Thé Canadian Champion, Frîday, Deceraiber 5, 2008 -A5 Wall to represent democracy #V O RoA, EocER12 20 fromn GLASS on page Ai jî, theTown Hall Exoansion (phase 1)i s paid ro Aetgot Bey cttcli aci appealiedo st Oj DPerating BudgeL ID cessfullY to town% councîl in early Oýnlario Lottery Proceeds (Mohawk Raceway Siot revenue) 43I 2006 to postpone the current expansion, at the time the design was approved. Other residents complained at the time that a list of itemized costs for the expansion wasn't available. The Towffs director of commu- nity services, Jennifer Reynolds, said the English glass will serve as a structural wall to connect the his- torie Town Hall to its 50,000- square-foot addition. Its a system that is unique to a few suppliers and that's why it came from England,- said Reynolds. Il was one of the design ele- ments that the architects wished to use in the building - îransparency and clariîy related to, democracy and local government and that kind of îhing." Milton Mayor Gord Krantz acknowledged that some residents might f[md the imported glass wall "extravagant." He noted residents had also expressed concern in the past about the extra costs associat- ed wiîh the stone facade on the new expansion, but that it was important for the new building to fit in wiîh the hîstonec structure. "We could've put alumînum sîding," Krantz said. a fromn PARLIAMENT on page Ai lus in the billions is needed to get tbe economy back on îrack. Followîng the uproar, the Comservatives annùtînced the fate- january budget, alnsost two months carlier than nornial, woulcl include an extra stimulus package. Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr saîd he's lookîîîg lorward to a ReserveS Province or Ontaro Grant Oebt Regional Councîllor Colin Best, who had previously questîoned thc necessity of the current expansion, said the second phase of the expan- sion "doesn't make a loi of sensc." "You dont sec people adding additions to Queens Park," bie said. The second phase of the Town Hall expansion was originally scheduled to start in 2013. However, the Town's proposed 2009 budget, which will be dis- cussed at a public counicîl meeting Monday evenîng, reveals staff are recommendîng the 50,000-square- foot addition be pushed back until 2015. Once the current expansion is compleîed in early 2009, staff working at anoîber Town-owned building on Industrial Dnive will be able to move into their new home. The two-phase expansion to the Town Hall bas been designed to allow the majonity of Town staff to work under one roof. The expansions are necessary to accommodate the încreasîng amouni of employecs hîred to help run the rapidly-expanding popula- stimulus package, no malter whos in power, especially' if its focused on job creation through înfrastruc- ture funding. The Region ,.urrcntly ha- a ls of capital projecis iotaling S2.5 il lion over the e mxi 10O\,car.tihai need lunding, saîd Carr. -Ve gol the lisi al rcacly (fonr stimulus lundîng),' said C arr. CARE EXPRES Need help narrowing your \/ careerfocus? These NO FEE, 3-day workshops offered in Milton includes: " Discovering your strengths through Personality Dimensions",' " Using the Internet and local labour market information t0 fine tune your career choice " Discovering the power of information interviews " Goal setting for effective decision making For more information, please cait 905-333-3499, ext. 103 or visit This Emnpinyment Ontario project is funnled n part by the Government of Canada. il entre YO eIom Tann 0.5 4.9 Total 24.i2 lion of Milton, saîd staff. About haîf of the expansion is paid for by capital provision reserves, money that camne f'rom developers as part ol financial agreements niade hetween the Town and developers duning the Bristol and Sherwood secondary planning processes. The Town cant put the full cosi onto developers, however, as the Province's Development Charges Act doesn't require developers to pay the capi- tal co5ts for expansion of municipal administration headquarters. Tim Foran tan be reatlned ai îfo an @mil toîncanadianichampion. tonm a4s niion Suppone bv T 5 10 WANTED! 7 HOMES THAT NEED ROOFING 7 homes in your area wîll be gîven the opportunîty of havîng an INTERLOCK metal roofing system înstalled on their home at a reasonable cost. This lifetîme product is capturîng the interest of homeowners across the country who wanit to know this will be the last time they wilI have to re-roof their home. 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