Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Nov 2008, p. 23

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The Canadien Champion, Frîday November 14, 2008 - 23 kW CmersCarers arers Cmer im arers m ae s 1jenetHel 8 eneaIHl 8 eneIHelP Monday to Friday 9am m 5pm THE WTRK DST IA I OU)E W ONG OR CIRCULATION MANAGER The Oakville Beavar requires a Circulation Manager. As a member af the leadership team Iis position prsvides direction ta the Circulation and Ditribuion Division by: Maintaining and growing cir- culation levas, supervision and leadership ID the circulation staff, carrier recruitmenl, rétention and training, create/prepare recruilmant promo- tionel materiai, carrier incentive programu and appreciation, providisg us- ceptional castomer service, growîng net contribution ram the Division. Mais Rexnibilities: Pravide supervision & leadership of the circulation staff according ta the standards as appied by the senior management team, maintain al recorde concerning circulation, contractar carriers sn- ciuding finexcial records, address cusîsmer concerne n a heiptul and imely masser; ta foiiow up with concernes with District Representatives and cattomere ensuring concernes are resoised, ther duties s assigned by the Régional Director of Distribution. Compeencies/ Skils/ Eperience Reuired: Probiem Solvîngime Man- agement, Business Acumen, Proceso Management, Drive for Resuts, Delegatien, Planninig, Managing & Masrîng Work Skils/Backaround Reuired: University or colege degre n business or marketing or équivalent work eperience. Min, of 3p re workîng esperi- ence in a daiylweekiy newspaper witb ather direct r indiredt esposure 10 circulation. Strong business ekillo witb the proves ability ta manage a large complea operating division. Abiity to tink outide the division to tulif usderstand the potentiel implications of prcposed changes acros the company. lntrested & qualified candidates shouid orward their resuma &cover laserto aanctar@xakvllabeaver.COm no later than November 2ffth,.2008. Th Oskville Otavur se equsi opporianity employer We thsnk al applîcants for heir inlereul, hswever. sniy those seiecled foran interview wiii bu contscted. No tlephone calis plusse Ailresmés wil bu kp an ie for future considération. Graybound is an Equal Opportunity Employer. mrv.grehpund.Ca àl 905878234 -a s a leading manufacturer and markuter of minerai wool insulation producta in the North Amenican markeffîiaoe with aur head office in Milton and production facilities in bath Milton, ON and Grand Forks, BC. Our expanding company is a subsidiary of Rockwooi International, manufacturing quaiity, high performance minerai wool products. We are searching for a taented, energehic individuai-with drive and determination 10 loin us at our Milton facility. We have the folowing entry-leval position available... Sales/Business Trainee We are seekng a recent graduate wth a background in business, marketng or bu idng scence. This is an opportunity ta grow as we expand our North Amercan aperations. Starting in aur Customer Service deparîment, yau mui earn the business ram the graund up. Yaur pernanal qualities include drive, initiative, and enthusiasm and you enjay a challenge and thrîvu in a tuam envranrvent. Fiuency n French wauld aiea bu an aseet. We aller a dynamic envronment with sîgnificant grawth palentiai and have an excellent benetit and rumuneratian package. If yos fuel you meet the above requiremente, plusse appiy ta: H-uman Resourcas ROXUL Imc. 420 Bronte St., Suite 105 Milton, ON L9T 0H9 a-mail: jobs@roxul.com fax: (905) 8784077 We Cash ait appieants; hsaeere, ssiy Crse ander cmsaieratkrs aurO Se castacted ROXUL The Better Insulatioui wheut the Emorneral W.e curg nrety ooland frda LtaIes ereTa goI S reAiLESRPS ltion joaurr fainhe BrSorth Wust Otaro ara, GPêerTotoaes Scah rbar ogh WoeIIn, iltnceh. GTsandbnss n opn eei Saelelv apcanthoulhainegadsupotvenspro ssi af aStuaso ase watahe o avaiacbnl omnctinsiseae aprac o nacassary but would ha an assat Pins@ Imailur réaunmte mpIoymIftontiIiOOulcotCmwtelesS.COm Saaway Mail in meland Nov t7lh from 1OAM- 7PM I I Sea R67 on the mail diraclory for exact location) Ail applîcants ara Osaraniaed an interview wîlh the Fîdo management iaam No appoînîtmanle wîsh le appin bel cannot r employmentofllario@celli as M-X-veht anlth. il TECHNICAL COORDINATOR N SKF Lubrication Solutions is onu ot the leading suppiters of eutomalîc lubricalian systume, producte, solutions and service acrase Canada. We are currently seeking a Tuchnicai Coardinatar ta 1in our team at our Burington location. The selected candidate wiil bu responsible tor pruparing syelem qualatione and tormarding thum ta custamurs or sales rupresentativus, schuduling installation and service mark far custamers, and tracking al mark ordera m techniciens. Duties include ensuring systum kits are campluled an deadiine by the shap/warehause, acting as deparîmuntl liaisan and praviding superiar custamur eervice and tollo-up. This pasition celle tr a highly organizud, articulate individuel ilh a pratessional phone manner, computer liieracy and strang muli-tasking and prabiem-eaiving ekilis. Pasl-secandary educalion in Businese or sîmlar field, 2+ yuars' relatud espurience and technîcal aptitude are requirud. Knowledge af Six Sigma le a deinilu plus. Wu offer a competitive compensation package that includes base salary plus campany bonus plan and an excellent benetit and pension package. Plusse submit your resume ta: hr.canada@skf.com We thask ail appicants wha repoly, but cas only respssd ta thses slcted tarcocnsiderats os hnaseslipma 4 fTli c: oï.-,) 1 -,ý 9; 11 c p Inside Charter Sales Representative As a tem ployer mthîn car officeuic Burlington, you iii receiva alil ncomîng charter service or information calc, folow op and soppiy al puotations in a timely fashion, geovrale charer erders and bookîngs, as mail as rei/cancel and updatv mhvn rapuirvd. Complelîng oolbound cals Io solîcil nam business and prformieg sales follow lips iii aise bu repeîred. Posvosing sirong communication silis and proicianco ilh Mcrosoft Office, you preferablo are blîngeal (Frnch), have vtablishud salas ahilias in a Tourism/Traval evoronmvnl, as wvll as o pool- sucendary eduauion in Torism/Hospitality. Please termard your reumo 1o: Warren Delany, Manager Charter Salas, Graybxend Canada Transportation Crp., 1111 Intrnational Blvd., Selle 700, Burlingtsn, ON L7L 6W1. Fa: (905) 336-5987. Wv ihank al applicants toi Iheir inlereot, homever, only those onder consîderatier \i wîi re conlacted. No phone clis, pleace. 1 -On DSIPT O prpr1o fvhce o rldo nldn uosos TV commurcîass sportîng ovents and car rally avents. J 1 1 Sio414 erhour Pleae aply drecly t com anyvia e-mail or fax E-mail:il:inrin@itegratelaut.o.CS Fax: (905> 275-8687 maka il may amai rsumes ta : * M0 NEYV* i comwireesso com or lax 416645-1023 - EFERCISE* ~IN DEP N DEN CE Cilip oteire tio tieliLer lent Iu x [clcrîi iippiriiiiii TRUCK & NIINI VAN 111%aV iii Ci]lie tior .cr\ î.ciiiiiîded. OWNERSWITH TEJIR. Liiiicicitiiiii. iusini OWN RS IT TH IRPart-itnt. ie-\ cscdavnn.ridais OW1' JCREW 0F HIELPERS &Stiird..utpick \Our Tu distribuce telephone directories he- "door-to-door" ru househotdvs ad liiiididlî apartirlst complexes in the '0 Burliîsgton, Dundas, Grimsbhy & t....................... Hamilton. Distributors wi stars oin Wallace Pontiac Buick Novenîber 17, 20018. Tise candidats 801 Main St. E. Milton must ha avilable during tIse day. Lot Persn/Car Detailer For more info, please cail Must have good -organîzational ri desn driving record & able tha 1-866-881-0490 ndependentiy wth somne gsida Expertunce preturred but wiii (ItE-u72A)Rapidiy grawing Miton dealer- Turf Lawneare & Maintenance Inc. Reqares DZ Licensed Sait Drivers & Snom PIom Drivers. Top mages paid. Seasonial hourly guarantee, experi- ence preferred. Email: David@turflandscaping.ca Phone: 905-896-4016 Ext #101l Fax: 905-812-3883 Geerl Help MiGeelH elp HAKIM OPTICAL FASHION CONSULTANT! RECEPTIONISTI SALES ASSOCIATE saseed or Large Rtai Optîcai hswrssrn deai candidates wiiCahavegssd communication skiis ans a flair fsr fashion. Tranng ai e provided, retalespereneea must. Pînasa Drop Off Ranuma lu: 790 Guelph Lina îaurilnaxenî Affantion-Gupreat Please cali, fax or amai your resumae Frank Kovacic Fixed Oparations Manager Tai: 905-878-2355 Fax: 905-878-2456. [ei à] u~e, VISTAMERE RETIREMENT RESIDENCE requîres. for Set 8-12. Plusse appiy et 380 Sherîn Dr. (lakille, Fac: 905-847-1 765. RestauruantStaff aeqsied Appiajacias aureingtoe Ail PostSees rPn Casa Farniiy Dining Drop iis te, piejack is 2020 Appieby Lins MîilcoSopng Centre £ sai fesume ts isls@bigcitvcssests cLsm v05 -761 -r788 Basy dret to looîndtaliiivries Iopsonat. malushIe s allabt ehe. Puss eeailr vrsums ita steve@ renspets.com AVERAGE $1 8.75e-IHR 12 OPENINGS!! EstabItshed Company Grxwtng Neadu mxtlxated drîven people NO EXPERIENCE REOUIRED $500 training ixcexttvell Growth and advaxcemext Te sceule an interview cali 1-866-585-8770 Aquatic Maintenance Staff Commercial swimming pool company sur- vcing condos, hofels, rec centre seekîrrg ambtiaus. notorioa sly depundable. bard- working collegel high school grads. Fu time year-roand work. Must have clean drivers abstract and be able talift 5lbs. Opporfanity for adeancement. Suitable for fumalu or maie. Potential for $35,000+; benefrts; bonus. Apprentceship program. Will train. Greaf feam. Fax: 905-569-6160 or email resume ta tclarke@serviceplusaquatics.com skills, mark Jance. train. ýrhip. BENEFITS -Mn MM" 0 W , Imffl mm 'P""M"M lýYll>i Mr- a m 1 F- www.roxul.com 1 1 Village Manor Retirement Home s hiring for the folloming positions: NightTime Housekeeping d positive team environment. Please torward resumes ta Steph. Part Time Weekend Cook Saturdays and Sundays 6:3Oam - 6:3Opmn. Training wilI be made available. Please tormard resumes ta Greg. Fax: 905-689-8210 Emait: Villagemanor.retiremelt@gail.com AUTOMOTIVE DETAILERS Wokon exclosive ouhîcias îincluding concept and eeofic cars Travel throoghoul North America I No aoperianca reuorad _________ m

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