24 -The Canadian Champion, Frday December 05, 2008 Caer CrersCrersGeiea I Help j enralIHeIp Ieea epe ep1GeneraIel ~ Hel 1 oel Resurnt oe e sftarn HEP ROMOE I 'aioHighTe1sieFencinI A4K 1M OPTIC-Li PT Restaurant HeIp nee7ded- -~~~~~~ -~~ -~IOFNNRV ' :at'A Tesdavc7am3:3Opm Ilà CAEER OPPORT-UNITY Chn ingLves! Product Trainng Provided Exceptional compen- sation package Orientation incentive bonus Make a cleaner, greener world! Cati today to make an impact 1 f866-8770 NO ING AT IHE WATERDMVNI M OATIONS For Days 1&Afternoons BenefitsAvailable Turf Lawncare & Maintenance mnc............. Requires DZ Licensed Sait Drivers i *OE* . Top wages paid. Seasoxat houry '< 5E RCS0 - guarantet, experience preferred. *DPENDjrNQox Phone: 905-896-4016 Ext #101 l'apenr nies are no longer lied Fax: 905-812-3883 E n kid'r s sf' Eveelieni pporisni If WA TE ri-liime- edncsdaîne.rda PART.TIME CLEANERS na onat1ob For Evening Work in the Burlington area. Mon-Fni. Mus be able to work until Midnight Cail 905-333-9537 I Leave name & number j topaea dci 0.7.31 9 - . 1 -- CUSTOMER RELATIONS $17.90/hr Local Dtrîbutxr for International Manufacturer now expanding in Burlîngron and Oakville. There are openîngs in tht Cuolomer Relutirons Department, No eperîence requred Company offeru: Complele training, pui vaca- tion, rapid Advancement & benefts Al appli- cunts muxt be neat in appearunce & rnady ro tarti mmedutely wth nwn transportationn 905-634-0000 -1lOam-8pm. -. î a eadîng manufacturer and marketer of minerai wool insulation producta in the North American marketptace wiih our head office in Miton and production facîlttea in both Miton, ON and Grand Forks, BC. Our expandîng company as a aubsîdîary of Rockwool International, manufacturîng qualîty, hîgh performance minerai woot products. We are searchîng for tatented, energetîc individuals vwth dnive and determination to loin us ai our Milton facilîtye General Operators We ute lookng ltît eyeraitul tme poitonsxto run osnew producion lne We ane a contnuous proceas operation running on four niating continental shils. You have ndxxtriai or manutacturing taperience, are tamit ar wi1h sate mork practices, and have experience with troubleshootîng equîpment. Able 10 meet physîcai reqsîrements includîng lftng and tacking, you have a grade 12 certiicate or the equivaleni aiong with the abuity to read, write, and speak Englîxh. Experîence workîng wth computer xcreenx and PLC controls ix an auset. Ail positions require a willngness ta worlc on rotatlng i 2-hour continental shits and weekend work. Thexe are unique opportunîtiex 1to i a highly-devetoped technîcal organîzation as we napan i n North Amenîca. We ofter a dynamic environment with sîgnificani growth potentiai and hase an excellent benetits and îemsneration package. Please apply 10. Human Resources, ROXUL Inc. 420 Bronte Sreet, Suite 105 Milton, ON L9T 0H9 e-mail: tactoryjobs@roxul.com We tank ail avvviants: hoeve, njy The Better Insu atiori peiec ntaro High Tenle F n cing Bo itnLOT 2Y3 Fax: 905-878-9099 Lml: ontrohghtenleencing@gmail.com Burligton Post DISTRICT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE The qualîtîed candidate wilI posses excellent written and verbal communication sklls and wîll have workng knowledge ot Microsoft office. You wll be customer tocused in ensurîng that our customers' distribution needu are met. In thix role, you will work closely with the carrier torce by ensuring al newspapers and distribu- tion products are delîvered in a timely manner. You wîll be organîzed and capable ut working within a tast paced, team orented environ- ment. tf you are interested in workîng tor a leader in the media industry thîs oppsrtunity may be tht rîght one tor you, If interested please tor-ward your resume. cbabineau@buringtonpost.com Fax: (905) 632-7768 We appreciate tht interest of ail applicants however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls or agencies please. RECEP'FIONIST/ SALES ASSOCIATE needed fnr Large Retail Opinai 55nunnm ideai candiaes w 1ihvns onnucmmunicationn siis and aflair ifrrashone Taning wii Se pnnnded reiai experrene a ms Please Drop Onf tesume tlu Lxbiaws Centre 8xe Maie Sreet East Attentixn-Jeff IEiTSRG Staffii WAL*MART. OAKVILLE SUPERC ENTRE previous exp. and open aeailability required. Please Drop Off Resumne& Application To: 234 Hays Blvd. (Dundas/Trafalgar) Need HeIp Finding Work? .is your FIRST STEP to EMPLOYMENT COST tx get you bacix ta work! To reg' star plese contact vpî a Miton (9x5) 693-0034 Oakceie(x95 3-19x Sarigon: (9e5)t63-9ie 0--l 1 Carri ers Wa "I pi îî,tesrgesteev t-i f'jmnttuo e o" -1e r' vVtiiFttl3lv v 0611 prkt-~ U(~ CARRiER FORCL hv~YIt tO -n' ~9~î anewman@mIItoncanadianchampion.com -~#~ ~dkoSuY ~ HELP US HELP OTHERS We'îe a nsn-medîcal carlng, compassion- aie, honesi people t In provide csmpunîvn- U shîp, hsmecuie a services in seniosx. Muke a ditterence, heip us keep senoss happy and ai home. Flexible day/even- ingslwekends aeailuble. Homte lntead Senior Care www.homieinstead. 4 comff01 Tehical Help AUTromOTIVE ' PAINTER Pull-ime, experîexced Auto pinier Wu- terBase knswiedge an usselreGît aWg- es/ Bonuss &Benefirs! RRSPs.Fully equîpped busy cnllsinn center wcthrd@gmatl.com Cati 905-689-9812 atter 7pm 95-6-214 1 RNS/RPNSIPSWS for Buringln Qakoille. Humiltn. i Wterdono& Branit vro Nursing Homes. TOP PAY TLC Aleri Nursing Cati Nick Tel: 416-661-3456 Fax: 416-661-3344 emnail: nizzi@tlcnursngca 18 Ht e snt auran Resumes can be sent to: taibcmneim.c by fax 95-8:75-5458, or in-pe r son: 8277 Lawson Road, Miffon. wor. C81 905.~n JUNK & soosos remnea. Grear rares. We do ail the heavy oiîgý 4016 65o -8 2 6 0 1 eevvunkboys www rre sunkboys.cer LICENSEO ELECTRICIAN b-, ail 8cer erecrral meens Parnel on grnons, poraighrs 'rewirng honmns Reasorabre rares. 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