The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 5, 2008 - B5 Milton Concert Band to stage Christmnas concert iit-Liu . ly iliiiitig oui p u and evoking wonderful memories. "It's on extremely powerful thing," said Angela Rozario, presi- dent of the Milton Concert Band (MCB). A much-loved holiday choral classic will be presenied iomorrow The Milon Chorisiers wiIl per- form Handels Messiah ai 7:30 p.m. ai Knox Preshyterian Church, 170 Main St. E. The concert opens the Choristers' 4th anniversary sea- son, and as part of the celebrations, former artisîic director and founder Judy Hunier wilI conduci the famous Hallelujah Chorus. Tickets cosi $20 each for adults, $15 for students and seniors and $50 for a famly Messiah is an oratorio by George Frideric Handel based on a libretto by Charles jennens. Composed in 1741 in jusi 24 days, Messiah la Handel's most famous creation and la among the mosi popular works in western choral liierature. 1)ic .cli1 1LiS c Or Iai ,aii Christmas concert Saturday, Dec. 13 ai 8 p.m. at St. Paul's United Church, 123 Main St. E. The bond is inviting residents to take a break rom the holiday rush The work la a presenî.ation of Jesus's life and is significance according to Christian doctrine. Although the work was con- ceived and firsi performed for sec- ular theatre during lent, it has become common practice since Handel's death to perform Messiah during advenî, ihe preparaîory period of the Christmas season, raîher ihan in lent or ai Lasier. The Chorisiers' restaurant part- ntrship continues wiîh Troy's Diner, offering special discounts exclusively for Milton Choristers' concert patrons. Full detoils are available on the Choristers' websiîe by selecîing "sponsorship." Concert tickets are available ai McCuaig Insurance, Milton Photo, Troy's Diner, on-line at or by calling (905) 878-1632. THOMAS elected Engines &FRIENDy Cars, starter sets, Table & Playboard Froc T-homtas &6 Tobyl with 1-24-99 purhase of 1-1% Thoma~ Wooden Producti ND$~ oegtosn 0.Vidt m for d"t ;% Downtown Milto 228 Main St. E ut Main St. 905-878-0084 40 MiII St. W., Dora 519e-0-0991 'When we hear somcthing like '0 Holy Night,' we might think of sitting by the fire on Christmas Eve or coming out of church services on Christmas morning. We dont think of trudging through slush and crowded shopping mails," Rozario said. "The right music con set a tone for an evening or create a theme for the season." MCB musical director joseph Resendes has put together a pro- gram that combines well-loved sea- sonal favourites wîh moving clos- audience to a place where the hus- tie of the holidays ns replaced by the emotion that this lime of year ns supposed to inspire," Resendes said. The band wiIl revise last year's popular audience sing-along, and some of the members will show- case their talents as part of the Milton Flute Ensemble. Since February of 2007, MCB has grown to include more thon 40 members and has performed in a variety of settings, rom seniors' concerts ai St. Poul's. Christmas concert tickets cosi $ 12 for adults and $ 10 for students and seniors in advance, and $14 for adults and $12 for students and seniors at the door. Kids under 12 years old are free. Tickets are avoulable by calling (905) 693-9886 or e-mailing îick- For more information on the bond or its upcoming concerts, cal (416) 508-6106 or e-mail SERVICE DM N N I/i I parts on any 1 N I M U n M l M. M ' I Unadvertized Special * Make a smart transiion into Winter C omplmentaty ShuteServOiceIlBidgestone tires help protectyou ail winter long. a I mRentîtlServiceAvailable. ilg 1 0* Wait in our CustormrLounge and * Ail other brands are a vailable. Please catil for pricing.,a ___enoy a hot beverage on us!' Iliifu à EU ~~Inquire about our ,F Eg Auto Reward Program fln ot be combined with any other otter Exp December 31st.IlGan not be combined with any other offtr Exp. Decemnber 31lst. I iAre You Ready For WINVTER?- 'I GRANDOMEING Pdsposai :COMEIFO6OUcy2 4 and o~ff :___ Accesores add eotra protection8 g Lutte O i Fiter ServceTre RotationVsul rake u niquenes Haoe them a -16-------------------------------- .AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION COOL4NT SVSTEW SERVC 1llEitlIAAlIEy*19vur Coonant System ready for WMtER', 1 FLVUD HANEà 1 Aviftyrpir ySEIL*il Let us inspecr yoor oder Limp SPECIAL8 Avoidcostl reýpirs y SPEIAL 4 Il elfs, radiator thermostat & PRICE 3 I letttng our team 0f PRICE I coolirg system rioses and 1 experts service yoar Ilcamp~s Demand the est y trnsmssionwith sîflg deeire Hyundai Cooiio$gï trnmsiojihi system parts o protect your oGenaine Hyundai Parts. I engîne this miter and drive xPus disposai. I worryftee Plsdpsa 1 Choristers to perlorm classic Handel's Messiah 0 HYuni3pi]