The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, December 3, 2008 - B3 * . A -i MAfLT'M 1 LL5 Jýw LRï Speech and Hearinga Screenings &a«b& cana à Uc.(et riday, December 123C #c CaIfor appt HEARING SELF-ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST & Wl V u * ....Do you hear words, but flot understand what is being said? *....Do people seemn to mumble?S.au2evad *....Do others comptain you turn up the TV or radio too Ioudly? YuiqA«*% mm eaum. * ....Do you find it difficuit to hear in noisy envirnoments?&a Q" d& m * ....Do your family members complain that you are flot hearing themn? 'EhSaé 1ai~ q If you checked 1 or more of these boxes, i is recommended you have your hearing tested. CaIl to book an appoioitmet for a hearing test wth one of our Audoogists. x q ta 84 ?ým"aai I.l s an d .Aape SPEECH AND HEARING CEN'Uic oeaP at nM dar<g 311 Commercial St., Suite 109, Milton 1K STel: (905) 875-3345 ~ MAY[AGMaytag Commercial Technology at home Stop by and sec our full line of washers & dryers in assorted colours & styles. Crioeson Red Laundry Pi Dur stre isopen 1000 RPM Spin Maon - Fr1 IM OpoaSanitaryCve esg Sel II Oni, nd VDryer 10 ecconinodete e Intelli Dry your busy scbedule MiTCELS aya a aa a enre& lara aeCetr Mio ICrssradsMal, ame *'w Prkwy 40I(95) 64-26