A20 - The Canadien Champion, Friday, December 5, 2008 uncndiionl lvebj d-o e j a at S & DISTRICT ) C i HUMANE SOC IETY ADOPTuÀ-THON Friday December 5th - Sunday December i 4th Where a minimum donation of $50 could make a big difference in a cat's life - as weII as your family's. Corne prepared to take your new family member home. Every Adoption Incudes: *A microchip *Current Vaccinations De-wormingN *A collar and tag 6weeks of pet insurance Adopt-a-thon Extended Hours Monday to Friday il arn to 8pm Saturday and Sunday il arn to 5pm Advertising courtesy of the Sheridan Advertising Association e j j vile m e.. O Minor atoms back on track with two decisive victories Rcbounding rom a tough Silver Stick Tournament showing in Whiby lasi weekend, Milions AA minor aîoms îurned hack iwo opponents earlier thîs week to improve to 12-4-2. This puis them in a tie for ihird in Tin Countys Bowen Division. Led by îhree-point nights from Dimos touizos and Miles Jackson, the Winterhawks kicked off the week hy downing the hosi Ancasier Avalanche 5-I Monday Louizos had iwo goals and an assîsi, with Jackson collecîîng îhree helpers. Justin \Whetham also iallied îwîce. wth a two-assist con- tribution made by Callumn MacGregor. James Clark hacksîopped the vîsitors îo viciory dcliv- ening a îopnotch perforrn- ance. Christian Propp was equally sharp the followng evening ai Milton Sports Centre (MSC), where Milton prevaîled 3-1 over the orangevîlle Fîvers. Agaîn I onizos and Jackson stood oui with two goals and a goal and an assîsi respcctivcly. RepHockey Sîrong defence was îurned in by Ross Matthew, Connor Smon and Maîîhew Moore. The mînor aîoms h-ave a big game againsi second- place Oakvdlle Tuesday ai MISC. Strong showing in Chicago Fresh off a pair of wins for one of their few bright spots in league play, Milions additional entry aioms dcliv- ered a big performance lasi weekend in Chicago - f alling hearîhreakîngly short of championship play Tournament siandout (ameron (aulley forced overtime wiih less ihan îwo minutes remnaîning before the Winterhawks were eclîpsed in semîfinal sudden death - on a five-on-ihrce deposit - by the first-cntry Leafs. The 4-3 loss saw Wîll Chudleigh and Carter Taylor accounit for the other iwo goals. Milton splii rounid-robin play, ai 2-2. wiîh its initial s-cirycomning ilopsided lashioni, \wth prcîîy much everynne litting the score- shiec in a 13-0 rmassacre nI the Norîhwest Chargers. Gulley was the lone marksman in a follow-up 1- O squeaker over the second- entry Leafs, whdle these wi.ns fell between a 7-2 initial set- back to the #1 Lea[s and a 3- 2 loss to the Afton Americans of St. Louis, Missouri. Bantam selects reach final Wiîh strong play at cither end of the ice, Multons ban- tamn selecis won four straîght games to reach the final of the Dan Pulham Memorial Tournament in London. A neighbourîng rival would evenîually end their championship hopes, with Georgetown edging the Winterhawks 2-1. Milton gave up jusi seven goals overaîl ai the tourna- ment, wîth their defensîve efforts hîghlighted by a 2-O whîtewash over Erindale in thc second round. This was sandwviched between a 5-2 decision over the Brampton Spiîfîres and 2-1 victory over the hosi Hawks. That set up a sernifinal clash with Scarhorough, which the \Vinterhawks wvon 3-2 in a comrpetitive. physî- cal showdown. - 41 J~Zbe Canao IR&R7 1 SO EMOVALe FALL CLEANUPS Garage Dom, - Electie Openers RESIDENTIAL SNOW REMOVAL Sales, Service and Installation LIMITED Wmdows, Entrance Doors, AVAILABLE! Stonn Dooni, Paio Doon iALBE TrEL: 519-853-2114 (AcToN) (905) 330 e133 à a Nla *Ear's a Glands e Dematting a De-Skunking @ Aromatherapy PC I' Water Massage e Medicated/Flea Bath ~~ We Carry Fine Pet Accessories &S Heathy Foods m illç 70 %fWe Make Doge Look & Féee Fabulous Pro jeààinal Dog Groomingq 5001 DISCOUNT ON NAIL CLIPPING WITH AD Certitied Grvomers jior ail Breecla Al Maor Credi Cards Accepted 905-875- Tai! (8245) ww.pmaave r 187 MARY ST., unit C ML N moikemuver)1.cou SNOW REMOVAL Driveways Sidewalks 24h services Sign contract today for a Iow rate 416 527 3350 BilHo eIpee ts MeMvaSere Beatos & tRnos iim . 197 20Kitces eramcs Hig 905iy r335.4390tndd JO >,ýBasement + Waterprooting We repair Ieaky basents Inside and outslde. Window Well - French Drains -Polyurethane injections lïàilý over 25 Years of service (905) 454-3141 Basements * Additions Bathrooms e Kitchens Decks e Renovations Cail MIKE 905-702-7341_ * ENOVAIO TNB Contractors speclallzlng ln: V 1I1~Kitchens V Bathrooms w VBasements V Hardwood V Plumbing t/ Electrical For Ail Your Handyman Needs Tom 647-889-7252 Nvick 416-579-1267