Musical theatre production to take stage A Christmas musical theatre porarv hip, -vocative aud delrght- ence members thinking about thc true meaning of the holiday will make its way into Milton for a per- formance Sunday night. 2000 Candies, a professional- grade production, wilI take place at 7:30 p.m. at St. Davids Preshyterian Church, 132 Main St. (Guelph Line), in Campbellville as part of its GTA tour. 2000 Candies is a joyous, origi- nal musical theatre celebration of more than 2000 Christmases that organizers say is at once contem- From vgnettc to vgnette, the audience is taken on a joumney through Christmas celebrations and traditions on a quest to [mnd its true meaning. More than just a typical " church show," organizers say this profes- sional production is accessible and entertaining to a wide audience. Its directed by Milton resident Tom Carson, whose work has appeared on stages from Montreal to Vancouver, gamnering critical acclaim. The productions four-person (musical directir composer/arranger), Richard Peters, Ins Choi and Andrea Cross. Tickets cost $20 each and are free [or kids aged 13 years old and younger. Ail proceeds wdll be donated to The Deck youth centre. For tickets, call St. David's at (905) 854-9800 or (905) 876- 3976. For more information, vsit www. The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 5, 2008 - B7 DEEPLYleaneun México ovW nc n rayel BEYD Y« EXPECTATMOE 8reoTurnncuin Beach CBe(AirTrancluýve Fidea deal foryeu -Mlda Enter to Win k Canadas Diamond Store Snce 1919 Cots egn Kmbr1-Dceer 28ffi wit cots & i - ...1Im~ ~ ~iuy~r * .~ ~4~? ~j~i~X~I ~ - I. * z- ?tIE~~ 'z~*u=~~~. .ca vetsave money. pleffl5 r' Season's Qre.Ungs from Milton Mail, 55 Ontarie St. S .Milton 905-864-9100 It's your last chance bel ors Christmas Everything in the store* December e te December 20, 2008 *Gift cards excluded. Rogîster at $ Ne31vM fluS , and recoive a 5 Including Nike GlIt Packs. Lý