B8 - The Canadien Champion, Friday, November 14, 2008 OoopVr- c~i- r rz o ) J lijJ SûJŽ OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY NOV. 16111. 2-4 P.M. 1 MTH OLD NEWLY BUILT CUSTOM HOME ON 2 I W 4235 ENNISCLARE DRIVE, MILTON ACRES, 15 MIN. TO 401 Hwy. 401 East to Guelph LUne Right to 20 Sldc R@ad Pnvatetlane ead tastanniag Come saraanded by mature ttees,4700)sqt + 5LXJYA iS BET, 50 sthbUegaiaw aonnSacamreaRgt t 2400eur gea mrcwtrt is hedr ai Ctitncagar age, panarme m5nathraeenmassivg LX Rg T f Et 5004thungef alow nnclre Rlogt lindolr SeAat ooitatuted O asmeii cgarge, 5 beama, 5 athea s siverlokin trames, great as aveetaekieg pnavate tarent w/otaarepaai, 4 car garage, double prîsate tarent, Hage Kiciea witCgrandie, Stalese & centre istanidanar ____ -canctete diaeway, kitoten w/12' stand & grandie, Cage daîeg w/25 catteedeai meus rec raem titte W/O ta pattaFrant otfice, amangat milirandollar tramas cei., anrod, tait wdws trreut, aoe concept, front otttce/4tC bedtaam, ta prnate eaad coantry subdiviston, $1,499,000. Cati for ehowingt 2 irg prches, tighened ceentes. su datisint w/praie eaad & ceantrey tracts, $1n,5r0,00. Crne toe ea bue. SEE MORE PHOTOS wwwchrisdosne. corn What a great place co sgend Chritmas and weletme in the New Year. Tht-. heanerfalîs.mano- tarned trangalsw in te country, bat clise toi the caay. Spacnîras rotes, luira ifapigrades. Nutrlîng tii due but mîve in. 2 + 1 bdlidros., 1 112 btarls, irdles of storage. Drorp bly andsexe forr youerelf. GREAT LAYOUT WITH FINISHED BASEMENT A greai ayoat fat thts oadettut siarner home, atached on t ide ty garage aaiy doauble drteewuy, double dage eniry, large layer great roam mnewer am- mnate floors, Cage et-ta Antcen w/waikoat ta patio, shed & taity iaaced yard Manier han a 4 piece ensuite, toi adddooal iintg space y00 i d a tînîshed basemeni, sep. auadry aiea & cois celas, CAC & aiarm systam. Cati Jodie' today or sea the vilOuai tour ai wa.ladiemqaucken.cem W1498515 i Il maaffl 0 HOME SWEET HOME When you visualize a home improvement project, it doesn't have to mean tearing down walls and erectung a new structure in their wake. often, the most subtie touches, like a new paint colour or a few well placed knick-knacks can add that certain pizazz you're looking for. New fabrics, paint styles and innovative projects can ail give your home a fresh look. And if you feel like adding a new roomn or re-roofing the entire house - go for it! MILTON - 682 HAMILTON CRES tnning Mattamy freeheld tewnhomein esirable Hawthtrne Village. Large eat in em ialitchen, calif mia shutters, JD w ith p t Iights. ewer laminate oe main level. Mbedrm with aikin and ensuite priveeedgeu. 3 r ermwith tindew seat. F resh paint threughout. Nthing eft te de bat meve in. STEFRANIEJOHNSON ASales Representative (905) 632-5940 PLUF 4450 TUCANA CRNHUE O.114,24PM 771 MITCHELL PLACE, MILTON uwu.e.qteunaIt.ca31 MOWAT CEES., GEOErEOWN MISSISSAUGA CONDO PUEMIM PROIiTY - MUGE POOL SIZEO LODT IMMACULATE 3 BEDROOM 'CFantastc 2 bdIrm + Soairum cnnda lacated Fantastc 3 drnCaome locaea in a rear neius.soraood Immacolate 3 tedronm semi surrournded by de- cose ta hwyu & ail the amesîttea yau need. ai Georgetown ini extra eep & wige lor.Open concept tacfled hames. 5mailiStreet and walking dstarce Enîns. thus pampereet spatiens coude ith gar- esign wih large /t.ainîciuing amaira starniesa ta olS. parks and ail amenitias Appr.oximnateiy gean uabtrate a ws Laîcte lapa sel appiances.Asmo irciuded -wasaer & atyer water tenu oqIft, Open conceptliing.Al Cinds and wn- Àà& geus nostrictd vew. Lminte lorin fisC aotatm.gorganas 3 t/2' Catîornia SCt- dam coueings înciuded Nciy iandscaped and througheut vith au ariancea anciaded. 2 tra iraughout earem homre777Grger She,2tCetC uiiy ienced property. Upgraded iitchen and al UNDERGROUND PARKING SPACES iaciuded. Sîamgea concrere baux patio, tait0 tenced ptapetty, ga Caknmrapire îcue eta i a PufuouuceIlti Thinswealt ast sa pieaae cul ERfie Oîmau fer rage door coplrr& a gotat unsported basameni aatrrgiriacndasa/yrîcoedCtClaSmo @lc. re&erage yaur peruoaai aewagofithis gret ptaperty tor our ilDn todeiae, Os wan'ti ast. Cati ECl i- ai Sii imL mou folayfoi your prsoral ilurofîrgi Cs great home for yaar prsonai uewîng. Tis onit last longý MIKE SCHMIDT & TARA DUNN Sales Representatives amce: 905332-4111 OPEN CONCEPT Top floor unit with cathedral ceiling. Gorgeous kitchen with breakfast bar, 2 bedrooms, insulte Sunon Grous. Resuls laundry, underground parking. Great location at Realty Inc, erocerage back of complex. Ofiered at $229,900. Cali for defails or stop by Sunday. OPE lH , E- St, AYNOV. 16- r 4 P BACKS ONTO CONSERVATION! Enîay convenient village living stops ta shopping, school & arenal This cazy & channing 3 bedroom home with dletached 30' x 50' insulated garage will not disappoint. Hast vinyl windows, newer - shingles, floing, soaker tub & ail appliances are included. $249,900. www.iacqeu neguaaiaatdi ram aaaaeiasdiroyeaitepage.c CHRISTMAS UN THE COUNTRY1 Gado CtyRelt mnc., Brokerage Iedependentty Owned & Operated " mummrm Adm