Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Nov 2008, p. 24

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mmï- 24 - The Canadian Champon, Frday November 14, 2008 - E -,8CihlnlcliHlp iled & Offic elHl - Ip j l Help jeIGeneralffeoffic [I Gnea Hlo 1Hlp GeIlHeW _lHl 1Gnra e rICUSTOMFR RELATIONS S1790h LICN-D LEr IIA .005 0v" 'sP1g[I Thera are epenings in the Customer Relations Departmrent. No axpanîanca raquirad. Company offers: Compte training, paid vacation, rapid Adancement & benetîts. Ait applicanta met be net in appearance & ready te tart immediutely with own transportation. 905-634-0000 - 1OaM-BPM OAK VILLE te now hrng Team Membera tor al departmenta including a Meat Cutter, Bread Baker, Dairy Buyer & Receiver We otter competitive wugeo, a profit aharîng plan and benefito for tatl time leam mambera. Email resumnes ta: Brendan.aneil@whlefaads.cam, Fax: 905-849-8480 or drap one off at aur custamer service desk. HOMEWORKERS NEEDEDI! To Assemble roducîs ,Slttîfng EnveloFes. Mailing rncossing Crculars, Dnîîne Compul- er Work avolobie Up To St 500 Week. No Eperîeoce Needvd! FREE inormation aI wwwJobs-WrkConection.com Reference 3-113 UALIFICATSION NO PL. NSA DFE RIIG *Drivers Abstract in good standing " "G" License for at east one year *Enjoy working with children GREAT FOR: 0 Stay at home parents (pre-schoolers can ride along) e Retirees who h ave extra time on their hands e Anyone Iooking for a positive and supportive environment to work GENEROUS BONUS FOR "B" CLASS DRIVERS IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A CARING, SUPPORTIVE AND FUN COMPANY TO WORK FOR! STOCK has routes available in Mississauga & Oakville SOCK..RA..PO...TION 27 1 lmothDÎ ., av Sl 90-89-04 x26a -87-55TOC S t t Musthavegoodcomputer skills. Sees Silld Crpeter(minimum 5-years exein .Mut have van tools an d truck an ecapable et working ndependently. ~~e mlrse t0 carpen-tersn-eeded@9htmuLlCcm nf ouan.e xperience n asse at wiIoftran. n ocigPlease emailrsm o stoppdryWebban erb3sbellt.C3 or fax ta 90-876-4136 7 1 0 rllil!tiél, C7alSRG Staffing 9 9 05-878-77897 1 ing IS NOW HIRING Assistant Managers & Store Front (Nght & Day Shift) I Aggrenn ve tartng wageo Al ntersted Iapplicanto peae appy in person t 5051 Harvester Road, Buringtan, or Phone: 905e-11841 Fax: 905-681-3823 NOW HIRING ATTHEI WTRONLOCATIONS / DAY BAKER WAREHOUSE OPERATOR 6 MONTH CONTRACI WellSpring Pharmacautical Canada Corp. vs a pharmaceutical contract manutacturing company tocatad lu Oakvîia, Ontario, upaciatizixg in the manutacturing and packaging of tablaI, capsule, topical and non-aberite lquid productu for the North Amarican sud Europaan markets. Reporting fa the Warahousa Supervis- or, you miilba reuponaibte for canrying oui warehousa dutias uuch as matariat handting, nhippiug and naceiving as raquired and support the raceipi, toraga and handling ai labels aud othar printed mateials. Candidate requiremants ara: Grade 12 educatian compteted; Mut ba licenued and have aupaiance in opanating a Raymond Reach truck; Knowledge ai uing a computer inventory sytem la conidared an assai; Mut be etremely reiabte mith a trong attention ta datait sud bring a millingueus ta laarn sud positive attitude. Candidates must be flaxible ta mark any shift (dayaftarnoon,night). If you are looking for a earding opportenity ta ha part of a gnoing organization, pleasa vend your resuma in confidence ta: WelSpring Pharmaceutical Canada Corp. Attn: Human Resaurces Fax: 905.337.7239 E-mail: hr@wellspringpharm.ca Only thasa selacted for an interview wll ba cantactad. Na tlaphana colis pieuse. ENTER FOR YOUR CHANCE T Porîly Lite Heaith Prod- uc~ vts a Suplo compsny iv Canada'v eudîng pro- vider of osturul heulth prodocîs, We offer a reasoonuble raies. a ho- weekiy bonus program, benetts. on ile mss- sages and discounts on employee 1prchusen. We are corrently ooing forý * s. sy - t i . I30a l-5:0.m * *nda *- . ri a . 30 a s :0 m !!AcingModeingI, 1tratScungServices hau hael emanye.g *Jpeopla gain0o Saurs cataingues. Waimart & t. o~ Haiank TV commerciaismovias. r' I~Canaien Tira ads, musc vdanu anadmore! r1 I~Dont Miss aur Search Event in: ' BURLINGTON s i) Thursda, November 20th s Ioiday Inn r S 3063 South Service Road P- (at Guelph Line) *tAttend anytime between p "M -8p No expérience necevoary - 3yearve& op ~ Reg nv leofal$39 pîosavo r I R fulovav il cou ao vo oaliîfy. r *~ wwwStarCastScouting.com r ftVýMetroand MAILROOM INDIVIDUALS NEEDED for Seasonal work ta insert flyers (Piece Wrkl Day and eoenîng shfts avalabie Apply in persan to Sharon or Tsh at: 5300 Harvstar Raad, Wst antranca. Cii Burlington Youth Soccer Club P/T BOOKKEEPER Succeosue candidate wîlt ba responsibla for Compalîtiva Taam finances. Accoentîng certifi cation and/or ratated axparianca woatd te an asat and candidate must ba profîciant wth AF and AR fenctienu, Qeiclebooksaund Microsoft Office. Mut hadataîl orîenlad, sait motîvatad with excellant ima management ukllu. Please send your resumelcover letter via email ta Michelle Gomes admin@burlingtonsaccer.com We lank iprt yiciants in advance aîid aavoe l5at oie hove seIeciecl oran inerview vibcc ontac DCS OPERATOR Faîl-tîma position hus surîad tauku. Reuponxîbîlitîau inctuda sales reportîng, înivantory ual-up and cvuting, dealer tradas, accounitu racaîvubles, sud racaption relief. Mot ha able to wurk ndapendently, ba dataîl orîanted, a moli-taukar, profîciant wîîh computers and hava trong communication, interparsonal sud orgunîzationul ukllu. Reynolds & Reynolds experianceas framendous asset. Tranng sud banefîtu Resumes can be forwarded va fax: 905-845-4394 e-mail: brenda@kerroakvilte.com or delivered ta us at: 410 South Service Road West, Oakxille Church Office Administrator requîred for un active, growîng church in north Oukoîlla. Permanent position. 30hrîwk M-F Provîdas support 10 Mînîster. church staff sud congregatian. Ideal candidate wîlI hava administrativeexapariance. knowledge of MS Office and maturîty. confîdentîaîîty sud organizutional skîllîs.Fvmilisrity wth church procedorvo woald bhaunasoset Email resumes ta Munns2008@hotma1il.com For smali busness Fieiblerjors *ilS poteri- ia1 r0 grra 5trr oq oorrF,.ier sKills . rosofr *lies in01005 'i[ng ' eial i vo aes reports dajjjnry.shipFing rejîjng ad leooe support Casiaa counryoenvronmpenl Fao 10 905-457-5326 Orna i.sales Ce htvsystvmv com SUPPORT PERSON A fulltme poniton is ave labe tthe Oavle Chumber of Commerceý outlin ofne [j plctonuare1uuil be a jj www.talentseeker.ca/apply/occ CALL CENTRE El 1ýSa1eiVel Debt Cllectors & Agent FIT, Perm. No exp. Req. Must have Local Fond Ce. is good hone looking ton Sales gaod hane Professianal. Enp. manner, and pnvduct QEW & Erie Milis knowledge preferred No Students but willing to train. 905-855-0856 Clean abstract Ref#85 reqeired. Send resume to Haltonfine foods@ Sales Help symaatico.ca, or & &Agents fax fti 905.U4.5559 Als aCyle5Coler000 il r a rJv ar SOF s yod DMP s.rraKi v correction i1te racking svsvîm as neccssaro As a Fersvr vý Vii;cive pr"Oor ar sor i9 g1 di. meela s 0îocc and iv rngoosU rnd t' r uc resu can vddates wiI have the ah vt I i 50 ous vnî ar arale mat klis .iî0Knooleoge of RF sannres ard lifh trockis an ass Fîvase appiy 10, Fao 519-853-4934 Emai, obrianz0lparityiite.com Mou h 6Commerce Cresceni Aclon, Oraro L7J 23 1 BRANTHAVEN HOMES iv sevong a Warranty Service Administrator Succesotul Applicant must have a min 0f 2 yro exp in resîidentiol construction costomer ver- vice, strorrg knowledge oft brion goîdelînes. vrong lime menagementorganizational skllo and the ability tc0 wnrk onder pressura. Revponvibiîîtieo incloda receîvîng homenaner callo, emaîlo & taxes for watoliservice, fol- low-on on homanwner inquiries by prosîdîng prompt. complete and accurate reoponse. aI- tendîng cotomaros home where requîrad 10 evaloata detîcîaocy, schedulîng warrunty ver- vice work wth homenaners, feld personnel & trades, preparîng service work orders, anairs. taxes sud emails, and nnpactîng cnmpiled service work. For mare detaits, iait www.branthaven.com To Apply: E-mailt: joba@branthaven.com Or Fax: Randy McGuire @ 905-333-1720 Please refrence the position in the subject Une. to place an ad cail 905.878.2341 WIN MegaGIft Card i VISIT: www.gitcardcatalegue.ca cire! Sar - i i I Il e ijecical Help lesn *n buling Pressi *aneac *ilL lOperatori an * I Programmer *cmesto asd* [/Prnormer]îc *regularly scheoled* FulBnft *relief imne * *Fax resomes 10 * Fax esome 10o *416-364-6087* 905-336-9428 Skilled & di C ai,-ir ~î~Ht ~905.878.2341 ACCOUNTING CLERK (FULLIME) Naylnr Group Inc, located in Oukeille, a car- rently recruiting tor an Initermediate Acceant- ing Çlenk. The auccesstul candidate witt have a minimum ef 5 years full cycle accounts pay- able experience, includîng chaque ruas. Payrnll auperience is conaîdered an asset. To APPLY, submnit your resumne via email: careers@naylargroupinc.cam, or tax ta: 905-338-1909. to place your ad 'n Z!IIw Canabian C1aînipioli cali 905.878.2341 1 I

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