-:i - The Canadian Champion, Friday December 05, 2008 I. ýbuy se l e.retetrd h i ei CET THE JOB DONE! Ad Submissions Receivedby Fax: 905-876-2364 Tel: 905-878-2341 Emnai 1: classified@miltoncanadianchampion.com For your convenience we accept: VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, INTERAC, CASH, CHEQUE, (!tanbia (~jjmponClassifieds Attracts Readers 100 Homsefor Se 102 Open Houm 103 Priate sales l05Townhouse Sale 110 AprtmeWt/Condom for Sal 112 Cotags for SaLe 115 Fenasfor Sale, Rent orWanted 1200outotTownPrperlle 125 %operty Out"ldCu"ad 130 Housng Warded 135 Lots, Acreeges 140 #weslMt Buses flProperes 145 hdustla, Convneval Space 150 Offie% BusinessSpae 155 Stors for Sal, Ront orWante 159 kwest mSOp o mt 160 Busies M ortulis 161 FrancNme 162 kira 163Prbuwlnadmwetory l64TaxFln'îla 16l5 MortgPeLomn 166 Accouti 167 Offklo ,in EWslleEu et 166 Buines Sevice, PRsonal 169cmvuhItemetm 170 AperimntsFkbt for Rent 172 FwnlsheApallen 173 ?Iscebtamu " etI 174 ShortTerr a Rntais 175 AWutm ÉtsFIMtsVnted î60 CondomilmaforPRet 186 Houses for Rent l90Townhousesfor Ret 191 FousigWlened l92RoomsforRentoWaited 193 Rooraad Baud AvaNale&Wantu 194 Shared Accwomdmodo 195 elUsentLivi 196 HeU, Lodgss 200vtacon Propwu 205 Ru" lOusDi"Cu" 20 Beduid BroalVMs 209 Cottgfor ROM 210 Mole Homesad Pak 211 Motor Homes 212 Recreation Vehicles 215 Campers,Tralers, Sites 225 Camping Equipment 20Sports Equipment 231 Aviation 1232 Boats, Supplies 233 Snowmobiles 1234 Pools and Sup 235 Resorts, Camps, 236Travei 237 Hobbies and Crafts 239 Womens Column 1245 Births 246 Adoptions 248 Birthdays 249 Coming Events 250 Engagements 251 Forthcoming Marriages 252 Marriages 253 Anniversaries 254 Graduations 255 Announcements 256 Deattis 257 Obituaries 258 In Memoriam 259 Cards otThanks 260Tenders 261 Legal Notices 262 Public Notices 263 Car Pools,Transportation 265 Lost and Found 267 Companions 268 Personats 269 Support Groups 270 Nannies, Live tn,. Out d 271 Motiiers Helpef's 272 Nursery Scliools 273 Daycare Available 274 Daycare Wanted 275 Babysittng 276 PrivateTutions, Schools 277 Music, Dance, Instructons 278 RegIstration 279Tutonng 280 Lessons 282 Places of VibrsN 284 Est*itios, Beauty Servces 285 HeMalnad Homacare 26Senior Services 27Masalrwapy 288 Ftness Services ,289 Party Services 290 Catering 292 WeddfngPWane 293 AstoMig 294 Psychics :295 Liaiso Services 296 Amnusemnent Clubs 297 Bing 296 Fumel Drectors 299 Cemnetery Plots 1300 Maret Ba"le 301 Flowersandl flvery 302 Fafn Servlc S303ores, Su#M eanidBwadn M04 Poduoaf Hay Séee0 Grain 305 pouly awn"std 306 Furnilure 309 Bargaln Centre 310 Articles for Sale 311 Bicycles 315 Arices taied 316VendraYnle 319 Craft Sales 320 GaragYard Sale 324 Arts en irfis 325Auctions 326W»rhouaeSal 330 FIrewood 331 Seesonal 335 ChrmslnsReesancdGifl 338Wodstoves, Fireplaces 340 Antiques nid Art 348 NW Retara t umd 350 IndustrillEqui;xnent 352 Farn EWuMeN 353 MW 355 Cornwtar an iveo 360WV Sound Systenis 365 Musical Instruments 370 Pets, Supplies, Boarding 375 Photograplry 380 Swap and Trade 385 Tickets for Sale 400 Cars for Sale 405 Cars Wanted 410 Truckcs for Sale 415 TruckcsWanted 420 Vans, 4 Wheel Drive 421 Oft Road 425 Sports Cars 430 AntiqIue Cars 435 Motorcycles 440 Auto Parts, Supplies and Repairs 445 Auto Leasing and Rentais 446 Auto FRnancing 447 Driving Schoois 450 Auto Care 455 Garag and Storage Space 460 Insurance Services 465 Automotive Plus 470 Heavy Duty Equipment 500 Career Training 501 Career Counseling and Resumes 505 Careers 507 Empicyment Agencies 509 Drivrs 510 General Help 511 Retail Opportunities 512 Summer Employment 514 Salon and Spa Help 515 Slilled and Technical Help 520 CompuW Telr 525 Office Help 529 Inside Saies 530 Saies Help and Agents 532 Retail Sales Help 535 Hospital, Medical, Dental 536Vterinary Help 537 Holistic Heattl 540 Restaurant, Hotel 541 Part-lime Help 545Teacliing Opportunities '%5 Domesti Help Avallabi 1556 HOuscleaning 570 Emplyment Wanted 600 Home improveents 601 Animat Removal 602 Air Condliaoning 1603 Appiance Repair 604 Carpet:ing and Flooning 605 Carpet and Uplostey 606 Chimneys 607 Cleaning Senvies 1606 Compurter Service 6M9 DemoUition i610 Design 611 Doors and Windws 612 Drape and Uplilstery 613 Duct Cleanlng 614 Elecbican i615 Funand De&k 616 Fum. And Upolste Repair 617 Heating 618 Heating and AlrCondItlonlng 619 Home Secunty 620 Lendscaplng 621 Lodcsmll 622 Misc. Services 623 Mcwng andftrage 624 Pâ nthd Dcorl 625Pavktg 626 PedtContr 627 Phmn*g 628 Pool and Suppls 629 Roollng 630 Srves Renma 631 TMs Service 632 W" Removai 633Watarproflng 634 ûwestou 682 aRWMe 700 Homeknpwmvebt 701 DemoNton, Blsin 702Gatrage Ru"va,Hadng 704 Plumbbig 705 andman 706 D*mneC"e*q Feçair 707 Electrical Services 708 Masonry and Concrete 709 Carpentry 710 Painting, Decorating 715 Moving and Storage 718 Carpet Cieaning 720 Drapes, Upholstery 725 Dressmaking,Tailoring 730 Flooring, Carpeting 735 Gardening, Supply, Landscaping 736Tree Service 737 Stump Removal 738 Lawnmower Sales, Repairs 740 Snow Renioval 746 Courses 750 Appliance Repairs 751 House and Pet Sitting 753 Party Services 760 Service Directory 800 Home Improvement Directory 900 Dating Services 1905 Aduft Entertainmient 1910 Massages 930 Aquatics 931 Arts and Crafts 932 Campa 933 Co-Educational 934 Cooking 935 Dancing Classes 936 Daycare 937 Dog Training 940 Gymnastics r941 Language Arts '942 Martial Arts I943 Miscelianeous 944 Modeling 945 Music Lessons 946 Nursery Schools 947 Private Schrools 948 Recreational 949 Sports 950 Summer Scirool AUCTION Saturday, December 6-1 O:OOAM Humes Auction Farm 9313 4th Esquesing LUne Milton Furniture; Coke, & Blue Jays coul; War Books; & Collectables; Selection of lumber Sherwood & Gordon Hume, Auctioneers 905-878-4878 www.OntarioAuctions.comlhume MILTON Gara gel Basemnent Sale Sun Dec 7 lOam - 5pmn 25 Dawson Cres. Tools, shelving, TV's, camping eqp. and much more. Clssf: :Ph, 0587-241or90-62-44o ax90-86-36 classif , .ed a-)mi[on andanc am..Pion om, n Hornby Executive Home Downsizing Xmas Decorations Galore! Extended to Dec 14 Everything Must Go! 10am - 4pm Daily 8079 Eighth Line Aiso by appt, 905-542-0694