Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Dec 2008, p. 16

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IÀ 91 - Thée Cànadià,i ChàiOpdn, Wedneýday, O ' Dêcebér 3, 2008 And the winners of the Milton Santa Claus Parade are.. Organizers sax' parade floats welCF D beu iIuÀtleVeî LÏ US yeu The annual Miton Santa Claus Parade has corne and gone and organizers have saved the best for last - announcing the winning entries. Bragging rights for the best non-commercial entry goes ta Milton Area Christian Churches Working Together, while The Dance Shoppe was chosen for the best commercial entry The winners were selected by politician judges Mayor Gord Krantz, Regional Chair Gary Carr, MPP Ted Chudleigh and MP Lisa Raitt, eacb of whom was paired wîth a member of Community Living North Halton. The parade was a huge success, organizers said, Parade organizers lîînited the nuînber of entries and gaps in the parade were kept to a minimum; the parade may have seemed shorter, but that was because it kept a quick pace, making it more interesting, organtzers said. Organizers want to thank everyone involved, including ail the Miltonians who tumed out to watch, and those who made donations to the Rotary Club members to help defray parade expenses. "The committee would like to tbank aIl the busi- ness sponsors in the community, wthout whose sup- port the parade would not be possible snce we, as a committee made up of volunteers, do ail of our own fundraising," said a press release from the committee. Also appreciated are entrants. Vlunteers are already being sought for next year's parade. Those interested can caîl 2008 parade presi- Royal dent Francoîs Fllum at (905) 878-2432. at th( al LePage Meadowtowne distributed balloons and candy canes ta children te parade as weil as sold snacks ta raise funds for Halton Women's Place.

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