The Çanmdian Champion, Friday, December 5, 2008 - Al15 1L4..l'a~~LaL~ ELCOME to thefollowing Milton and area-based businesses as new Chamber members. New MV JYeii1LFr We invite you to participate in our monthiy events and encourage pou to take part in one or more oft he Chamber committees. * Denotes Escarpment Country T ourism PartnerI. n ARTECE COMNCATIONS INC. 375 Brunie S. N. Milton, ON LOT 3N7 Contact: ail Wagner Sales Manager Tel: 905820-0514 Fax: 905-693-1004 www.artechcommuiiicaliuiis.rum Aeech worhs with 00010 ltraistorm our vision lto realily. We have serurd aid sainfird the audio usuai needs wilh slaging. audio vsuals and uden services or renis, concerts, conterences sud rade shows since 1992. Contact: Larry LeFur, Sales Represenialiue Tel: 905-845-9180 Pa: 905-845-7674 Local real esiale agent assisiug new and local resideols wîlh 1he selîng or tuing processofu a home. Ongoing assistance ihrough the nurIgage reqoremenis sud egal cunings. gram"TOR CR111- DONALD RPF 306- 6733 Mississauga Rd. Missisauga. ON L5N 65 Contact: Donald Epp, rinancial <'anner Tel: 905542-1140 BOSTON PIZMInTON <Fa: 905-542-1145 1085 Maple Ave www.inesorsgroup.comn Milon, ON LOT OAS Commilled lu undersianding your goals. i Conact: Lurence Kaaiagh, Ares Manager proide indeplh analysis and personatized Tel: 905-864-1411 soluions. Wih suppor ot expertssin rai: 90-864-6467 inesimeol, a, morîgage aid relremeni planning, l'il keep you abreaul oftanu changes "Two eperiences uder une rouf': atoull i he financial services indulry. Eers' service, tsmily riendiy casuait dning specialisi sud<pmrtolo manager aIinvrulors restaurant and a separale spors ar. rup is au cummîlîrd li o eellece sud Otering casual dînîng amusphere wth mre service an 1 an. ihan 100 mena items including a unique JACOX &ARLEY.DAVIDSON selecion ut gourmet pizzas, pail5S. 2815 Argenlîs Rd appeiners, meal-sîed salads, enrees and Misîrsauga. On LI5N 8G6 dessers, 1he retaurantis vperlecl or Conact: Marnhait Borner. OrneraI Manager familîrs, eams and groupi oftail ages. Tel: 905-858-6761 CENTIRY 2 1 - LABET LEFORI Fax: 905-858-8760 467 Speers Rd. www>j' Osholle. ON L6K 3S4 Daidsuu/Ouell Moiurctscle Relaier utterîîu molorcycle sales/service; a large assrimeol ut paris/accessories oi sour hîke and cumpleir lune ut clolhinglcolleclshles. ilease usîl us or a coe., some ialk. howse sur store and entas the wurld Ihal is Harlry- l)avidson/Buel RM GMEROON PRODUCTS 430 Indasîrial [Dr Mlon, ON LOT 5A6 Cotact: Chris Kula Tel: 9056-864-4769 Fa: 905-864-4773 Faciory drect pool tables, poker tables. ameroum tîghtîng, al yuur ameroom oceds Mitons ouly Csmeroom sore'!!! SAPETY IN MO0TION Milon, ON Cotact: lames sud Liaune Kraue. Owners Tel: 905-3011980ti % re era Milon hasrd marketing srimpiny whose mission is 5, prîssîde heallO soutions lu commun prîshîrmu lthrîîugh rans-dermil palch iechnologo. Wr arr 1he Cauidiaun manier disrihur f<rtei 0eseci ltetend Pach. Sîmplo apply srie path lu aro dr . harless pari ut the tordy' 2 hors hetirne rxoîsure tl itîug insecîs snd i ill t)proidr :3i hoors iofprotetlrion. R enewva1 M eniberships -itenirles Ccarpureul Coutry o trsrs'î tariser A special thanks to the foilowing busnesses for their continued support. ASI Aumn Prgnre o ltionvItrnastil ir o ar trgas rt /s. s.s' in'oS lrLimied HbeO Asovr e sci.airiogr.i, s gc-:s Atird Latas. Chatord uuustt[littsosn o uiy Ohailit.rtossît , is Maihis. 5.rup is. BO Dunomdy Limied ltrargr Le u i olorl Cetre Ltt:nsis'rrr 515.,olsitrr , Ir:rs si. Oeerry Osîtss ehi Mnagmetsererr s IHers as,iir lisg Is 'uforireicrise iMesrn 'rt le Sprns o utsul vr * trd Compuesri 5lsio', i) Cachworks Canada lus Slumolsor i irdnii fngCotrstîs .iit riiurtisanIr.iton iihaus and epais1Stts.sitCrls F'onrisHomssr5' ' l Castsii5 d.rir 5:. tisis OSA Prishinis is3aclonEs I n tir Ssii i, rst-,,th a ti r Etun Ysle Cmpanyo)r. S an 'N.,iti Lssirs: oudi chemicaIs JysIeCumlagt NOVXEMBER BUS BrafatwTh he Honourable Lia Raitt uIeMme MP fr Haton appoMintei s iiter of Natura l ore tepha, en Harer1, o Otoer29208 GrnteRdg ponfCluby l81 Man S. CE. Unit - Miltuon, ON LOT IN7 Contact: Sue Corrie. Owoer. wwr.shrkeysculsforkids.csrn Shrrkey's Cut ois iiiKds provides quaiit hairsutlisg serices loirt'hildren 'f ail ges. Kids cao sit ru a pro6 Barbue Jeep or play Xbox ohite getiiug iheir haircai. lu addiion, wr ruer «(or tre) mricuies lfor girls, lamour Birrhdav Paries aud reils merchandise. VILlAGE COMNMTVCIURCH, THE Sunday Locaion: Galauy Cinenis Mlon, ON Contaict: Mslch VauRassel. Ste Coordinailsr Tel: 905-876-4762 The Village Communiy Church is a ground- hîeakiug church which is devoied lu persooally smpaciîugpeuple urlO lise message oftiesus ir a don-lu cariS relevant way. Their services aes cory Sundsiy murnisg il 1551) ansil i he Calaxy Cinenas. ls:îs ia .n : ,s k riiro i lirae d l 'SS AUTER HOURS Springridge Farrn was decked oîut for Christmas for the Novemher Business After Hours co-hosted hy Springridge Fan-m and McMarketng Inc. It was a great opportunity to network and get in the Christmas spirit wth a record 13<) Chamber members in attendance. Laura Hughes of Springridge spoke about ail of the exciting events and festive gifts, decorations and baked (Lei torigh): ob MDon!d, goods avoulable at Springridge Farm. (Lef torigh): ob MDonld, Carol McDonald of McMarketing Inc. ICarol McDonald. Laura Hughes proudly announced the companys and John Hughes upcoming projects and displayed their latent project-a 24-page insert on the Hot Toys of 2008 which appeored in ail of the Sun newspopers ocrons Canada. Thank you to the Hughes and McDonalds for their wrm hospitality and generosity. Cati For Nominations DEADLIN MORNOMINTONS does nul research o eip Mlton, ON L9T P For tIhe 2008 Community Awards Gala in thse categories of*. February 201h, 2009 inom lroded; ue ely un te or tan lu: 905-8784972 " Citizen of thse Year Nominaions mail include the tnuthNmin atior l obe are Aadrandnt il eano * Business Person of thse Year name, addreuuaod phone number ut aoaiiabie ai ai the Auai Gala Awardo Nighl un * Bsinss f te Yar 25 mplyee orles) the nomne, and mot imporianlly Salorday, April 4, 2009 ai Granite " uieso h er(2 mlye rls) te reanons why lbey deerve the Mil t Ridge Got Club. " Business of thse Year (26 employees or more) nominaion Milon Cbamber ut Commerce " Lite-tme Achievement Award nominale tbemslvsThe Camber 251 Main S. E. Saie 104 7429 Fifth LUne, Mfilton, Rght at the east end oft Main St. Trsri4r Numw Soils, Mulch & Aggregates Flowers +,* Shrubs & Trees iiin Garden Decor k'ý' Design & Maintenance New OtmtitITown Accepting New Patients. DR. RAESH H. PANCHAL QD Comprehensive Eye Exains Full Range of GlasseslContact lenses Wheelchair accessible Evening and weekend appointments available 400 Bronte Strcet South, Suite 109 Ground Level near corner of Derry/Bronte Cali now to book an appoîntment 905-875-1200 collision I& Pafint MIL TON'S FULL SERVICE COLLISION CENTRE" Cal Steve Boers 706 Main Street, East Milton, ON W&01110 We wlli exceed your expectations SKD COMPANY 375 Wheelabrator Way, Milton (905) 875-1427 (416) 798-7099 Courier/Expedite'-- YOUR FAST FREIIOT AND COURIER LINK MAKE 1 CALL, WE-LL TAKE CARE 0F THE RESTI -On Cal1 ServIce- Modern Tracklng Systemn SERVICES AVAIL.ABLE SUPER DIRECT - Immediate Direct Odue ONLINE ORDERING Vie lai wetsie'www.puweikr.oimn DIRECT- Delluer in 1-2 hours ONLINEADVANTAGES: RUSH - Deliver in 2-3 hours Savon Trou BASIC - Deluer lu 3-4 bours Cnfirmatiounvia onaîl upor picusp Confirmatior viaerriuspur Oliiuery isgraure SAMEDAY- Delîver by 5pm CALL TO GET SETUF! lui.OU-U-114 555 Industrial Drive* 905-878-2341 ____j 1- ire