, a Grade 6 stu- dent at St. Brigîd Eiementary Schooi in Haiton His, is a member of ber schooi's Peace Team. The Peace Team program, which start- ed iast year, works by assfgning a virtue to each month. WVhen stu- dents around the schooi are seen practising that vtrtue, such as responsibility or respect, they are given a charm they can wear on a neckiace or bracelet. "ht is ail about heiping others, like heiping someone tie their shoeiace," Walker safd. "Everybody is a person and you shouidn't treat people badiy. Buiiying makes them feel really bad about themselves. Some peo- pie can corne up to you and cali you naines and you wiil think that you are a geek, which is bad." The conference [eaured hands- on workshops, with students working on projects like vrtue necklaces and posters wth anti- bullying sogans, as weii as guest speakers addressing topfcs like NIKKI WVESLEYI METROLAND WVEST MEDIA GROUP BRAINSTORMING: Students (from left) Krysta Peralto, Taylor DeClerico, Jessica Novak and Danielle Walker brain- storm during the Be' the Change! Youth Leadershit and Action Day onlîne safety and cyher bullying. One unique aspect of the event was that both elementary and sec- ondary sehools were represented, with students from Grades 6-12 ier!*People whol rWebV ake first aidl rairong reduce~ their personal New Homes Od-world quaity craftsmanship makes a highly-sought buder. Real Estate Dan ooper introdoces hone siagîog for the holdays. Health & Beauty s there a way to look yoooger sîthoot sureryt n Motion Great tipi to make the iding of a car simple 'Mand stressfree. Lifestyle & Leisure This îdoor/ooidoor .1 synthetic prodoci s sotable for ail possîbîfties of c(e actisîties. L Home & Garden There are foir major TV iL ~More ison the way n the Ktchen 1Oer tme your ahbits cao beg ito look tred faded or ot of style. taking part. "We really stress to them to be the change you want to sec in the world," saîd Rosanna Bird, chiid and youth counsellor wîth the Catholij board. Il they are a hîgh school student. miode! it, hecause elemnentaîy students wii foiiow'- Tayor DeC lentco, a Grade 1l student ai Notre Daine Secondarv Schoîî in Burington. said the older studenis were fearnîng from the y'ouniger studenîs. She added that hullving is a prohlim that affects students of A ages. -Bulling is an issue, it hias heen OPENS EX EEK! EtullI t( i. t Girls Nighî Osît! WINI $200 $2000 Glass Mosa'c Kitchen Backsplash GRANSTIE L - ý ; -à Visi DiyW sTo oWn "EXUBERANT '~ '/ ~ EXPLOSIVE lOY'" WheNw York ries DUE T0 POPULAR DEMAND, 3RID SHOW NOW ADDED! Sot-Sun Det 20-21 HAMILTON PLACE www.Tikeiistir.îî (519) 763-9277 lie oppi Colseun Box Office l'Va jiWAY r, eAMU lTOS Dn PL e, 1 ?I11,1 ,I *Tues tu Turs 5:301 9:45 Pm Every Sat & Sun 9:00 ami - 3:45 pin 4 DAY COURSE SPECIAL! December 27, 28, 29 & 30, 2008,* January 2, 3, 4 & 5,2009 DO & G2 Roas trPeparaior ighis, Wakaodo &94 Early SRoibir & hicie 25rs B asi uthe iouunht0 o C cutiva Day Courai Provided For Road Teai 25s Ara al-Ciaeo: C Taiin aliabie ipaciat Pakage Raes & Whcil t ention r iiiou o denDulCri r s Payriot Pans Avaiailo iaSnitalFor uai s Dersiva Drivai Fors aOa idcbo, ~~~~rsî:otaTraiing cornes in aul forms, physically and emotionally and we have to stop it because schooi is a place for ieam- ing and shouid be a positive expeni- ence, not a negative one," she said. Students shouid be ahle to iearn in a sale enviromneft- Notre Dame has severai anti-hui- fing initiatives. according te DeCienico. The schooi has an anti- huiiying comntriitee of staff and stu- dent members, with the student countii and athletic association aiso deveioptng anti-huiiying events and strategies. Students are aise weaning and exchianging wristhands creatcd by a pair of Oakviie entrepreneurs thai ceichrate randonn actsof !kinidnes- Tlhis ninnths message ai the Sch'Ilooe- sI t- Coo, iF() ire w NIih st dlents denning bluc and w huete show thei support to stop) hniiving 1-eeefrein eesdifferent aspect o! thie -choof e- rea ,Iiy corning togeiher and w orkîng on tit- proi- ecci. DeCierico saîd. A rec cnt event showed that the students ai Notre Dame aie w'aiking the talk.We a maie studcnt ai the schooi wvas nidîculed for Wear- -see STUDENTS on page A14 Opein iOvICSe5 153 Mcow I Crs., $23500, KanTmchuioo altO bayero inie t i$250 1311 Weter Crosing, $319,900, Pat Rideaut Remar Rai Estato Centre. 905-878-7777 1077 eacia, $369,900, Kim Scott 865 Gazfey Cice, $270.900, Amy Fiowers 1545 Evans Tenrace. $294900, Sari heun 2340 Arnold Cris., $319,000, CiiiiiA Pro 9M3 Zaiiiay trio., $389.900. Jaries Micaiiei 1311 Weiier Crising, $319.900, Pat Ridenui Royal tepago tseadnlwnet, 905-878-8101 1026 Cmiring Rid., $3090090. Chffi & Andea Seveiiikdis Prudential Town Contre Relty 905-878-9100 PleaseDont Drive VouteersaIways need5~j Ministry Approved Beginner Driver Education Course Provider d%#%n #%ftn ddAA 81ONIPISSING PD- UNIT 100, MILTON 905.593.5544 11-11 "Il"' Il 111, MILIUIII 0. & Operated 1 r m m

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