Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Nov 2008, p. 13

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Men charged with drunk driving duiusl i Loc coil V 1M fil LUl separate incidents on the same day.C At about 2:30 arn. last Friday, S police were conducting spot checksF at Main and Martin streets when a r vehicle was pulled over on Woodward Avenue. Police said te driver fled on foot before he could be arrested. After a foot pursuit, the suspect was apprehended. A 35-year-old Woodward Avenue man has been charged with impaired dniving, escaping custody, refusirig a breath sample and breach of probation. At Il p.m. last Friday, police were called by a citizen reporting a motonist was driving in an erratic manner on Ontario Street. Police said the suspect attempted to make a U-tumn and spun out of control. The vehicle was located in the southwest parking lot at Ontario and Main streets. A 43-year-old Thompson Road man has heen charged wth impaired driving, dangerous dniv ing, breach of probation, havmng over the legal amount of alcohol in his blood and a number of Highway Traffic Act offences. 'And at 11:35 p.m., a suspect was driving a llarley Davidson motorcy- cie southbound on Eighth Line when hie crashed into a post. The driver left the scene and returned with a pick-up truck and trailer, intending to remove the motorcy- cie. lnstead, he was arrested. A 48-year-old Fourth Line man has been charged with a number of Highway Traffic Act offences including driving without insur- ance. He also faces charges of impaired driving and driving with over the legal amount of alcohol in his blood. Poppy boxes stolen Two poppy donation boxes were stolen last Friday The boxes were swiped by unknown suspects from the ID Canada Trust bank on Main StreetS sometime between 5 and 8 p.m., h police said. Its not known how P uiuch money was inside the boxes. v Vehicles broken into; a GPS units stolen Police are reminding residents to .ock their vehicles and secure valu- ables - especially GPS units - r after they responded to, a number of li recent vehicle break-ius. Overnight November 3, twoi uulocked vehicles parked in the t driveway of a Douuelly Street home were entered by unkuown suspects, police said. From one of the vehi- dles, a golf bag courainiug equip- ment valued ai a total of $2,500, was stolcu. Froin thc second, a hockey hag couîaiuing goalie equipmeut aud a Garmîn GPS were stolen. valued at a total of $ 1,200. Overuîght last Fridayv a vchicle in a Dolby Cresceurt drîvcwa%, was~ eutered. Once again, a Garin G PS-, device worth $230 was stoleni. Also lasi Frîclay, a vehicle oni Dounelîx' Strect vas brokcu mbit sometime betweeui 5 auid 8 p ni. Unknown sospects stole a sob- woolcr, amplifier, iPod and a GPS valued at a total of $1,600. Aud Suuday betweeu midnight aud 7 a.m., an unkuown suspcct entered a vehicle on L.orne Scots Drive and stole a GPS unit valoed at $250. Diesel swiped About 14,000 litres of diesel fuel was stolen last weekend from a Scxth Line quarrv. MM IInc. ISeculrity Solutions for Home or Business 905-878-4634 toue Quarry compouud somu.tiro etween 9 a.m. Saturday and 12:15 IR p.m. Sunday St appears they drove a ehicle to the fuel storage factlity nd made off wiih the diesel, whîch ivalued at more than $12,000. Husband charged A charge has hecu laid in con- îectîou to a domestie dîsturbauce last Friday Police arrived iu the early moru juin the maoy people ung at a Milton address in respouse who agree notiu o a situation hetween a hushand drink alcoholic and wdfe. beverages ... and to A 29-year old Milton man bas driveeeveryoue inilheir beeu charged wîth assault. grtup heesafey. CCFC &~O The Crohns and Colitis Foundation of Canada presents Living Wel with lnflammatory Bowel Diseuse DATE Soi PLACE Ma 90 REGISTRATION: 93 Ruc KEYNOTE SPEAKuERCo SPEAKERS Dr. Mc Mnn,,, $ 10, Non- M. iday, November 23, 2008 irriofi Courtyard Brampton, DBîscayne Crescent IO0am or onlinu: uvw cc ca/symposium agîsiration Deadlinu: November 2 1, ourtnuy Fou- Francouer rScott Gray-Owen, Dr. S. Pandya, jrica Gaspie Piskonic, Dr. Thomas Valter and Meaghan Wright The Canadian Champion, Frday, Nýovember 14, 2008 - Al13 Welcsmo Té L'i Starshine Music Studio a god bcgmîng never ends'tI Paotupi RE*CLASSES Panl upn for Newborns to 3 months old TRADES CAREER FOR YOU? I 2008 ,n-ebn,5$i15,Yo,,h 4 ,inc,h wiU bepr o,d .onoiKennyinPF14-9 VolooinnSn,,o -,C.,dnoio, ý1692 555.,I.! 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