The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 14, 2008 - B9 5122rorrer St MAXXIMUM SERVICES Z35 rîtnne1W tttam AbsolutelvMarveliQus Prioed To Sel! Semi Detached 4 MLS LISTING * DEOICATED AGENT 1 L eW j t eShopping, Transit, Scools ParKs Et . Laded Wth * STAGING ADVICE ~ APPOINTMENT BOOKINGS Extras. ?any Upgrades, HW Foor In The U/R &DIR, & More. NEWSPAPER ADS V COLOURFUL FEATURE SHEETS & MORE Basd o M w rkr o coriccirhighesr number ofisinsbassold Jan-Sept 2N85 Satitics Source: Ideendent Source Ced on TREB Staisfics. I stel d doll Ou IiotrOo openr ,,EcoIcoEuOrm 1, END UNIT TOWNHOME IN OLO MILTON 1 Updated ktchenbathroom, walkout to patio & fulIy fenced back- îy ard, a/c, inside access to sngle garage, fully inshed basement prudetial and more! Great home for starters or downsizers. WaIk to popular PrudCenIUKtial aRose» bakery. Cali tor mors dtaits or te set Up vour appt ta BiOK Re « VlOW, (416) 209-2586-.NEW PRICE: $214,900 519-89-2m 1-0-833-1945 ARE LYJU IILAUY' Kids gone!! House fao big? Nof ready for condo living?! The ideal compact home wifh ail the work complefed, could bo yours!! Cal Paf Akers* for details. _________- _ 1__ M n.. i ,824so Fu HOME, ATTACHED ONLY DY GARAGE! Includes 5 appls, large front porch, garage access, oak hardwood floors ft/ main floor, open concept, fireplade with mantie, break- fast counter, walkout t fully lenced bacleyard. Close tGO', schools/parks, Superstore/Restaurants, hwy access. 519-837-1300 519-835-484 OPE HSE -ISilA - 2-49PM Th . ofcr couy hoe Psla onde SR.u 35 q bunalowi etrsicuemi iCml mwt ie M-", ' $MtIlI ~ FABULOUS 25 ACRE property ocaied lust est of the village of Campbellville. Home is a 3 bedrooco brick bungalow wth 2 garages a uos.leU7881t. deiaclred double, aoei a detaclred oingle, The houoe 10 set at lu te ea oftIre proporty for maximum proacy. If youre look- ROYAL LoEpA og 10fo a country retreat, or a place for yooî dream country estate, ooku no,- brOuet CaIliPel or Ineda la arrange Cour S peroonal iewiog. Jacqueline Guagiardi 519-833-0569 905-450-3355 IOYA LMM RCRaW.* OPE I S SNUNO.1 -24P 321 r.ieâSeRod Custom built 4 bedroom. 3 bath bungalow with hardwood floors throughout, newer 6-stall bam with heated teck & fred rooms, 3 large oak board paddocks with hydro & mun-ina & a enced sand ring with lights, ail in a desirable location close 00 401, Mohawk &Village of Campbellville. $799,000. COME & ENJOY SERENITY! $439,O0O Wonderful 3 bedroom bungalow with walkbut. Cozy sunroom, 8-+ acres of red & white pins. 9358 17th SDRD., HILLSBURGH YESTERDAYS CHARM + MODERN CONVENIENCE! 97 acres, 2 barns + paddocks. Luxurous living! $1,175,00. SMASHING HOME AT A SMASHING PRICE!!1 PERFECI HOT TUB WEAIHERW! elt-la kilchen, Set back off dha road ile dits weil cared fer berne widi diree bedreema, The pool as clased BUT dia setdear bal tub in ready la wann tee on celd winoar ilace, leads lwa wasbroams, fiiebed basemeal, Californie shallers. patlighbacrawl igtsi On a highinsaîhl aller sreetia Hawdiorne Village, Milton n wbera liau 'li8, Pelle '08, meldiega, ceramica ia ballway and kitchea, larinale ln living/dîiig will ied tdis heantilul Mallamy bailt Meogmer« eoecutive hbere. 4bdnao. 3 LS5W50 reois. Very prvate leeced la yard. MUST SEEl MLO1504M 2 wanhroerna.100en, aid bam hlrdwd lisra.PP Frech deas aff ai cern irnprenive canlarn bailt ah-mn kit leada ta gargeaas salI waler pool. MLSW1484593 Vriew virtual tours cf ail three cf these homes at wwwHomeByHelnca 0