A2 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, December 3, 2008 . Kqm - - - - -- WLý& -v * MA A y GORRUD'S ar e enaa t SE ih O N on n Aed~~~~~~~~ tSosEaeDweAidoN&ocsB anne0f Hnda3 Yr6OOOir too waant poweOtrain warratty. Stk #G024618 OUle »05 TOYOT 2006 CHO E il CA IL A mieldiemdl St h tw r mat oDrRnni Aomt Cra Ondiion y AR per windos3& locs 500 iri Bcktm Bal- eacirorae polcy S070571A.5 r1OR -R ___NI U DSEDAN R SEDAN.i;I Wang a %Pqwqw a qw a 'q 1 Parade fraud reportune investigationl 4cm says heý collecting for Sick Kids, but no money turned in By Stephanie Hounsell CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Police are investigating a report that money was col- ected fraudulently along the route of the Milton Santa laus Parade. Halton Regional Police Det. Sgt. Murray Drinkwalter said a report was [lied by the parade coin- mittee saying that a man, woman and two or three zhildren presented îhemselves along the parade route as collecting funds on behailfof thc Hospital f or Ssck Children in Toronto. Parade commitee secretary-trcasurer Mike Rocker said the only people authonizcd to collect money were nembers of the Rotary Club of Milton, who were doing s0 to defray parade cosîs. Tbey were identifiable by their blue Rotary vests and tbcy carnied pails bear- ing the parade logo. Rotary member Carolyn Keyworth said she was helping collect money when some people told ber they'd already given to someone collecning for the Hospital for Sick Children. Keyworth sasd she then saw a man collecting rnoney wih a girl who seemed about 10 or 12 y-cars o1d, and sbe confronted hlm. He told ber bie was authonized by the parade committee, and he bad witb hom soi-ne of thcMoltion Santa Claus Parade casb envelopes besng distnibuied by Rotarians. He was wcarlng identification ondicatsng he was a member of tbe Ontario Society for tbe Disabled, on whlch neather Keyworth nor tbe Champione could fond any informa- tior. As sbe conttnued to question tbe onan, he becamie -quite belbigerent," Keyworth sasd, and tbe girl began to cry He ihen took, off wsth the girl. Pamela lDsonio-Keitle, dcvelopment assistant ai the Sick Kids Foundaion, sasd nobodvy regtstered to col- leci mioney for tbe Toronto hospital at tise Milton parade and no frsnds bave been tcsrned on. Rocker saîd tbe situation bas i.ast a pail over an otb- erwase successful event. Wcaiber was perfect, [boats were top notch and Ricker sasd he tbinks more people aitended tbss year ihan ever belore. tinfortunaely thas ssn't tbe ftrst tnie sucb an inci- dent bas been reported at tbe Moltbôn Santa Claus Parade. Two years ago, people were also sasd to be col- leciing mioney fraudulently. -We should've been mnore ready" Ricker said. Safeguards including haig more organizers walk tbe parade to keep an eye on thsngs were put iii place two years ago, Rieker saod, but i isnit possible to sc everyîhang that goes on. People collecting lraudulently at parades os a coin- tion occurrence, Drinkowaliei saod. 's'on have this on every Santa Clans parade i eveiy ]urasdsciion,- he said. 's'on bave people taktng advan- tage of the generosaty (of others).' Rocker satd the Milton Santa Clans Parade can't afford to lose any of ots revenue, particnlarly since it receoves no mnoney lrom the Town of Milton. At lcast 30 per cent less ihan the average [rom the 1previous three years was collected at ibis year's parade, Rieker saad; normally, orgamizers can couni os ata least $5,000, while ibis year they took in just $3,700. The funds collected on the rouie make up about 10 to 15 per cent of the parades income, Rocker saîd, with the other money coming [rom lloaî enties and corpo- 1rate sponsors. Stephanie Hounsell cern be eeached ai siloiessen@-mil- ienc dichapvo.Csm. ,,