Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Dec 2008, p. 47

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The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, December 3, 2008 RE-li1 in a stormy economic market, your home can be your financial haven. John Cavan, - Mortgage Agent L- g 00 Ask your local mortgage planner If you're like many Canadians, the uncertainty in the economy is making you anxious about your fnancial secunity. You're think- ing... what's at stake? Your retire- ment? Your job? And what about the usual holiday spending? The good news is that with our years of experience, we know how to help protect our clients against turbulent times, by boosting cash flow, driving down debt, and building a financial buffer. For example,you can save thousands of dollars by rollîng high interest debt into a low-rate mortgage.You can pay off your credit cards, pay- off your car paymnent, and have a great holiday season with your family Even better, you'll have a new lower monthly payment: Debts Current Mortgage CarLoan Credit cards Total New Mortgage (no loan/credit cardsl Savings Monthly Interest Interest Paid Amount Payment Rate after 5 years $155000 $992 6% $43,749 $20000 $396 7% $ 3,761 $20000 $524 19.5% $11460 $195000 $1,912 $58,970 $198000 $1,209 5.5% $51,106 $7864 n ths example, monthly payments are $703 Iess each month; a great improvemnent in cash flow! Total interest paid over the next five years is also redluced by almost $8.000. This chart is for illustratve purposes only. Assumes mortgage amortizatbon perrods of 25 years and 5 years for the car boan and credit cards; al rates are hypenhetical and subietot change. The new monigage in iusks $3000 fee to break morogage; appraisal and legal fees are an additional cnSt. OAC. You can put your extra cash just in case you need to deal flow into your monthly mort- with a downtumn in income, an gage paymnent to power your unexpected expense or a drop mortpnagOP down faster. or vou in housing values. can build a financial safety net, Wondening how you should weather a stormy economic cli- mate? Kick-start your holiday season with a conversation about your mortgage plan. We can help you sort ouf your debt 50 you can better meet your short and long-term goals. This maybe the time to make your home your financial haven- to weather any storm that might lie ahead. Security and opportunîty... rîght under your own roof. Now that's a reason to oele- brate John Cavan is an Approved Mortgage Planner with Mortgage Architects. Mortgage questions and concerns can be directed to John Cavan's office, located at 14 Martin St., Milton. John can be reached by phone: 905-878-7213 or by email: john.cavan@mtgarc.ca. John Cavan's website is wwwstressfreemortgage. Ca. Contact John today about your stress- free mort gage opportunities. wmat - '1i W I1e Herbai Immune Soul (NC)-Most of us know when a cold is coming before t takes hold. This holiday season, nip it in the bud with this warming, immune-boost- ing soup. 8 cups water 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 1 onion, diced 10 Toppits Garlic Cubes 1 1/2 cups vegetable stock or low-sodium 4 Toppits Ginger Cubes chicken stock 5 pieces sliced dried astragalus root 2 cups fresh, sliced shfitake mushrooms Cayenne powder, if desired Bring water to boil in large pot. In a skillet over medium heat add olive oil, saute onion, garlic, and ginger until soft and aromatic. Add contents of skillet to water. Add broth, shiitake and astragalus. Simmer covered for two hours. Remove from heat; allow to sit for two more hours. Remove astragalus root. Reheat. Add sait and pepper to taste, and cayenne powder if desired (just enough to brmng out a light sweat)* Astragalus Root can be found at your local health food store. For convenience, we recommend using Toppits Frozen Garlic & Herb Cubes in this recipe. Toppits Cubes can be found in the s produce section of most major grocery stores. For more delicious recipes and store locations visit Most of us know when a cold is comning before it www.toppits.com. takes hold. This holiday season, nip t in the bud - News Canada with somne wdrming, immune-boosting soup. KATHERINE BARNETi BROKER PERFORMANCE REALTY INC. BROKERMUE mU- j ~YTT~ kv.! t'al thse i dream eam "for greai raes,fasftiersdlv service & stress free miorgages. 14 Martin St., Milton, ON îî878-7213 Su ffl1bpi Rd - www.stressfreemortgage.ca "ýg.O ý4-ATTK4Y 11-INDSAY ý1 MATîA.,,ýSY fP«ý%,7-ËLL 1ILLAGE ýt MATTAYY Facing lors backing ontc, forest on quiet cres- 1990 sq b wilh ci 30K in upgrades Hardwood tioors Beautitul 4 bedroom Mattai detached with 2355 si A brick elevation. excellent cent, interiocking brick waikway and patio 1800 in mng room and curling room family roonn features finished basement main f!oor family nom crescent location gleaming hardývood sq ft, gleaminq famwood floors in main floor . gas fireplace and media niche Family sized kitchen with wilh hardviood tloor and gas lireplace. living floors and stairs, e, Imily suzed eat in kilchen walk out Io deck and fenced garder, conan courtes. 1, pantry mal at in kitchen vvith walk in rani room open to fi and dinin with hardwood, main fluor laundry. n floor family room with media eramuc bacýspiash, air slaiffiess steel appliances mastent wi h waik in closet and 4 piece ensuite, niche 'and gas fureplace, tour bedrooms, w/stainless steel appliances, living and il c ý1 m1g 1 wcludiný but in cooktop oven and m1crowave. fifth beffroi and 3 Fce bath in baisement rooin wilh hardwood licous. 2 5 baths, four bec- liagrade cabinets with top dnuy ni, valance and;, rooms, master leaturinq walk in closet and panMaster feinures walk in doser with organizers t loor plan 230 sq ft, located on ind 'Paclous master boasts faci tub in and gea f i1 ensuite and walk tri closet. soaker tub and separale shower in ensuite lece ensuite endly crescem! S43 1 00 0 ý4A 'ý)Gü Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contrai with another brokerage 11.1 A'à l 1 1 à Vil il j:i

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