RE-12 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, December 3, 2008 StnigMfaytwhuelct1H m w interproofing checklist CoorCbnts ohaKi tc hen, Living toom has Sas Fieplace & Buftin TV Niche,Finished bsml witb CHANTALLE an nat Iornmg,pot liglels & lager banne indows.Thia Home CHASSE-NIELSEN boosea Pnde of Ownership! Cii Clanalle aa tiew Teday $269.000. Sales Represenafiee oine:905-608-2436 GREENPARK EXECIJIIVE c.i 416-540-8190 HOME BACKING ONTO POND! Spotiess Gresopanle Home bock- ing on as Pond wilb a Pemum Pie Sbaped lo locaeed in ilo wIý,iTials on the Ecanpment.Ths Home has an Amazing Vies fom eny wo- dos fnom the bock of the bouse. Thousoodo Seton Upgades includine a Pemiom lot &the Ktchen is highly upgnaded. CeCI a er sera ,î Clanlalle te View Taday! $47290 Sales Repes«aiel mfe: 905-W9-7676 CHARMINO CHARACTER HOME RIWMR Located within a short walk ta EuMn downtown. The large mature tree Inc., Bmoleer lined lot offers privacy and loads of Indeperdently Owned prnil.Akn 3900 iue Oea to GOtrain and 401. FREDENE PLOUFFE Broken of Record 90"-34-6873 Sapert S IO ballera atop Whftehouse & Img 9 Whltehouse Realty u r Inc., Broketage candid ILIHI AFTEN TWU MEUHUUM wb location aI Maple Groooing. This 2 leedroom, 2 room, 1020 sq. ft. camer 'Windsor madel backs pond and greeo ares. Large principal roama tester- ga fireplace mille marlele surraand, designer paint, aded cabinelty. upgraded 40 oz. bnesdloom, douable à dsems walk est tl atib. 6 appliances & central air ltoning. Undergraund paring & abroage locker. Caîl oe Ploatte for youn personal tour. haven [rom snowstorens and the coid by, properiy prepaning for the temperature drop. Winterproofing xiii boost your home's energy efficiency, save you money and help keep the whoie famiiy cozy The Home Depot Canada has deveioped the foiiowing winterizing checkiist to heip you prepare your home before the snow [ails. Draft-proof windows and doors. Seaiing cracks with weather stripping or caulking is an easy, cost-efficient way to prevent cold air [rom coming in. This a. especiaily true an homes more than 20 years oid, where air leakage can account for up to 40 per cent of overail heat ioss. -Insulate coid areas. lnsuiate coider areas of the home such as the autic, porch or baseenent to reduce heat loss and save By Keith Prindi TV wall mounts are traditionally made witb steel wali plates but mount manufacturer Sanus Systems ( bas developed a new wall-plate design that revolu- tionizes the flat-panel TV industry and makes installation easier for the do-it-yourseifer. "The wall plates on out new Vision Mount LT25 and LL22 e Lay down rugs. Insulate coid floor- ing such as tule or hardwood, hy iaying down a stylish area rug. Your feet and pets xiii thank you. - Instaîl a programmable thermostat.- A programmable thenmostat means yu neyer need to remember tas adjust your homes temperatures at night or wben you're away Used properly, et can reduce heating bis hy up to 10 per cent per year. - Check the furnace. Clean or replace your furnaces aer lilter eacb month to ancrease heat circulation and reduce fuel costs. Do regular maintenance checks, clear away any flimmables and cal n a Horre Depot expert installer if there are any signaficana problems. - Prep the fireplace. Test the damper aend dean tbe chimney to make sure the mounts are made with 6061-T6 extruded alu- minum alloy, the same alioy class used in the construction of higb-per- formance aircraft, yachts and automobiles because of the many advantages it offers over steel," says Dominse (Grey, produet deveiopment manager for Sanus. One of aluminum's greatest qualaties iv that at offers a strength-to- weight ratio and corro- sion resastance much greater than steel. 6061 aluminumn bas a tensile strengtb of 18,000 psi, but Sanus added another step to the manufactuning process of its new wali plates, adding a 16 heat treatment to further forts- ly the produet. Wath this additaonal temper treat- ment, 6061-T6 alu- minum offers a tensile strength osf 42,000 pai, making the product sncredably durable. Aiuminum iv also much lagbter and there- fore easaer to handle. Sanus' nexa generatiora 771 MITCHELL PLACE, MILTON 3 BDRM. SEMI-NEW PRICE! immasulane 3 bedroom semi surounded by derached i. homes. Omail stnsai and salkiag distance tn achooia. panks and all amenities, Appnssîmaieiy n1800 aqin, à ~open concept living. Ail biîds and windos canerings inciaded. Niceiy landscaped and tuiiy ienced pnsperry. Upgnassed kisichen and ait back newer appiances included. Centnal Ain, Cennnal Vas and washerldryen inciuded. Caii Effie Dîmou fsn youn pensonai ciesîng. This Bwon'n iast ong. MARK DAVIOSON Sales tepnesentaiîue 905-634-6873 MAPLE CROSSINO 2 BEDROOM Locted an desirable 'Maple Crosîng' condominiums, hia SUPER BRIGHT & SPACIOUS 1020 sq. fi. 2 bedroom - 2 bathroom Windsor model boasto large ' living ares mille GAS IREPLACE wille manlle sarround, upgraded 40 oz. Broadloomn & underpad. Large et-la Whitehouse& kdrchen wih UPGRADED CABINETRY and double Whltehouse Realty french donna 60 blcony wihb ESCARPMEPJT VIEWS mnc. Brokerage & in-suite laundry. Underground parking and torage. Coîl Mark Davidson for more cetails. M ý nwoec GEOFF SMITH Sales Represantaiva 905-335-3042 gsaitteroyllepage.ce www.yourRalpocom ROYAL LEPAGE ireplace is ready for use. Remember to use a safety grate and ail the necessary tools for worry-free fires. More taps on wititerizing your home can be found online at www.homede- - News Canada wall plate w ei gh s oniy 3.5i-m lbs, 68 per- cent leva than com- parable modela, so an installer can easaly bold the wall plate with one hand and mark dnilling hole loca- tions with the other. The lighter [rame also makes installation safer, especsally wben on a ladder. The new wall plate also enahies Sanua' Click Fat accessories to easi- ly snap onto the wall plate wthout the use of tools. So not oniy iv the mount legbter, making it easier and safer to instaîl, vurge suppressors and electrncal hoxes can be attached night on the mount without having to drill extra hoies in the wall, and the accessories remain hidden behend the TV The , waii plates are alvo more envirmnentally fniendly Due to tbe hsghly efficient manulactuning process of extruding aluminum. there is x"rtually no material waste, whereav maksng the same product out of stamped steel may revuit in up to 50 percent wasted material. And hecause the produet weegbs less than steel, leva material is required for packaging the final produet and leas fuel iv humed whale transporting the goods. Alumsnum iv alvo recyclable, an added honus for the earth-con- scious consumer. - News Canada Immoculote 2200 si. 5. homo sîrh al ehe 'l sonts. 3 Bau, 2.5 bath, dbl ganage wsitsida aotiy Gorgeous cherry ktchan wirh graniteacoustertopo and rombled munhia hocksplosh Al Whirlpool Gold Stinlaso Steel klchen oppliarcas sîth countan deîth endote Mastan airs 4 sa ensuite, walk-in closet and hîs closat. Main loon lomîly oom wîeh tîrloca tplus 2nd loon tamily noom sith huile in sunnound system and hadroom lasel lounry. Stompad concrets dnîuaway and longe tully feanced 530100O lot and os mary othan inclusions to lishrt MVLS #2000146. New technology makes installing 1V waII mounts easy ~OI4741O1 FANTASTICSae in Tîmberlea. Brand new custom ktchen sur- Representatîve .mun rounded by Tumble stone backsplash, 2 tireplaces, ROYAL LEPAGE oversized windows. Newly laodscaped yard mole **Broker Singround pool and pond. Backing onto parkland. A must see! To view call Kim. $499,900 DISTRESS SALES, BANK FOEC1OSURES, POWF r SÀLES! Visit branffordhomeinto,oom Remax Twin ity Realty mc., Brokerage