Thse Canadian Champion, Friday December 05, 2008 - 23 roi e : Index: Real Estate 100-135,b Business 140-169 Rentais 170-196 e Leisuoe 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@mniltoncanad iachamlp ionlCOM* Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-5 mon. to Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on* Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION call: 905-878-5947 Ad submisstmn by mail or in persan' The Canadian Champion, 555 Indootriol Drive, Sde Door, 2nd Floor, Miftoni ON L9T 5El Deadiles: Tues., 10 a.m ., for Wml. publication, Thuro, 100 .m., for Fn .publicatiori Speciol beofore &AHidaîOy eaoiims boy va y, Payment: We accept cash, cheque, lnteroc, Vsa, Moterard, American Epres Ail ada piaced are nan-rendable and no credit wiIi be issued. Businesccounto con 6e opened ailS on approved credif application avoulable from yoor Sles Consultant. C~HECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS ta eooore the information is correct. Contact yoor Sles Consultant wthîn 24-Hours if an eror oppears. An error in o Fni pubfication mont e reported nos ter thon Mon .11 a m. ses FFaorj Sale *Aparimrents & & * For à prtetsRetW td ila aed 1 &Boadi'1f 1CasIor Saie HossFrSl Ftais Fo eFltsFr R e M FIat Fr e1 R t & Waflied,&Badn ROCieWOOo aVALAR E NEW MA1TAMY liun-e ilWANTED: USED pphone CLIPS BY Cath, i d 2003 FORD CrîorVo DISTRESS Sale - Bank Forecosures Jn tl g e ie lMIUdalb'(an utnp" oaia 0ý,6 ,0jrý Cr Free lot0of Bank ownied prnperfîeo. ý! jft') f5 Lfiin Si5)j Ci Receive a Free Compterized prinfoof.L 187ý15 Pre-recnrded message ROOM FOR 1-888 412-9651 eef f042ý OR Crsta____Chitas__e rann GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS ________________ Ho,relle nelance FaO i ovoKeage nelen' r1122 Broflie St. S., Miton L dm mm ~~ ot& Ftund f PreCutBasmar aser owed ad op00led0 905 299 1001 verticaca Rand Canaan Fireolf EXECUTIVE BUNGALOW IM ;rîaI",""" . NO a1V e I-lr,' " -0 i rt ed -1' - in UL1J r'Z pea )[I' 'otco -i 1 s i ghtREASONARLE INDUSTRI- F',,c 030 K o ,00 a s,'niA O oio. (Ir O 1, ri ,pinker syten 9 2 nI" O -aPOnnntnoetit 101 p i E~IOffice/Bsines SMALL PRIVATE ofilcec LOVELY 4-BDRM, b euti 1, 000' Old 110. sorie001me .or-tnipaie 25 & 401 1 12'? athîconisgas l'e 102 7 793417 nr n 00, garage. igioun910 275 6834. 000l1 0001 onise oiy fncen 00, Osed asea ment, lieshiy noote'd ~Mrigage, h apot lotsof I agraden Lbans .329,900 905692781 Dor t $SMONEYS$CrS ,,i,50 Gtt ht-O /dosetpaik.cj10 ot Obts Moigages 10 95 No corneBadc001 tOK' The Mortgage Centrn I Open lieUSes 1i80h0i 8 21 1 6 OPEN HOUSE Sunay 4 M nt CaooOOeiiviie hs bautifl1,,î EDOM pr 4 edroonn execuotoehomie 1,3BER M aot on a 2' acre estte loI i s mets. Avalabeie odo oHf Gueph rie. Minutes ate50 $650,.$1,1s0, htron he401and short $,2 00er nnth plus Commute to Mlon, Ooinooe oîiiteh Cal 519853-5991 Ionn, Oakuie, and Geph. or 905-703-4495. THE liPS Store Frncise O000tunity vaiaSli oiro Canada s laget netwoîk e o o o eighouoiono mail hoins s00 r000000 e0tr100 oroa,11800661-623- D vhe the right Thene you have sshat it takcs to be a pare of Canadas fastest gromning tasuat bar Crabhv 10e s 0 u DOWNOWNKICHENER loainavaiable with HUGE projected sales. I cAMPBELLVILLE- , mA ilao,da api 't, tcil ci 3000 tc,0 ninnediapey c'II 9121111461 75r DOWNTOWN MI LON C Miii side Towers c( 82 Milside Orive. Attractve quieto.o'idiiig L Sacois bîdot cioa 1&2 eroom u.its 0 O 5 I aunidry acil1,11and soca 1dm j, 1e, l nogular eisone nuts s Open 7 days 9 1 & evenings 5 Cai 905876-1249 GE-ORGETOWN t-BED- ROOM baeme, t 'a Mai l 1 arng/e 1in cued, Aaai, ao aoair 905872 1549 905877 1549 GEORGETOWN CLEANt and quiet 21Odioornoase nient1aanit p ivate ntiancen oackyard , or in0g $900/ onoth 0000 01 cru. Feroao 1 st 416 779-6380. GEORGETOWN t BED' jROOM anartilooo ~S50rorith oall 000sve Iodge nd1 00001loaik 905'565 0031 GEORGETOWN -E ROOM asenro 31,301t nie0t, atlitte TVd ioooo On, ai csrditooo.g, parinog, 00730 10 ian n No s0i000i0 i 'o POn' $82b' ou300 inclu00v0 A3il0000 r.00i004030 o 3a 9058764813 GEORGETOWN 2-BED- ROOM oasenoeo tinooî ariioy ho0e0 Iciud în a, lin Qu01 erlo ypd. No so or 00e 0ets. Iimoîediaie $8500 000000 7plu, 416998511 GEORGETOWN 2-BED- ROOM night aseont ananîmeot wth gas lir place in ivogoom $975/moth iclodes utilities. No ets , SutaOe loi counie or sngeper son, AaiaOie eceoî5en 1 st Sali Norînne Kigour aI 1-00-834551e or 90508775211. 401/rRAFALGAR RD. IN a ocloioi poîlment furnse, $700/mIS 10010 sive. Sailahie immedite- y905-075-4632. serene neignDournooa Renovated fitness room, social room & lobby Steps away from beautiful downtown Milton Easy access to major highways, GO Transit. shopping and more Suites based on availability 'ORGTWM fflm , M ýoRent AARAAIBE 2 BEDROOM 1100 AVAIAB, l-e,- LEN WILLIAMS. 01 Ref, L.I ,jb713C, 3 IN COUNPTRY 00000 2 lied Cj,î Peler F100m0 905 8/ 71'Il ,ARGE 1-BEDROOM F beaiadte eo'OoO 3 ng. No oeIs'0 I 5 De cembon i t 905 702 58192 aloo 5,00,0n MILTON- 2 led 001 bo lI ifl floc0,030. 0 000000 I 1 $1200/mn o in,0 diS foot at,30 vol 64729612 46 MILTON- COZY -bd2 i casernoentLCaurioer/ Ontaro oSonet Sepooatoe etraoce parkng large0b0howsth bul 0010ag hton e1 &,Il 0,000 todpd. fion 1030t cdit 0010000 9712 10 90518781,7056 MILTON GREAT a0301 [ent $95Ooooto 0000i o [10 1 2y, 783110, MILTON LARGE 1 000,0 tigit garino .000 00i ma 0o00 anea Paoiog jtobo ý/cabli&n ermp 00c1. 1ag livii00 010000. fine MILTON LARGE 2hood 0001 Kooooîee n.apar sel331 iotranoce. Close te 4121 120 No 50,00 $91,'Iioti a nlsv First i,05218 7612167. MILTON large oo got en 10 ap lolopakos ,0w dry, iose of 030h11a1 Clos tu10401. Avaîo1Jan MILTON SPACIOUS 1 bdon sasemeot al Soe- orale entraoce. waliooedis- tance 10 GO, auaolaOie ommedoateiy. $00 mtin o olusove. 905-452-4011. ACTON 2-BIEDROOM on t ew 4-plee Large iueoîy unit, on 2o4 liboer olSHyard0 51,150 moniS plus hydro Sali Mihe 416.000-9164ý nEXOTInE HOME ia (w ,d ; i fi, FLAMBOROUGH. NEWLY renouaillolu000ý01o rc Ja(0i000ub)00'i. st .3l 9012129, î33218 GEORGETOWN, LARGE bungao o relit, C'ose' r031,00 ,ý1000 ot ot an soiil ,,rOncedi03100 .1,711' 10ri h. lu' .10ii,00' ForsI 100 0,ýu 416626 8171 HUaGE 3-BEOROOM 0,00 men1 e-,4112solO .betwno" hoto, and 03eogel.10'n S2,0e0 ri 000 uI. 9058177 511 SEMI-DETACHEO FOR -ow ic VlMoi . 3Seîîo"or, 300,0,0 11,121,s,, fo 0' cengs ~ 0 lirlood amial O 0,01000icloor 00010n .000 Lorge Masloi edoorio wit waki fcooet 3and0e solte Oatlco0îoorS15511110 ,- u,îoOotoo Please C0ntact 901269117861. MILTON NEW 3 oedî.oo o Mattaoioy Viage ilonne Itovous o OO11301r00 Eooergy Stro lbo itloty bil) 5 appiaoces, IIU2 0boi AC, garage,$1112001 -ý 1,0ltis Ios pieler o ni n,pts ~î9058764988, MILTON BRAND ie, 3 $ 0010 o- 310i01000 0000 Oerry & Scott CaH 416 561 6665ý MILTON BRAND 0ev - bedînono tnhouse for cent. Noverlived in, gar age, masteî ensuite, laun dry, 1000 sqlt ,-booshed Oasnmert, close to schoois, parks S1500/month vutilities coul 416-317-4056. DAYcARE IN'7 Servi-ces MATH TiJTORING 1'00 Artcls For Soie ALL NEW bCool O 1,00l 'oc 10 1, t 00 k i il 0j,0010 . P .00l do lo Meoo o,yo ,. ' CARPES ,0000 1 120 i',3 '0 taoo Masi & 1(0 c Yllo ai ot duaod. 1 91121,hnl 1 HEAVY LOAD W' roo ol" e .3 il10.0 11100 4 5 e031' old. ý251 naci 0111 90587>0145, HOT TUB oconpr bn'i p01,00 1,t o 7al0, to l' HOT 1TUB/ Si ohoooid lO 10d8orodli ad'-"0 an over Still ilOwrappe0 0Cost $89912 Sa0,o Ion, o 470 1 1 h9052971 1177 POOL TABLE, idrid Nooi, tlo i 0, 1,0e 00101 5 0, 90'o314 991- SNOWBLOWER 21" Paih n ood condiin, P50 905878998,4 SOLID WOOD t001e o ch 00, i,kirig 17,50 lot i lodosaid $102 3 oighl gad pian303,ki00g 3 ý700. John 90515812 1811 Î l Atces Wanted -ALL BEST CaSlhS Pad 3-Coins, Jeweiieîy, Goid, Si or., amonds, Cenîs ,n oyal outon, Swaaovski, edAl niqu010e fuoshnes, Art, O Soliectîbies, etc. Estote ls Specoolsts, Top Cash. Sl sJohn/ Patt 905-331-2477 Ou 7ama ~21Pets, SupplieRs JP TREE FARM GERMAN SHEPHERD Spruce Pin - Balsam. 6-7 el 05960 Large speeoion of wreofhs farm prices) Hwy 25 f0 Cars for sale t lc n a a f 5fh Sîderood fers WJ ta 5fh Lino N 1/2 2000 MAZDA 905 878 234 mile. Open Nov 29 îs a leadîng manufacturer and marketer of minerai wooI insulation producto in the North American marketplace wît h our head office in Mil ton and production faclîieo in botS Milton, ON and Grand Forko, BC. Our exparsdîng connpany is a ouboîdîary o! Roc/ewool International, manufacturing quahry hîhgh performance minerai wool producto. We are searchîng for talented, energetîc individuals vwîrh drive and determinaflon f0, join uo 0f our Milton facility Commercial Sales Rep Workîng in the GTA, you wîlI help develop omarenoso for our brand in our commercîal/îndustrîal division t0o rchîtecto, npecîfiern, yod-usera, and confracforo n the commercial segment of our businvos. You mîli lso strengthen busines relatîonshîps mith enîotîng key distribution custoniesr and develop nem opportunîtîes. You have a proven frack record of succes n the commercial soles and building materiaf s înduotry as woîl as relevant training and educafion and highlp developed presentaflon, communication, and negof 0f on/vales skills Production Planning Coordi nator You wîf I be reaponaîble for fhe effective coordination of facfory production lîne planning, ochedulîng, and marehocîse fîniahed gond inventory control. You mîlI complote reports and reconcîliafions arîd cormonicate effectîvely mîth dîfferent departmenta. You are self mot înafed mth esceptional mrtten, oral, and Iorganîzatîonal okillo, A team ployer, your post-oecondary education in a related field, minimum of fine years' experience in production planning. înnenfory control, and MRP, and computer proficency are ideally supported by production planning/inventory control certification (CAPICS, APIOS, PIC). me eopand in North America. We offer a dynamic enironment mihsi sgnîfîcant growfh potential and have an excellent benefifo and remuneration package. Pfease apply in mrtîng f0. 420 Branle Street, Suite 105 Milton, ON L9T DH9 e-mail: fBx- (905) 878-8077 ROXU L The Better Insulatiori IWe mhank iealappuycants, tinwever. enho thoe under consideratien wll De contacteei. Gîift bar.n,'acks Wneafh Hours V/cekdays-fvocn ,7pnî SaturJ~a 3i 'rýday- vri-5pm Clembrook Christmas Farm 4231 Derry Road, Milton - 905-878-6576 ýZ m- M- m 1 Franchises 97- 1