A10D The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 12, 2008 3'>1 Ma\erin t, MîZtonUtro9uâ-8,ib-ôàjà ww.hlyrosa!yparish.ca Our faith community welcomes new parishionersI Lord's Day Mass 1-mes: Saurday'-5:3Op.m. Sunday -830 am.,1:00a.m & i1:30Oam Sacrament of Reconciliation Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 7:00 pm. - 9:00 p.m. Thursday, December 18, 2008, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Friday, December 19, 2008, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday, December 20, 2008, 10:00 arn. - 12:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m.- 5:00Opm Tuesday, December 23, 2008, 7:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. No celebrations of Reconciiation affer December 23j 2008 Solemnity of Christmas Christmas Vigil Masses for Families with Smal Chidren W.dnesday, December 24, 2008 5:00 p.m. Bishop Redng High School 5: 15 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Holy Rosary Parish Solemn Midnigiht Mass Wednesday, December 24, 2008 Carol Service - 11:30 p.m. Solemn Midnight Mass - 12:00 arn. Masses During Christmas Day Thursday, December 25, 2008 8:30 arn., 10:00 arn. & 11:30 ar. Thom r* reno afternoon or evening Masses anywbere hinfthe Diocese of Hamiton on December 25, 2008 Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God Haly Day of Obigation in Canada Wednesday, December 31, 2008, 5:30 pm. Thursday, January 1, 2009, 9:00 arn. and il:00 a.m. There are no afternoon or evening Masses anywhere in the Diocese of Haiton an January 1, 2009 Solemnity of the Epiphany Saturday, January 3, 2009, 5:30 p.m. Sunday, January 4, 2009, 8:30 arn., 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. Charges laid after-woman, Il l i -àci à, >t A niaitansc woisais weîc assactt ciecctie 2 ai tise coiinecrtif Mais ansc Bell stî-ccîs ns a cluits'ttc sitcuation. Poliîce saîd a HaitcsîsHulis womnas and a nmale acquaîîstaîce, l'romsiMitonî, were waikiisg ai(ing Mais Street wlses tlsey were appînacîseci ai abucî9qpris. by' a ti knciw's icithe wornasaîsd a dispute brike out. No inj]uries were caused and tio weaposis were iisvtsved. A 49-year-oid Nuîrx'aitman bas been charged wiîh assauit, criinai isarassisicut, pîîssessî îg a danger- ocîs weapcîî, ass,îult wîîh a weasous aîsd utterng a ilîreai in cusîsîectîoîs wîîh the above incident aîsd inîci- denîts datîîsg as far back as î5ebruar-y iicicdiuig ,snc îîsolvtig a pellet guis Cabbie slapped; suspect sought Police are lsokiig l'or a scuspec t whx'lsssapped a cab driver ns the GIO iTranssit lut lasi Friciay sîsmn ly alicu Thec'drivet w as Hagged doss i li a isaitliii o a'.kecl tsgoisli Misýsissaciga A disagreeiiiiii hoke oui insîde the cals aîd tise suîspect slappcd tise driver osiitise back tof tise head Iselore geîîîsg suit aisc ceciisg. The susiseci ix deserîbeci as aî wiîîiti ale, beiween 45 ansci50 Police~'~.- ', d r ail ouct 181 poisuics, ansc about lise bus i i1 He was wearîîsg a black isoodeci wînter esat iwtls the lsisud us aîsd was earryiisg a blaek bag eusîîaîu- tng a pouwer drill. Thete were iso itnjuries. Moorisiflices after collision Poslice are isvestigating anintci- dent cof a îsctîrîst whii drisse off ai-ter sîrîkîîîg ancther driver", car. Police saîd a wîsîîaî was drîs'îng w'esîbîsuîîd Ssii Canîphelix-ilie Road ansc lsad sslecitii turî s susis uisîi Twîss Road ss'len a vehîcie aitensîteci tu îass ber out he rîglît and sîrcîck her sehîcieuîs tIse pas- senîger sîde. lise scîsîpectilied. csnittutsg w csthcsund onsCaîîpbellil'ie Road. Thle suispect,, sehîcie is deset ibci ,îs a redcomtspact car w'itiite'lsîc tterîsgý Abouct S i,500 clariage w as caisci is tise sic tits lsîchIle Teen arrested f0low'ing crashi A\ NilIhustecsi h,'.Iscîcîscargeci tri conittec ttis sxîis auis îcîdetît in Oc tîsîet. Poîlice saici a sinsgle sehîcle acci- dciii îsîk iplace asi lsîîîspsosîsRîsac aîsd Chbld', Drive osiiOLctihr 22 anîd tise dciver îîîîk off. ( --NILFISK FUN FACT #1 1910: Created Europe's irst single user vacuum cleaner TH ALUE*F QAL ... Wliat uic' resi of tise wîsrIcI lus ksuw sIsor gec'îeatîcîts.tiscosi i C asaa.N liîsks attenstions ii cicali', andtclltai gis-ý,es cxc i", îtt a ofîîîîîcî cl cî , cat '. spari'., andcilaboursci t sîisîtgcatistec. 1mSUPRS A FRAB : 1 Model CV20 Unit ansd El eetrie Accessory Kit Suggested Retail $109900 NOW ONLY $799.0 L>J!SK" "Milton's Vacuum Specialists Sitce 1988" 785 Main St. E. LfJE (across [rom ihe GO station) I 905-876--3394 Alier lui-ither investigation, an \Nis ý es m a ade and a i 7 xeai nid iale lias heen charged -'uh public nîischiel, laiing to stop aitihe scene of an accident and îaking a vehicie withîsut tise ownc-iirsý consent. Teens to enter diversion program i hrce Milton teens will go tht ough the laton Regionai Police youth diversion programin it con- nectitin wih a break-in lasi sumn- nier. Sormetinie heîween July il and 17, a vacant farrnhouse on [humpson Road was bruken insu, with walls spraypainîed and other datoage caused. The teens are ail i 7 year-oid maies. Charges has-en's been laid. Salon broken jin A WVilson Drive salon was bru- ken ino Decemiber 4 and the cash regîster was stien. Poulice saîd the incident occurîed scîmetimec arunci 230 ani. at Neo Cenirix. iThe frotn docir glass svas siasîteci hsctnknowsusî cspectis to gain cuti', .Fic eegisser coistainecdilumudi'- cluisc'ci ,îuîîc il of cash. Vehicle stolen A s ehicie p,îrkeciou'\iilh)orough inte ws' stîuien n the inicidie cf the das M1onclax Police said the vehîcle xsas parked iii a drivexsay and was stolen hv cinknlownsu cspects suine- tinte heiweene 10 ain. and 3 pi. Tihe veiele t', a black, diesel- licleci 1(-Q3 GC pick-up ritcck hI hlsia ' hxsa l\siios, vplcsxsatiîc heci to il anc Itie s 'icl\is e s, spelieci Inîî iiiiack i, ' ' îcicpliie 18. 0W 1'.\i_11C' îu slLI ' ,îhucid al I J00.sO \chicles broken intu A icitibet f cisehicie-, have heets iici i.iitnsovsci the pasisc\esci ,l cli',ilci 4,avsil pat kec i iia Dh)îsiii sti cci dritsec '.ttsiic(ets, police'icaticI ansalhe\-II ih sesaisie iigit. îss îî sehicies pai keciii nIi xtiiciDritseclix',s 'N c'C ent eci 1-toisi tise lii si x.Cii cie, oui', change wsas stîsies. i-toits tise secondc, wicls xxas cîlccked, suspects msade coff w sus a Magellans CPS cunit andsch iarger wocrth $300. Jcîsî helore i ans Mcnday a Mercedes parked ai Mohîawk Siots on Guelph iUtie was broken itss. Thiexes sîssaslied tise window ansd stole a (,PS and a Sony' pocrtable CD/MP3 player valiued ai a total of' $300. Ilutise saisie parkinsg lot, sorie- tusse betweeîs () aîsd 1l:45 s ts Motîda', a seconsd veisicle isaci lis wiisco-w lrokeis, ansd agalîs a GPS, see THIEF on page Alil Security Solutions f or Hon rBusiness 1E9578-4634 1 --l v-