B2 - The Canadian Champian, Friday, Navember 14, 2008 TAKE"1BACK! HALFO N www. halIton. ca/ta keitback Take It Back! Halton is a directary af local busnesses that take back many af the hausehald materiais they produce or seli, ensuring materiais are reused, recycied ar dispased af praperiy. Items currently accepted by Take t Back' Halton partners include: i Batteries (rechargeable and disposable) Car Oil Cell phones Cork Eye glasses lnk cartridges <I Light bulbs Medications Plastic shopping bags Refrigerators, & freezers Sharps (needles, syringes, lancets) Some conditions appiy, please contact individual partners for details. For a complete ist oflTake It Back! Halton partners, please visit www.haton.catakeitback or cali Halton Region at 905-825-6000, i -866-4HALTON (1 -866-442-5866) or TTY 905-827-9833. Take It Back! Halton wiII assist Halton Region in reaching a 60 per cent diversion of residential waste away from the andfill. This initiative is part of thé 2006-2010 Solid Waste Management Strategy to promote product stewardship. if your business is interested in becoming a Take It Back! Halton partner, please visit www.halton.caltakeitback for more information. Free Influenza (Flu> Immunizatioras Tbroughout the Region The Haton Regian iS naw afferng free influenza immunizatian toalal Haltan residents six months of age and aider. Every year, five millian Canadians wiIl became sick fram influenza, which is a virus that affects the iungs. It can spread easiiy thraugh caughing ar sneezing, ar cantact with cantaminated surfaces (e.g., daarknabs). It tan affect anyane, athaugh thase with chranic ilinesses, yaung chiidren, pregnant wamen and seniars are cansidered high risk far camplicatians. Influenza usuaily lasts five ta 10 days; athaugh same symptams last severai weeks. Far a campiete listing af cinic aocatians and dates, ar far mare infarmatian an ways ta heip stap the spread af influenza, visit www.halton.calflu. Gary Carr Regional Chair GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION UNING 'EM UP: Avd snowboarder Morgan Dennis, 16, racks some skis as she works the ski por- tion of the Milton Heights Racng Clubs annuai ski and snowboard swap last weekend at Country Hertage Park. iyerthe rMa hine 260eLpo sesta os -w.h u tdo ot ha e ala tMei tad Reder QUANTUM 0F SOLACE No Psons (PG) i Fn & Mon. - Thu, 7, 10 Fn. & Mon. -Wnd. 7,10 Soi. & Sun. 1,4,7,10 Sel, & Sun ý1.4,7,10 Tue. 1 Thu. 7 MADAGASCAR: ESCAPE 2 AFRICANo Psses(G) Fd. & Mon. - Thu. 7:10,9:30 Sot. & Son. 1:30,4:30,710,9.30 Toe. 1 ROLE MODELS(18A)Fn. & Mon.- Tho 7:30,10:05 Sot. & Sun. 1: 15,415,7:30. 10:05 ZACK AND MIRI MAKE A PORNO (18A) Fil. & Mon. - 15v. 720,9:50 Sot. & Son. 1250,3:50,720,9:50 THE HAUNTING 0F MOLLY HARTLEV (114A) Fr.-Tho 7:15,9:40 HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3: SENIOR VEARI(G) Fr. & Mon. - Tho 6.45,9:45 Sot. & Sun. -12.45,345,6:45,9:45 PASSCHENDAELEi(14A)iFri, & Mon. -Tho 6:30,9:20 Sot. & Son. 1230,3130,630,9 20 BEVERLY HILLS CHIHUAHUA (G) Sat. & Son. 12:45,3:45 TWILIGHT No Psoses PG iSneak Preview Tho. 10 Sing with Choristers The Milton Chornsters wiil give resdents a chance to ring in the holiday season nexi week with a iree sing aiong, [eaîuring favourite choruses [rom Handels Messiah. The event xiii he held Tuesday rom 730 to 9 p.m. ai Knox Preshytenian Church, 170 Main St. E. The sing-along is part of the celebrattons heing held this season to mark the Choristers' 40th anniversary The Chonisters xiii present Messiah, complete wîth guest soloists and instrumentalists, Saturd.ay Dec. 6 ai 7:30 p.m. ai Knox Presbytenian Church. Tickets and more information are availahie ai wwwmiltonchoristers.com. Or cati (905) 878-1632. Promo BRING IN YOURMOVIE TICKErORTICKETS STUBS BEFORE ORAFTER YOURMOV1ETOGETI5% OFe YOUR FOOD." *IOMZ LREICflONS APPLY ASKNOLig$RVER FORl2ETAIUS. IaftonRgialMengch4e Nov. 18 7:00 p.m. Speciai Meeting af the Heaith & Social Services Cte Nov. 19 9:30 a.m. Regional Cauncil Meeting il 51 Bronte Roid, Oakville, Ontario L6M 3LI Tel 905-825-6000 - Toli Free: 1-866-442-5866 - TTYý 905-827-9833