A26 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, December 3, 2008 To ou>' vluad cuaomers: Wa apologe for &Dy lacafflaigna a n erya>u ou llyer lledNovem her -Decembe ro4l 8 iýej wep vri, e ti oincn i ri d ie wîiff a i liage ot lie inleos eadouf. However, the wnlesfoadsetf s not incuded in fis bundfe. SKU.1 0f 13686 I FUTURE SHOP FUTURE SHOP CORRECTION NOTICE CORRECTION NOTICE Somsung LN40AS50 + HT-AS720ST + ROPi 500 0800 360 LIVE 12M MESSENGER GOLD PlACE 1011f3686.I (10099946,10100499,10106636). PMeuse note thot Plein note tot an ?pn page 1 othte November 28 lii~ f ~ i~ni,.flyer t4 nOB360 rive Poonka9 iouiioîoonii W@sàoy ui#fo Vi M e oiceruly apoloue f(oâca.n.c â, îi î, î inîi iiiuoff h mo u n Iimonvenle wa cauoad b>'auenr. .1 la aid Ieovembor228 - uemher4l4 Poda$3 9 Slu oiOPgre)On p pge 6 th $2bù înîi p9giiiq IiStaad 'U0 ti P.Vced Credits (including tanis) Oi appear on tecustornrs accountin1 the form of a credif. Conditions apply. SKfJf 0060381 FFUTURE SIOP CORRECTION NOTICE LG 226 tu. fi. Stainiesso ce & Water French fluor Rehtigerulor 10104232. Pieuse note un the I W sàaeely apolegize for a ,~eni menee 11o mumulv--