Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Nov 2008, p. 25

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The Canadian Champion, Friday November 14, 2008 - 25 Sales elp Sales Help SaleHelp Saes I lHO5 ~~iiI iai & gns& Agents &Ant ents ntsMe cal, Dntl m e Cal, Dna SHALOM GARDIENS GoldBrkis epin S cio n ie O so iiesonfMetroandMeda Goe cii , vvhiusisewrsed sîsbsitîiarisifTrsiv r risssiatii O seicesiica mretsi rIcs i(ii( siiisiiss.iiess wi rîsel ýICatieri,,i i i,-ss eiri , ll insis i fi.,i5vfili r cssýirsie515 illiete ilîrip lî.,( eifcai! e ýý c isillv, teo andiselotie inlei.iediel l esfinoriesmi îr,îee s.il ie sOUstoSI ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATîVES mr. rie ,m iiiMiiri, CaWds & O rairieviti cimarkees The primais reuporisiilo ty il i s sion s u r lonize aersin i s isexilW fos leOiv Book Ir)itrs roie, you viiOsbc stoiiier oriîseînviwii,,i 'istisc ioi wiî iiievv clesO,... wu )Oie lPsu 5 .0e e USt n1PS tl ue i.i le, lef.ttVf averlîsing/markeling souis anremiliplaya e Ce 1teh ie (UPali î5r'5ese, o r a rirat n i -Arepyu s bardl mering and îexepenentsrl eif-starreri Do s ou aine desine mvitO umal usiresues aradrmeetin ncp eolene veip rap -Are psu a hanter, wîOO sire confidence and drive ru exset ar erersrcsg and cipsing nea busmness? Do yoasCaescellenm communication, presentalser and elehone skiffsu -Araesu a type-A perssnalityicp mio as-i eetedansd capablie ni meeing aaressîse waeklp targems? Do yoa hase a -wiraesemr akes attitude we i sumes mn acOevîeg psur financia gosais? -Are eau esremele ambîmîsus wînh an nsstanrlîag mork emrrîc aird unpreceitese drsa far immediana rassits? Do yOa hase a reliable sehicie? If pas arswered On lea al of the aoainasd wrua i iOntlpursue a rewardi5g career ire ansrnrosacîae learder le the media ndustrp, mCs opporurire map 0e the rigCI ana tam pes. We affer a caînipetitise compensation pan witC uetàmited nciome ptentiel! Iterascad candiîdates are nirea imappip 10 Mary nctents, egîoneSi aes jý Menacer an mrcketts@eedboek.ce me cank cii apiisats for heir lteresi, hsmeer saip rOse saiecmed rr an interview wii be cammated. No phone reits or agercles pecce. GOld Book gcoldbotck.ca eJ entcal'D 0 1ilDentl Mconcday ta» Frlday Raoutsaesr Me dica l CIn Salesperson equres Wanted Exp. F-T, P-T Used and aller- Receponist, market auto parts. Experience re- MeilAst quired. Mississau- emenng ne"knd ga location. Plumse cli Fablo Fax:.0-MM-91 et 416-7774336-mil E- hhmicl:n Syl Apps Yuth Centre is a secure taeataent feciitae octed in Oakvf lie. for chifdren and youth oged 12 ro 18 years. Joie our team in further devecpnv Syt Apps as a Centre of Ecelence for the treatmet f youth CLINICAL RESOURCE NURSE redta noe aur teaolecet h ulitiman eoatn afartae professon ansreg rat k iowl edg fadolsn t healutth edpospecr altyi metal ealth ysou a nrin practices that support the deivery of clint-centred can, and modal, support ced promote excellence and quaity improvament in nursing practice. Able ta tact the infectioas diseasa program ced accore the smooth operatien of Welteess Centra processes and faciities, you have a BSc. in Nursing, mambenship in the Collage of Nurses of Ontario and 5 to 8 years' experianca as an RN. Excellant cîteical nursing skilla and a background in the application of relatad legiclatien, as we[l as regulatory requirements or profesional standards of practice round ot your qualifications. If yoc are a quaaified individual interested in meeting these challenges, pieuse cubit yocr résumé, le confidence, quotieg file #SAYC8-30, by November 21, 2008, ta: Loretta Tremtsidis, Co-ordinator, Recruitment Services, Kinark Child and Famity Services, 5aa Hood Road, Suite 200, Markham, Ontaro, L3R 9Z3. Fax: 905-940-7378. E-malt: jobs@ kinmrk.on.cm (MS Word format, only). WeO encocece appiacss frm derme cuitrs. Whin e hanir ai spptîcaniu, anie hosouis a jnt ntw ilbn asanacted. No inephonn cais, piese www.kinark.on.ca CPN EPN -N DETL EETINS FalTie2Evnnu.N eeed M ai-ieitNW1kns mum of 2-yecrs Dental esparence required. Appt cant must be HARP Cerfified. Aso Lev- Streetsvitte rac. Logic Tech preferred .et If required tor upcoming Matereity Leave Qaaited applicents ocif. (Jacuary 2009) Credtview ccd Britannia area.__ Please fax esame f: 905-826642 1 Please cat: 905-26-4929 1 Retremcnt omunîy rias IMdiIopeoings 1or the position oi Registered Practicai Nurses Competîtîse puy rates wth long termn cars. ePleasa cubait yocr resame te the peeDirecter of Cara: Fax: g05-g45-1211 E-mail: îfo@shalommaeer.ca 12 Bartiait Ave.. Grimsby, ON, L3M 4N5 1540 Hiring ForFt Two Locations!!n F/T, PfT, aysD Evng'sWeeendse ye8sndsei k All Positions mature people.onSrLpn0WgcStudents and Shift Supervisor Manager 00a -StNo experience necessary. will aatrain. Benefits îl * i t ini i tii woei I crays.oesser laI paoe 1staros. serea cats, cy ornmer caints rota tasîse deacon 1ine 8table, hall hechailmoontalesmîa os mach mornelbcarorswruDs ;Pt- tal. Evc ndbfetshina cabneso bok Cuctm odemowecom 419 Farviw SorEngagement Part ime Chaplaîn Reguired fo 20 h s/weat A pplicant ohoutd cppiy wth 2 sr msra anifs of CAPPE (Canadian Asse of1 Pasta"cai-Pructîce ccand E-duacat-ion) _& -c minimum et yro experience in eatoral miniotmy, pretemcbiy le lsng term cane ceeting. This pesicnwiii liice with the Pregramo und Actvaton Depurment & wiii prsvîde spiritual acd relgîsus cure ts Recîdents/Fcmiy membero cnd staff as reqaiced. Ts deveisp and cosrdincie services within a mclii tith set- ting acd is proide inormatien/decumentutioen ts hecitit cure proiders und Committees as required. The Appicunt mucl be compatibe with the Christan aed Misioecry Alliance staiemeni af tndh cedlues. Send remumne 10: Attention: John Peneycad 169 Panîn Rd., Burtîngon, ON, L7P 5A6 [or emit: peneycadl@cmmccd.com P-T & F-T Pre-choolToddier Roomn Temcherm who are fexible, crealive, and love working with chiidree torscai n-home progrcm. 30 hocrs/week. ECE certiied, CPR/First Aid, cnd c completed criminai relerence checke. 0cr successf ut candidate wilt be flexibe, creative, ced conident le progrcmt design aed develepmeet. Chrstmas w- Craft Sa!le Sh, Weekends - Nov 22 -Dec 21 HourS: lOam - 4pM Waaden crafts: angets, rendeer sheives. Chrstmas fabrlc: tabieciaths, waii hangings, tree sklrts. Pine and cedar centrepieces. Clildrens wali hangings, craft actIvities for kids. 264 Bronte St. S Unit #4., Milton S Casft Sales Only j MOVING& Rager & Ginette Duguay af Geargetown, are pleased ta announce thce engagement of thecr daughter, Julie Lynn Duguay to Michael Edward Komorowki Mssissauga and Angela Komarawski af Renfrew, bth farmerly af Georgetown. Weddirsg Lwill take place on March l4th, 2009. *, plac epu sit nom en * i 905878234 Ac Io , MOVING OUT OF PROVINCE Everything Must Go Fri Nov 14 6:30am - 8:30pm Sat Nov 15 9am - 4prn Sun Nov 16 9arn - 3prn 115 Poplar Ave. [idcur 0LjIJýoi Lots of baby items up to 18mths. Free stuff etc. f work, cà 905.878.2341 Births LAU00n Joyce Schultz November 17,2007 ihere was aic ie aur Mother's toach, and sanshine te her smife. 1There was love in everything she did fa make aur lives worthwhiie. We found bath hope and courage Just lba looking in her eyes. Her lsughter inca a source of 1r41 her words weoe warm and wise. There was a kindness and compassion to be found in her embrace, and we see the fght of heaven shining ram aur Mothetes face. Brendm, Dan, Mafrene and Cralg If teas could build c stairwcy and memorres c ane, we would walk right up ta hearerr ced brieg you home again. our Lovlng Grndchldren, Amfy, Jason, Jenna, Feeme and Ct/ Amerigo. 0. Graziotto Navember 17, 2004 In tears we s3W you sInkIng, We watched you fade away, Our hearts were aimnost braken, Yau fought Sa liard ta stay. But when we saw yau sleeping, Sa peacefuiiy free fram pain, We cauid nat wish yau baCk Ta sufer ttiat again. Lave yaur wife and famniiy In Memory of Joyce Schultz May 3, 1931 - Nov. 17, 2007 Aneazing Mom Ancezing Grandma Amazing Friend We rshed a tear, w/cen we hear a sang af Yaurs. 0cr heurt aches when wee pick up the p/cane and can't ta/k ar see yau. But just remtember aur hearts burst with love everyday .ecause yaur with us Far-ever. Oh so, missed and loved Love Marne & Brenda CAMA WOODLANDS NURSING HOME Food Service Nutrtion Manager FSNM position cecifablein eJce09 for t yr mternty eave contract. Appiccnt mcst have Foed Service & Nutrition Manager Certihiccte, c carrent registration ie the Cenadien Society sf Nutrition Management. This position is 4 d /k(0hrs) & epenienoe in Management Registered Nurse - Fr 1 PT 1 Casual Evening il Night stifts ceiieble. Bring resumne to: 159 Panîn Rd., Burington For more mb oclt 9W5-9116441 Fax 905681-2678 or emmmli .lwor@cammwoadlmndm.cm v.roblnm@cammwoodlands.ca 1 DENTAL ASSISTANT 1 SIMS Chris and Juiie Anne (nee Seedal and big sister Erica rj thrier to n vorir nier,- i 'Travisi ChritoDher or i N ont. 2008 ot ,ic,s'i eigninrcj 81bs13oz, .Excited acod sosAnne Seeos and nînth granidchild for Don and Shenan Sîms. Second great gnandchild fon Jim and Mary Seedis. Travi s is welcomed by many aunts, uncles and cousins. A special hnrsesu t MD. ronKngad jh tnsesaotoDr. Mro n s h Obitary LEGAL, GERRARD Peacefaiiy, on Novamber 7th, 2008, Gerrard Joseph Legal lettusu fer a better home. He wao predeceased by is Mthar and Father, Marie-Anse Legat ast Henri Legai respecttatiy. He is sarvived by is twe socs Edward and Richard and hîs brother John and his grand-dasghter Jasmine. Viewing wilt be held t the Ross Cathotic C hurch on Satsrday November l5th t 7pm with prayers t 7:3Opm, Day Desrosiers presiding. The funerat mass witt aise be held t the Rocs Cathetîc Chsrch on November l6th ut 2pm, Father Pierre Dumaine otticiat- ing In Ress, Manteba Interment te tetlo-w t Ress cemetery. Letters et condolence may be maited te 6260 Reg. Rd. 25, Milton, ON., L9T2X5. [in Memoriam

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