The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, December 3, 2008 - A7 Another delay for gazebo dedication_ SîlciAL !I iL rt-viud Due to unforeseen problems, the ded- ication of the gazebo being placed at Conservation Park in Campbellville bas been postponed for a second ime. Factors including weather, inspec- tions, transportation and required equip- ment have al played a part in the delay of the much-anticipated event by the Destination Campbellville Community Association (DCCA), said member Jan Mowbray "We've bad trouble with equipment chewing the wet ground up, planning for (from Woodbinc Racetrack to the park) has proven to be a challenge," said Mowbray, who represents Ward 3 on town council. "The gazebo needs to be partially dis- mantled and placed on a flatbed truck for transportation, but use of the crane requires a permit. It has been several dif- ficulties together that have forced us to postpone the dedication ceremony The gazebo project began in the spring and will be a focus for community activi- ties and a place where residents can relax and enjoy the scenery, said Mowbray Fh u"a--be reis heing on natcd hs' strong suppor terof t he pirject. Originally planned for November 15, the ceremony was first postponed until November 29, and is now re-scheduled tentatively for mid-December, said Mowbray Shes hoping to have the gaze- bo, in place and the ceremony completed hefore the new year. "The members of the DCCA are hop- ing for a reinstatemnent of the ribhon-cut- tmng and dedication ceremony before the end of December at the latest," said Mowbray "We would love to see the cer- emony happen hefore Christmas." P.L. Robertson to celebrate 100 years In 1907, PL. Robertson patented a square-shaped, socket-head screw It was a hiale invention, but revolutionary. Robertson set up shop in Milton the following year and became the town's major employer, remaining 50 for decades. This year marks the lOth anniversary of the formation of PL. Robertson Manufacturing in Milton, andl the Milton Alarme là' The Law. The Ontario Fire Code requires that every homne have working smoke alarms. Instailithem in your home or cottage today! Historical Society is holding an event to recognize this important milestone. Tomorrow, the society will celebrate and remember Robertson at its annual Christmas Potluck Dinner, which will be held at Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St., beside Town Hall. Former employees andl friends of Robertson are inviteil to attend the din- ner, which will start at 6:30 p.m., andl/or cake and coffee at 7:30 p.m. A special presentation, 'Rememhering PL.,' will start at 7:45 p.m., and attendees are invated to hning their memories to share. Those attending the potluck are asked to bring a ready-to-serve dish or accom- paniment for four to six people, along wth a serving utensil and their own plate and cutlery. eGIF Select Guaranteed income for lite. 5% bonus on guaranteed income. AI the growth potential of the market. You neyer lose the money you invest. "lsn't it time you turned your retirement thinking on its head?" ASKME ABOUT INCOMEPLUS FROM MANULIFE INVESIMENTS. Manulife Investments With you every step of the way' S t'iinriùd~ndoà ergadec, iý ntud jý1; ei 5o te nwtH :ýrd e lsrM ilvie- Bo'iu esaarenon cash oepost',, rnsy irrease thp amo a t s g jrnieed for 1slure aItnnlj ýw. h.- boir s aai.ieci us s 'ohlovirngtei itial oeposr ns rv nth e P Series, psoed no wihdravvals creake n nan cigjib ea, the nina hreshlds ray hae a neqdie ipact on fuure payienns ou seswrose thes ilons y iinvest' efistn-th nL 5traCtOdi I-tur of prinipa by penodic paymne tIOner conditios miay app'y. îme Manuslacturers Lite ioisurance Compan tiso ie mlesuer of the stars'fe GIF Seect rmurance contrianad the juarant3rof ny an raritee pros is, heren GO SleIncoomePlu ias anrd nhock Csn j are regiseed service marks fil 'rmerarks nof'eManufactum-rs Lte insranceComrpany a nare rses Li5'!and a aIS s rJdiri sgn Manulîte Financial Corporation. -III"" hnk Mné(95 6P7 , PJ i~Y S distincMe ýI ladies fa ions STinis., DOC. 41b tMI SUL, On. Mh*OY Mlton Malt 105-878-1414l lcou<pon pcr/CrOI CL/P andSAVE