The Canadian Champion, Frday, December 5, 2008 - A9 Teenagers assaulted and threatened with knife Police lard .ssrrr ar,:sr's -frei- o".crri - w spoli c pIPIih ti Tn 'ibP !w r oi«hrîl.,n i' rcdir t uarn rrd i iisc 1oblams Ontstario10 Sorect shat sats a girl assaulted and ber friend threatened with a weapon. Police said the i 7-year-old female and ber 14-year-old maie friend were walking outside at about 6:30 p.m. when tbey were approached by a man known to the girl. She was assaulted and her friend had a knife pulled on him. The female suffered minor injuries. A 23-year-old Toronto man bas been charged with assault, assault with a weapon, two counts of utter- ing a threat and possession of a dan- gerous weapon. Impaired diving charge laid Police have laid a drunk driving charge in connection witb an inci- dent in the early morning hours Saturday Police said they observed a vebi- dle squealing out of an Ontario Street South parking lot and tben Man injured in violent robbery H ai1t o n Regional Police cmOE is investigatsng a- - violent robbery l>IwTlw Sbortly after ofIIIam Il p.m. November 11, unknown suspects entered the garage of a home on Morley Avenue wbvle a man was parking bis car. The sus- pects forcibly rcmoved the victim, assaulted hsm and ran away with bis knapsack. Tbe stolcn items rîscludc an undssclosed amount of casb and personal identification. The sus- pects were last seen running west- bound toward EW Poster Public Scbool. The victim was takcn to Milton District Hospital, where bc was treated for injuries and rcleased. Tbe first suspect ss described as a wbite malc, 18 to 20 years old, about 150 pounds, wisb dark, busby eyebrows. He was wearing a black balaclava, a black jacket, dark jeans or cargo pants and runming sboes. The second suspect is descnhbed as a wbite maIe, also hetween 18 and 20 years old and about 150 pounds. He was wearing a black balaclava, dark clotbing, a dark green shirt and running sboes. I you have any informationî that leads to an arrcst in this or any other miattc yoiî may be cligiblc for a cash reward. You will neyer have to give your naine or testify in court. Crime Stoppers of Halton locsn't subscribe to caIl display. CaIl 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or sîsit wwwhaltoncrimesstop- ISecurity Solutions f or Home or Business B788-463 A 35r ycar-old Ontariso trcct man bas been cbarged wtb drîving witb over the legal amount of alco- bol in bis blood. Business broken into A Harrop Drive business was broken into overnigbt Tuesday. Police said an unknown suspect cut thbe locks off two large storage containers in the rear lot of Brandelle Industries and stole automotive equspment wortb $9,000. Property stolen from garages Two garages were broken into sometime last week hy unknown suspects. The first incident occurred sometitue hetween November 26 and Sunday as a Tupper Drive home wbere a mounsain hîke wortb $2.300 was stolen. Sometime hetween November 26 and Sunday, a number of tools and portable beaters wortb $825 were stolen [rom a Bussel Crescent home. Trailer broken into A construction trailer on OIT A FRESH STAR?. Get SOLUTIONS now fýor: Credit Card Probems Loss of Job or Loed One Repossessions Major Cash Flow Problems Wage Garnishments Evictiors Persistent Blli Collectors Judgements, Law Sots Student Loan Delinquent Taxes Forecosures Diorce Relted firorcial Problems Bankrupicy con be avooded. Cai us! No charge for iniaoi conauhahion! MIIPADDON + By Appoim 0niOni IYORKE NC 8 508i 225 Main Street East (Main & Martin St.) Milon A better solution! REDHOTHOLI DAY Joîr boof loi rhlReifHOT liday Dot HOT TOOI S riciBED 1EIii) O(t Theespiri isito alivrs orte and hrR w O eAll in our community ErinoakKids helps kids with challenges to be ail they can be We thank ail those who help us help in the spirit of the season You can help us help kids, tool - Go ta Then click Donate - or cali 905-491-4452 ER1N OA F Reg. dharty# 11e8901446RRoO01 P'olice taid ans usskîown susspect Iorced open tbe lock on tbe door te, gain entry and made off with a DeWalt laser level wortb $2,000, a Kenwood portable beater valued at $70 and a Brother prînter worth $200. Suspect arrested in fraud An arrest was made Wednesday in connection witb a credit card theft hack in August. Police saîd the credit card was stolen from a purse [rom tbe office of Allegro Freîgbs on Main Street East. Tbe suspect then used the A1 33-y car old kiongslciglo c ouri woman bas heen cbarged warb tbeft of a credit card, fraud under $5,000 and using a stolen credit card. Arson investigated Police are investigating after a tree was discovered ablaze Saturday at Rotary Park. The fire was discovered by a cit- izen who was walking in the park and tbe Milton Fire Deparrrnent responded and extinguisbed the blaze. Police said tbey're investigat- ing the incident as arson. r7--