A4 Thé Canadlan Champi&i, Frîday Décember 6, 2008 LeMay re-elected chair GRAHAM PAINE I CANADIAN CHAMPION FOOD, GLORIQUS FOOD: Mlton firefighters gel ready for Saturday's Community Food Drive in support of the Salvation Army. Non-perishable food items can be dropped off at numerous collection sites arouud towu Tbey unclude Wal-Mart, Loblaw Superstore, A&P, Food Basics, Martin Street Publie Scbool, Milton District High School, Bruce Traîl Public School, Robert Baldwin School, White Oaks Plaza and the Portabellos Plaza. From left are Barr Kory, Steve Ellis, Chris Burke, Johnny Brown and.Greg Ollerenshaw. Hoie U 1maig From anywhere... to anyone Mon, Wed and Fri 8:30-5:30 pmt Tues and Thursday 5. ~s8:30 to 7pm of two beautifully framed enlarged photos, one of *- - - SILENTAUCTIO N the Agawa Faits and the other of Rattlesnake Point. Proceeds of the Si/eut Auction w//t go to two Canada Post Corporation employee s families that have chi/dren with terminal i/mness. CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY IVlON DECEMBER I2TH! FREE XPRESSPOST PREPAID ENVELOPE when you purchase any combînation of three Xpresspost, Priority Courier and Prionity Wordwde. By Tina Depko METROLAND VWEST MEDIA GROUP Wbtle Ctaanas werc ahuzz about the possihtlittv of a federal clccnon. thce Ilaiton (C- atholit Ditstric t -xihool Btoard held tw<) ciccttirs ofl us ovn iucsdav nigbt. selecning a chair and sice-chair. Thbe position of hoard chair will continue to bche hcd hv Oaks'ille Trustce Alice AnnmeI eMa>', whie the vu e-chair is noxx, Burlington irustcc Bob Van (le Vrande, who repia(ced liow Burington Trustee Joanne Matters. The terrms for I-eNlay and Van de Vrande are effective immedîateiv and wii lasi. until the irst board meeting of December 2009. I eMay said shes confident that tontinued to-operation under ber lead xiii ensure a solid laithbhased education ss'stem nf taiton. -C atholiteedutation xiiindced face miaux challenges ninthe t<m- ing scrbut \we ati laiton . athioIii base a reptttation of bcing 01W of t he top bioaird, in thei province anti wc wii tcontinuie, a,; aIxxys ts.to provide tht' hesi possible C .ttioliit dîtation iii aliiouit stu- tIcits t o aiiox.v tlhemial (o reatb t1iteitIfull po(teit ti sbýc sai \\c xxoti cioscisx\itb al oui pax mecrs to kecp Cth iolic eduta- itou atmliimpor tant part of the pub- liciti lundd educatton svste nin ibis province. O.ur triangle of borne, school and partsbi is impor- tant ithe education of eidren, as tt is olmeni said, hI takes a wboic vil- lage tii ratsc a cbild As a board, wc ai e dedmu. ated( to woî kîng togetber n themncet of ail the stidcints cut i,ttct to ottr care.' Thebcleimon of the chair was donc k', secr et ballot, so the final taliies wereuît made public. iwo namecs w ere put forward for tbe position luesdas' nîgbu, înclud- îng ieMas anti Matters. Matters xx ho was nîtminated by Oakviiie Trustee Pauline Houlaban, gave a short speech before the ballots were cast. She saîd she bad learned a lot in the past s ear as vice-chair and was reads to furtber solidifv the C abolit education sysiem in the regpontas thair. i'lbis ts an exctung ime for our board antI to complement our ncw dîret tor of etlutnon, Mr. (Mît bcaci Pautctiet1ibelieve tbe chair of the board sbouid cirbtols an crneigemmc vision that speaks bo evýangeitzation, prolcssionaiism anti sincerity,- slitesaiti 'It is no scret these are tr\slng tîmes for the Catoic eduication. On the orie banci 55 c lace the pes sutres of tho-,c svbo ,asyxx tnecd not c\tst ithis pi obabilîsiti, socitix; -see MUCH on page A10 c2262# b(6I y 25 Brown Street, Milton 958833 CwAADAIY POSTES P 0__T____ DA 905-878-3439