Al14 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 5, 2008 www.chamber.milton.oi rresiuenirs mvessage Rosa Martins Wow! Hard to believe we are almosf through 2008, and the holidays dre upon us. Our business growfh has provided us with lots of shopping chotces - su spend those holiday dollars at home, support the local business economy, and enjoy ail f hat Milton has tsi offer. It has been an extraordinary year for the Chamber of Commerce, 1 would like to thank our Board of Directors, and Committees that have donated their time and energy; to our members, fhank you, for being part of the business community, and being involved! The Milton Chamber of Commerce works im Mitcheille , kimmitdillbllnLco Ceremonies. Dont miss out on this very popular event, order yot today! ur tickets Finally, on behaîf of fthe Milfon Chamber, 1 would like towish aIl of you a wonderful holiday season. Enjoy your familtes and friends. Peace and healfh f0 aIl. -j ~ M e oiii cona &MF-PCEF-P prs(s"ssîîtîil cîss7sîrtlit a Full Service Accounting for Individuals and Corporations a Personal Income Tax e Financial and Retirement Planning e Estate Planning William J. Mercer, FCGA, CFP Blake Mercer Hon BA, CGA 245 Commercial Street Milton, Onario, L9T 2J3 T 905-876-1144 F 905-876-4209 - Sales & Services Miltown - Software & Accessories - On-Site Service Computer Repair Depot Services Network Installations *Consulting .LExmm r 75 n S.E n i2 stylerusheidIkelFauetsu -* Granite & Corian Countertops 905-878-8686 - 18 Thounpssn Ruai, Milton Upcoming Networking Events Contact the Chamber at 905-878-0581 for further information about these functions. Milton Chambr of Commeerce Annual Geemi Meeting Tbursday, December tt, 2008 7:30 AM -900OAM Milton Sports Centre, 605 Santa Maria Blvd. Jin us for coffee and etect vour new Board vf tbrectors for 2009. If 000 are unable to attend piease send vour proxy. Breakfast with The Honourable Lisa Raitt - MP for Halton and Minster of Natural Resources Tuesdas, December 16, 2000 Granite Ridge Golf Club Regstration 7:00 AbM Breakfast 7:30 AbM Members: $40 (GST includedl Potential Membero: $50> (GST neluded I Sponsored bo: Ronul toc. Seventh Annuat Sports Celebrity Dinner & Auction Tuesday, Januarv 20, 2009 Autograpbs: 6:00 PM Dinner. 7:00 PM Rattenake Golf Club tteadliners: Jean Belaveau and loons tower January Business After Ilours Tuesday, Junuary 27, 2009 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Hosted hv: Harrop Restaurant 345 Steeles Ave. E. Mayor's Breakfast Tbursday. Februars' 12, 2009 Regstration 7:00 Breakfast 7:30 Granite Rdge Golf Club State ofth1e "Town" Address 2008 Coaaunity Awards Gala Saturday, Aprit 4,2009 Granite Rdge Golf Club to nover f00 0000 lv nominale a business person, business or citizen for the 2008 awards! Also featuring Sandy Hawley, one of the greatest race-rders in Canada, hockey great Henri Richard, MikeO'YShea, 3-time Grey Cup winner and inebacker for the Toronto Argonauts, Master of Ceremonies from SportsNet Ontario Evanka Osmak, and local heroes the Milton OId Stars hockey team. GOLD SPONSORS MEDIA SPONSOR SILVER SPONSORS DESGN and PRNT SPON'SOR AVW TELAV teaRI1 GO B N * d *iiIfrmnmIU3FRIEND SPONSOR * ROXL L 1A~DlI ( instruction FELTMATE DELIRATO HEAOLE LLP MILTON HOME HARDWARE BUIiLING CENTRE * IndPst1i7, &/Pane/Bilding7 0 Comml7eividl *Polo ino6 *Tr'oub/e9s/ootig 7 m u , 400 Morobel Drive, Unit 1 LECTRICMiltonl, Ontario 19T 4N6 Tel: 905-876-2519 ELECTRIOCA CONArrfCTOS Fax: 905-876-3903 for you, and represents you locally, provincially, and federally. The Chamber staff, Sandy Martin, Executive Director, Joanne Barrett, Barb Campbell, Krisf a Lenardon and Andrea Boyle also deserve a big thank you - their insight and dedicafion is an asset f0 the community, and to this Chamber!! The Chamber bas already been working on key events for next year, there are lots of good things to corne. The Sports Celebrity Dinner will be held at RattleSnake Golf Club on January 20th. The Chamber has another incredible mie-up of celebs- Jean Bel iveau, Johnny Bower, Henri Richard, Sandy Hawley, Randy Waples, Mike OShea and Evanka Osmak as Master of I j n ý d. É. -% A 'r%