The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, December 3, 2008 -Bi The annual 'On The Way To Bethlehem' Christmas nativity pageant drew large crawds ta Country Heritage Park this past weekend. Clackwse fram abave, Father Mark Curtis (Ieft), playing the part of King Herrad, listens as his sage, played by Keth Stadart, annaunces the arrivai of the three wisemen ta Herrad s court. One of the three wisemen - played by Henry Larsen (rght), wth his page Oliver Ah-Kian, 7, whispers his leave af King Herrod s court ta the ather wisemen. Litte pag- eant-gaer Bryannah Dunn, 4, can barely see aver the railng in Kng Herrad s court. Katrina Campbell (left) and Chelsea Neugeba ier - bath il - play the part af travellers an the - way fram Nazareth ta Bethlehem. Heather Whitehause, 9 (lef), and seven-year-ald brather Fraser partray children af a Jewish family at their statian autside af Nazareth. A caravan with a real camel makes its way ta Bethlehem. GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION *Wood Beds *Day Beds *Electric Beds eFurniture thee