"1 Tè3'22n hnton'ed~,lècrler,20 k -1/ -~ 7~I 'CrF ~-/ JJAJ pvrj~r ~LÀ~t.Ž A DRURY PARKNE RC BUNGAI-OW backtng onto the wak way. Lots of upgrades ncludtng hard wood floors in the LR/DR, gas fireplace, Caiornia shutters, buit-in appli- ances, kitchen stand, double garage and a loft with bed- room and fuît ensuite. Close to shopping and public transportation- a much desired neighbourhood for empty nesters. Caît Pat before its gone. 1$399,900 Look no further detached home by Greenpark. Wonderlul floor plan, and lots of ïi~u pg rades including hardwood floors, a gas fireplace, and an eat-in kitchen. As a further bonus, thts property has a pool-sized lot, one of the larger lots in the area. Jo vew t his home, cati Pat for an appointment. $329,900 north of the 401 in Campbeltville. Lots of upgrades incl. most windows replaced, hardwood floors, gas fire- place, home business opportunity, detached workshup, and a 2 bdr. in-law/nanny suite with sep. entrance and driveway. Cati Paf for your personal four. $499,999. Fabulous 3 bdr semi. onto greenspace. Brand new, neyer lived in with loads of upgrades: kitchen Mcabinets (a fult waIl of them), eat-in area, sep. dining room, generous master with upgraded ensuite that includes a jet soaker tub. Dont miss out on this one - Vts a beauty. $309,900. flMILTON 3 storev village townhouse, 2 bdrms, 2 bath, balcony off of kitchen, access from garage, and includea appliances, very clean and bright, close te, schools and parka. A must aee! NORMAN HILL REALTY INC. BROKERAGE CARA HILL, SALES REP.,(416) 226-5515 * MLI W1517076 spaual Greenpark B..iii nOland MARJORIE r CANALES wIn.Marj00a Cnos (SalesReeentatve)Sut 01,10 ll 905s 848 9800 eatyIn 0584-90 958 44 fice:L9t MOuE IN BEFORE CHRISTMAS!! Plase contact Marlone Sutton Group ie Canaies (Sales Reprsentative) Io oîaw ins eaulitol homo Boalty n. Broeage Pou aon't bedsapponted' ANDEW 0. CIASAE £~ DUN DALEY SaBesRfpoesffliaBveo OPEN HOUSE SATURDA 2-4PM 224 ANDREWS TRAIL, MILTON --One of ithe lest values in Milton. Absolutely Stunning! This Large Semi .Detached 11856 Sq. F) As Per tuilder Features tEaIm Kich w/Upgraded Cabinets, Imported Ceramic Tilee & Walkout To tackyard, 9 Ft Ceiling On Main Fîsor Gus FP And Hardwood Fluors in Fam rmn Large LYIOR w/Hardwood Flons. Oak Staîrs. Walkouat u Garage. Fiished bsmst w/nec noemn & 4th bdrm. ~ OPEN HOUSE SAT. 2-4 PM 80STARK CIIICLE LEE REDWOOD Suies Reprser ative 5offie:905-3367300 www.LeeRedwood .com A HAWTHORNE VILLAGE GEM n l e âe ; $334900 Betutifu.t 4 tedrm, 3 bathisemi-detahed home. Higtsttghcs, include hardwood ttoortng, main GardenBCfty Reak lttionr family rm, lorge kitchen with sanless steel mce., Brokerage appt tances, tenevel 1 ttndry, masser ensuiote itndependentyOwned snnnken tub, futty feno.ed yard, newer pato deck, a n & Operaed pinnittîs trntshevt bsemenr and ptenty more. Lights (MS) - When auked to ick their favonite holiday filmsn, movie buffs almost always name "National Lampoons Christmas Vacation" as one of their favorite yuletide comedies. Among the more notable struggles faced by protago- nist Clark Griswold in the film is stringing up tise Christmas lighes on his home. While audiences can =laug h at Clark's flirtations wthdeath duringths ordeal, as anyone who has ever undertaken their own Christmnas lighting knows, accidents are no laughing matter. They can prove deadly if you're not careful. That said, consider the following safety ips before diving in to your own lighting display this hol- iday season. .Dont overdo it. One of the higgest hazards with holiday lighting is to overload electrical circuits with eoo many power chords and lights. This is a big mistake, as a house lire is the mose likely resule from such a scenarin. While you might feel pres- sured to keep up with the neighbors, theres no need to make your house visible from outer space. if an outlet appears over- loaded, it probably is. .Use external bulbs for the outside. Extemnal lights are huilt to handle the harsh weather of the holiday season. InternaI lights are as durable, in part because, if theyre indoors like their manufacturer intended, they're easier to replace when they go out. However, lights that are placed along the trim of a homes roof or atop a tail tree arenet as easy to replace. So use the more durable extemnal lights outside the bouse. .Keep lights off when you're not at home. Keeping Christmas lights on when you're not home is inviting disaster. Not only will no one be around to fix a broken bulb, but no one will be around te, caîl for help in tise case of a lire as well. .Avoid powerlines. Make sure no lighits are wrapped around powerlines leading bo or from your bouse or a neighbor's house. .Keep walkways clear. Make sure tise driveway and sidewalks are clear of extension chords. ln the case of snow or even if itts jusi a dark nigise, extension chords on sucis surfaces can lead to in]ury Just because you know the chords are there doesn't mean any potential guetits will, too. .Keep other decorations away from lights. While it might appear beautiful to wrap tinsel around lights (be it inside or out- sîde the bouse), tinsel is often made of isetal foul, meaning its fully capable of conductîng electricity This can be a potential dis- aster, so make sure ail decorations arc separate from one anotis- er. .Dont be afraîd to hîre a pro. Just as vou dont have ta take your axe out to tise forest to cut down your own Chnrismas tree, you can also leave tise lighting up to tise pros. If you've neyer dec- orated a house with lights before, it can be a very dangerous affair, and one that doesnt ed up looking as glorious as you had hoped. Nearly every town boasts a company that offers a lighting service, so rather than risk injury leave tise trouble to tise pros. Tc advortlse blsf ISure pionsoeil DIANE ext. 212 at 905-878-2341 omail: dIanow@miltancanadianchampIon.Com I 1 à ý Pi jý ýil 1