Liberal-led coalition should *M" A_, ,wý Qe__ à à 'k MO e (Tise ollowing lettcî wcîs sent to Governor Genrîal Michaelle jean, and a copy was filcd with tise Champion.) DEAR MS JEAN: 1 would ask that you decline any request for a coalition gov- emment. We isad a recent lection tisat resulted in a non-confidence vote for Stephane Dions party and his leadership. it now seems that he didu't even wait for the Conservative govem- ment - elected by the people - ta cautiously and carefully consider ail options before iutroducing their financial plan for our future. Instead, Mr. Dion cobhled together a self-serving coalition, the future stability of which is even uncertain. Jack Layton's intercepted conference call con- firms the extent of this devious- ness and a total disregard for the will of the people. Why or how could Mr. Dion jeopardize the stability of Canada at a time like this by including, in this nefarious plan, a group whose declared intent is tise separation of Quehec? This group wvill hold any proposed coalition to rati- sons over tlseir densands for sîsecial treatment for jost one Canadian province. 1 seriously w'onder whaî concessions Mr. Lavton and Mr Dion have promised to the Bloc Quebecois. With respect to hailout money to the autoimotive iudustry Mr. Harper has acted in the Canadian interesi hy delaying. lu the U.S., a package has been indîcated - provided the 'Big 3' can justify tiseir future solvency How coulti Mr. Harper have committed to anything without knowing wisat the U.S. intend- This coalition iuîends to reeklessly throw money ai our economie problemrs without co- commitmeut and accuntaii- ty Inflation followed Mr. Raes similar actions in Ontanio, and the stated intenstions of ihis coalition wîll undoubtedly result in even nsore rampanst inflation in Cansada in a cosuple of years' time. My personal opinions, which sceisss to bc slu of rny acquainij îsroposal toi a ti tion is mnotivat political ansii Dion lusting tîs ister (whieh he to obtaîn hy Layton 10 hold (which he hac hiope of obtainii fosr whatever have iseen mad( this onholy alhV Certainly ne tion for the Car the wîll of the( nor the futui Canada has, abhorrent andc 1 would sug who agrecs it disagrees) shoi feelings heard - -hefore suc] piece of skul effect. Raitt and Tories misleading the c DEAR EDITOR: In tise heateti debate over recent events in Ottawa, its unfortunate tisat uewly-elected Halton MP Lisa Raitt and otiser representatîves of tise Conservative Party are trying to make their case by misleadîng Canadians. Ms Raitt referrcd to tise proposed coalition between tise Liberals, NDP and tise Bloc as -ais attack on Canada, an attack on democracy." Perhaps she sisould boise up on iser Canadian civies, because what tise opposition parties are proposing is precisely isow our Parliamentary democracy is supposed to work. lu fact, Stephen Harper proposed iis own coalition witi tise NDP and tise Bloc wheu ise was on tise otiser side of tise aisle. We didu't elect Mr. Harper or tise Conservative Party - we elected Members of Parliament to represent us. Our prime minister is cisosen isased on wiso has tise support and confidence of tise majonty of tisose MPs. By his actionss and iis attitude, Harper isas lost that confidence. ared it sii nany [ances, i tIsai thse hice-pariy coali- ted hy personal ion- hy' Mr. heb a prime min- ishasn't heen able The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 5, 200&-A7 Criticism of size of post office grant Inr tr ipî l < q000 iii ct iho çtirt inie Capsules, aie geins of iijoi - mation extracted from past issues of the Champion and oîher publications ini order tb provide a windciw into Miltons past. Jixplanatory comment is sometimes provided te, place the situa- tion in coiitext. june 1912 meri), hy NMr. Some uime ago we commented on I a Cabinet pos the smalluess of tise grant, $5,000, id thewis no made at tise close of tise session of d oterwîe no Parliaruent for a post office building ng) and the Bloc for Milton. Mr. Henderson, M.P, rcomnsitments assures us tisat we and others who le 10 them to joîn imagmned that the Government pro- tance. posed to let Milton down with a ittle cither considera- $5,000 building were mistaken, tisat nadian economy, the appropriation was merely a start, Canadan pople a pledge that a post office building Canadan pople will be erected, and that it will be one ire stabilîty osf of which tise town will have no rea- motîvated this son to be ashamed. He spoke of a devîous actions. two-storey building of ample size, ,gesi ilsat aisvoie not ouly for tise office, but for tise itl tise above (or caretakers residence, as a probability iould issake theïr AIl tisat is likely to be doue this year - lod ad cear is tise selection and purcisase of a - lou and lear site. Tise full graut may be expected cha scaîsdalous at uext session, followed, in due llduggery îakes course, by tise lettiug of tise commrat. Thsis assurance is very satîsfactory as JOHN WOODS far as tise post office is concernied but OAKVILLE Milton will not be satisfied with less OAKVILLE tian a combined post office and eus- - ~ - toms isouse. ouiry Mr Harper isas denîonstratcd tanse and tisse again tîsat lses cîtiser unwilling or unahle to work with opposition parties, despîte isus repeated promises to do so. Instead, ise has cisoseis tiîsusse sf ecosoinsic crusis to clliheratcly provoke yet aiiother Isolitical confrontations, playing hîs [avouriic gainseof Parlanientarx f Iieken 'wile fadlisg w ikc aisv senous action io iselp Canadiaiss ilrougis tiese isard urnes. Anyouc coiscertied witistise stahility of a coali- tion goverument sisould consider isow unstaisle tisree years of thîs sort of eisdless irinkmanship has made isis country. As for tise opposition memisers, calliîsg themn names and accusîng tlseis of attackîng Canada is ais insult to tise Canadiaiss wiso elected tisens as thicr representatives. Tiscyre simply doîng tiseir jobs. Perhaps Ms Raîtt and her colleagues slsould try doîîsg theirs. JENNIFER SMITH MILTON Ativertisement. On November 4, 1911 wisen we first opeued our doors to tise shopping public of Milton and surrounding community we had tise pleasure of serving 71 customers. Ou Saturday Jue 1, 1912, we isandled, to tise hest of our ability; one of tise largest days bsusi- ness 10 date, supplyîng witis reliable merchandise 422 customers. Frank Hemstreet & Co. Tise arrangements for enlargiug tise plant of Imperial Foundry Go. Ltd. and extending its operations are progressing fast. Messrs. jas. R. Tait and T.G. Ramshaw have been very successful in selling stock ists of tise town and neighbourisood. Tise companys heating isoilers are in great request iseing tise best and most economical in tise market. A few days ago J.D. McGibbou of tise Hotel Mliton ~ capsules McGibbon ordered a 20-inch houler to replace and do the work of two of another make, each 28 juches. Board of Trade. A quotation was received from the Hydro-Electric commission for power via Brampton at t.he very satisfactory rate of $3050 per horse power. A special committee consistiug of the Mayor, the Reeve and Messrs D.S. Robertson, J.F Little and J. Irving was appomîted to inter- view the local manufacturers and ascertain from each how many horse power he would undertake to use. The committee on railways and legis- lation reported tisat they had learued from the C.PR. supenintendent of this district that the new station would be buit here very soon, the estimates having been approved some time ago. The civic improve- ment committee presented an exhaustive report, recommending steps to be taken in various ways for tise improvement of the appearance of tise streets, and the installation of a sewage system, as a necessary sani- tary measure. Thse report stated the committee members would be happy to assist the streets and walks com- mittre in looking after tise streets. A baseisail league isas heen organ- ized in Miton composed of three nines, one representing P.L. Robertson Go. screw factory, another Edwards Co. motor factory and a third tise balance of tise town. They will play a schedule. A Milton nine, witis Galloway and Kennedy as pitch- ers and Sinclair catcher, went to Zimmerman yesterday evening and played a match with the locals, which ended in the dark in the eighris inning. When play stopped tise score was Milton 12, Zimmerman 8. This material is assembled on beisalf of thse Milton Historical Societ y by jim Dills, who can be reached through thse society at (905) 875-4156. CITRUSTRc ôrÎleters-w presentsC' Handel's ,ih Saturday, December 6, 2008 7:30 pm Knox Preshyterian Church Tickets avadlable at the door