Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Dec 2008, p. 10

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Aib'- The Canadian Champion, Fridmy, December 5, 2008 Much change stili to corne: Houahan fromn LEMAY on page A4 en, utiabashediy, that wbacb gaves ust he rigbt to exist, that oil catr Cathoalic identi- ty Perbapo tbere's no other line iban tiuw for leadership that is colîrageous.ý Houiahan said she nomninated Matters because of ber fresb vision for the board. -We have had mucb change an the pasa year-and-a-hall anid theres mucb chainge stili comning at us,'t-ioulahan sai "i wantteverveane ai ibis table con coiacer wbere we waiui lu go tiithe nexi few vears. "Are we happy wil betng or ion we want Io go somewhere? i irmiy believe my nomination of joatiue Matiers wîll take us an a differeni direction." LeMav's nomination came fromt Milton rustee Rev. David Wiihelm. He itîed i eMay's iongtime dedication 10 tbe lie tison saici she hrtngs connfienue andi stabilaty ton the position. "Alice Anme is a very strong acîvocate cof pubiicly -funiicd C athenlie. educatîenn,- Wiibeim saîd. "iiu addition te) ber expert- ence, Alice Anne bas dememstrateci in my mmid, an abiiiîte to neraei wth aul stakehenidets ina a conctiaatonry and nurtur- ang inanner. 'She bas the ahalaîx ion laciitatc pensa tive c'oamunic aaion between ail nmcmi bers of tihe board anc il stakeioilders wîtban the sysaem. She bas a warmi and welcomang mnanner abat makes ber approachable naul issues." V/an de Vraiide's nomination for vice- chair was unconiested. He puliacly tbanked the other trustees, saving he is committeci to serving the lion systeli. "These are chailenging tîmes in mnany way s, saîd Van de Vrande, who bas serx-ed as a Burlingion trustee on the hboard (cor cîght years. - We are living daiy hrough unprece- clenteci events, poniticaiiy, economicail> and as a Catholi organization, constant- iy chaiieniged k hose wl'o wonuld cndc.oxour ton exitniguisb the lame of ( atholic education. Thbis as a turme for big dreanis, for hcid sîeps and for accepting waîhoaui hesitatton the commission of Christ. It as nul a time ton say, Yes, we cati,' but rather, witb the heip of God, "ces, we xVhii."' Danielli receives nomination by outgoing chair fromn BOARD on page A2 ensttring agendas are (oalioweci, atti e make rulangs. wben ncessars, on the prenteaceais îu bc feaiwed hv the boa-id n makîng decîsions. Danaeliawas înmnated fiar vice-chair hx outgoîng chair and IlaitonMtils Trustee (jîllian Tuck Kutartia, who stag- gested ber work in dcaling with a dificuta accommcodation prccess an Militn The first settiers te) Ontario placed lit candies in hoiders on trees in celebrataun of Christmas. Mure than 100 years ago, in the 1890s, electrac ighrs were uoed for holiday srore dispiays and some grand homes, but this was rare and very expensive. By the 1920s, strings of big coured bcaibs, using enonugh eiecrricity ton hum your hands, conmplete with woven cioth coverings over the wires were commun. Fast forward ru the 1970s and mini- incandescent bulbs became the rage. Each of these buibs cinnsumed about 0.5 watts, ccnmpared tu the five watts that the big bulb incandescent lighrs sold besîde them used. Today, you cati buy strings of Lighr Emiting Diodes. Known as LED Christmas lights or Seasonal Light Emitting Diodes, they use about 10 pet cent of the electricity of a min i-incandescent, abonut three per cent of the older, larger Christmas lighrs and are much iess likeiy tu burra catt Su toso out your old bulbs and get yourself an eariy holiday gîfr this year! Thousands of others have exchanged their strrings of old-fashoned bclbs for new LED lights. The oid strings are decommissioned and the plastic, giass and wîre are aul prcperîy recycled. The pcower needs of these newer lighrs are very ieaw; in facr sonne ofthe outrdoor strrings conme with a snîal sonar photovoitaic device whach converts suitshine into eieccriciîy fcor seasc'aaililuminationn. Thcse dont even need ton be plugged in. Alson, aîtonmattc timers let you preser when the lights gon on or off which saves costo and draws less ponwer. A specia feaure prepared aaod fundedl iy thre Consneraion Bureau of Ontarion www. cons ervationbureau. on.ca www.everykilowattcounts .com deincnnstraied goaondleadership skîifs. i)anie-lia teaic îtstees she' antended tan keep hbuilinginn werk donc hvthe board cver ahe prexacaus awcn sears. 'C .oatîîaîiiiaienî anc intclusioniare tbe core valîtes oaf ee\,rthinig i do," she adieci. T he vice-chair assasîs the hbnardl chair ancd assumes the role \vheti the chair s tint present, lias a cenflact of interest o)r Your Holiday Headquarters " "Genuine" & Licensed Hartey-Davidson Products " Men's, Ladies & Children's Ctothing " Wattets, Games, Clocks, Iewettery & Collectabtes ~ Reritage Collection wi hpurchase of $550 ormore. Member of the Miton Chamber of Commerce Jacox Hartey-Davdson Mission Statement: To insure our custermers 'Uve the Hartey-Davidson dreamn by bonourino aur cummitment lu total cstumner satisaction iu a famity riendty enviruameat.' Hwy 401 2815 Argentia Road, Mississauga MON-ED 83a p) Argentia 190188.066THUR-FR1 R 3am pm "0"58-966SAT 83ar4m rmI LaDerrv Rd.O www.jacoxhartey.com SUN Ct.OSED FOR FAtiLy 8AY à wishes to speak un a malter at a public hoard meeting. Flections for the positions arc hield annuafly during the boards organization- ai meeting at the start of each December. Elected trustees earn between approx- imateix Si13,000 and $20000 per year, based on student enrolment and whether ihey are a regular trustee, the chair or vice chair. opein oses M4Stuain Ave. E., Unit B, $l1,2SWmth, Jacquelne cuberi 276 Ptta Terace, Mu,000, AMina Nnis Royal Lepage Meadowtowne. 905-878-8101 1026 Cumming Ble., SM0500, Adrea & Cris ma anlldis Prudentiat Town Centre Realty, 905-878-9100 22t estsp Rd., $314900, OKan Taracleck 1290 Cartrur Way, $302500, Baverly Froscit 774 Yales Dr., $382,91K), Jalal Ams un1 Maquira Terace, $339500, Claytaa Hacliunbraatt 7459 WindrushtrCd., Miss., $476,500, Gary Thomas Remax Real Ette Centre, 905-878-7777 9M3 McCeoCeunOs.,s$n89,au, Amy Floeas 24Sleles Ave. E. Und 8B $1,250"n0, Jacqueine Cuberontc 230 Admews Trait, $309,*, Bab Stoue 276 Puts Tenrace, $509,000, AMina Hais 188 Wesla, $459906, Kim Scoft 1311 Wottur Crossaing, $326.906, Put 6ideWu Royal Lepage Meadowtowre, 905-878-8101 i 3pm ý* 393 Patt Tenace, $38490, Damenic Manclesi 1126 Cummtng Bled $309006,Admea & Crint SaventAuddio Prodentiat Trwn Centre Reatty, 085-878-9100 Your life zs n 'iour hands. Please Don',t Drinik & Drive NkmAp r umnk W g Vlunleers always needed. -1

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