Al 4 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 14, 2008 1412~ rSun. Nov.1 6 Sunday Breakast 9-10 arn Celebration ot Baptism 10:30arn Supervised Nursery are from 10: 15 arn Church School Kids 3 to10 at 10:45 arn Check out our new preschool Sunday School! Cotise & Conversation after the service Soul Food on Tuesdays supper/worship 6pm CHURCH 0F ýý,M1tnaýitChrh CHRIST Mlo 2Bnitannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X8 0 iisnBd 905-875-2939 (905) 875-1626 Sunday School Classes 10:00 arn Sunday 10:3Oam Worship & Communion 11:00 arn t5vq#e bek' ore! Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm Pastar Gord Rutledge é5 Minister Steve Corbett St George's Anglican é G Q A c cS eog ' k ~Anglican Chu rch of Canada N $ m t eoge) 7051 GuephiUne, ]usNorthiof DenryRoad 905-878-1112Il')an [1;t i41'> Anglican Church Vie invite you bo worship with us 317 Main St. E 905-878-2411 (,i2lnqittin \e'toork in ('aîdat) Sunday, 8:3Oam www. gracechurchmi Iton. com Rector: Re. Ray David(lennl Family Worship Sunday 8 arn Invites vou to worship sith us tbis Sunday at (refreshmentS before the service) Said Euçharist aThe 25 osrCetr einri Rd. & + quiet, traditional rite t19NohSevcRd .uc\ an î hi l ilren' s Schieîl Prou ileil Wednesday 2:00 pm Sunday iO arn For s ervite imes visit our mwehsite a "Exploring our Faith" Sung Euçharist t stgeorgeslom Children welcome + çhildren's programs tor rail 1-866-351-2642 ext. 4050 Knox 114 -o Presbyterian ÇRACEWAY çBAPTIST CHURCH MILTON GOSPEL HALL KNO Unfed by Christs love, we 1 i03 Martin Street 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 KNX share Hîm wth the word' rAIhý' 90.5-878-1 629 10:00 a.rn. - The Lords Supper oin Sunday: ~~~~Pastor Walter H. Isaak 1:5an udySho jon usSu d y 9:50 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 Gospel Service --- - 11:00 arn. Morning Worship Weesa7:0m.-PyranBilStd 10:30 amn Worship Service, 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service ensa7:0. -PyradBilSty SudySchool & Nursery So tisein e'serV Olle of Sunday ~~~~Thursday u hi ieacuî Bledîg traditonal & contemporary styles 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer osf haU gse f touod Pastor Howard Sullivan o ùisl oGd 170 Main St. E. Miton - 905.878-6066 f1 rom "You'il always ind a truend ai Graceway" - Romans 14.12 knoxmiton@beliflet.cs slavStet www.gracewaybaptist.org__________ CASUM (WsIEMORARY (1861 CFNItRID an usewes Sarday it 10 AM A sa*le amdae*ie M res d d ilg tbW ente sowe 4 aeWK clam fr tX etbebci6 a,, Miton Dst h, bSse! IamSt'ttslit AOLTrueNori h Sanc[Ùary '-Y'u- S MILTON SEVENTH-DAY À09 CHURCH Invites yea toastr weekly Sabbath servces at Hugb Fîstor Hall, 43 Brow St. Milto Sat. 9:30 a.m. - Sabbatb Schael Sat. 11:00 arn. Divise Sevice BIBLE SCHOOL Disciiser te arn ng Bible aiswera te lies pr exing quesioîns, aid the secreti ie a happy lite. PO.B.x23012. 55 Oiaisi Si.,Mloîn, Onet. I9T 5B4. On te INTERNET. leip.I/WWW sep Cfand w wa azingtacts.og/bibieschilscheelmain.a.sp PASTOR: Ai DaCiista 5l9-383 lO Foi mre inforaaatiau uervice and prîîgam. pieaseca'lL Mdftoi4 Biblec cLrrc( X~ Lovinq Gai. LOVinn people. Sundays at 200 Main Street 10:00 arn Worship & Teaching Chidrens Programs Running Concurrently 11:00 arn Cofee & Conversations (We serve Tim Horton's Cofféee) 905-876-3586 111111111Fo uimmmfl hen Allah wilI gadier thc pr<phceLs ani ask, "Whiat siveim your addressecsiS" '[bey wilI say, "Wc lhave îno Kniowledgc, 1 (x ;v-e ail thse knowiedge of die unisen." 'Fhcni Allahs wilI ask, "0 jesus, son WxlRecalniy favor upon you and y(>nr mother, how 1 strcnigtlieriC(I you with die y pirit, so you could spcak to die people in diec rraille and in old age, how 1 lit you the Book,Wisdom,l-hc Torah and thc Gospel. 1 iow you wcrc able to e the figure of a bird out of clasy, by My pernmission, how you brcadîcd ilito it changed it into a i-cal bird, by My permissioni.Iliow you <ould hecal tie boni hliîid the lepers by My permission, ilow y(>u c<ulci bring Utce(lea(i body back to lifé, 4y permission .... (V: 109,110) Read the Koran - the Last Testament or1 www.WIIYISIAM.or-g 1 Cati 647 328 2958 or 1-877-WHY~ ISLAM This message brought to you by the Muslim Association of Milton 391 Burhamthorpe Road E, Oakville, ON, L6H 7B4 905-878-5664 ~Y Â LJ Lcaedson Oery Rd, ofi11 i dJe bSt ethe Sporsentr Pursuîng Jesus passionately and connecting with our God-given family Sunday Morning Service at 10:30 a.m. Meet new f rîends in the café at 10:00 arn SOUTHSIDE IS MOVINO! For More Info, Visit Lead Pastor Jack Ninaber Tel: (905) 818-5664 A chsrcb ofthte hritian and Missîonary Allance Lscated on ery Raid, belween th Spors Centre & the Hospital NEW LIFE CI FOR GENERATIONS SUNDAYS Seivice T:n es Fisa tServis e 90,1 iv siuiy Spes is ervi-e k'i M [veninq Servi e hb30s)%i Chiidrens'Mini.sCries AvoUlable ii '{aptioned for tbe Deat/Hard otf WEDNESDAYS (arn k' N oht' L teeneiife oltt To Advertise in the Church Directory please cal Colleen Gorman at 905-878-2341 ext. 211 '-J 824 Thompson Rolid Southý Vîmt Us Online wwwNei or cail Pastor Dan Rogge lU RCH STO COME s, ih55/ I 0 i s s) in ail Services Hearinq N Children's louth Centre ,ming soon! :)me, check ut the new building! Miltrn, ON L9T 2X5 ý ait 905 878 3358 Nev col Cc ol 21 r- le 4:1111AMEN V. ) , m " 1 , il 1»%s , rou I IMADI, lti HNS Md ----.L 1 -a 1 -- -- -- -