Seniors' issues to be focus An information exchange about seniors aud the issues that concem tbem wsll take place this Tuesday The event, being beld by the Mississauga Halton Local Healtb Integration Network (LHIN), will take place t the Mississauga Living Arts Centre, 4141 Living Arts Dr., from 8 noon. The fiudings of the recent community engagement actsvities associated witb the LHIN-wsde Aging at. Home initiative will be highlighted, as well as population reviews sud leading-edge studies. Attendees will be able to find out wbat seniors aud their families said about how to enhauce seniors' healtb, wellness sud quali- ty of life, as well as what the leading author- ities are findiug through their research and studies. Participants will also have a chance to hear findings from recent public forums, focus groups and surveys. Key speakers wsll iuclude Dr. John Hirdes, professor of health studies and gerontology at the University of Waterloo and chair of the Ontario Home (are Research and Knowledge Exchange. Registration sud breakfast will start at 8 s.m., with the presentations starting at 8:30 s. m. To register, cal1 (905) 337-7131, ext. 219 or visit www.mississaugahltonlhin.on .ca. Breakfast wîth Mayors event to feature sought-after guest The latest Breakfast wtb the Mavors in thc rcgîou that eucouragc couucctivity eveur is fast approschiug. hetxseeu enploycrs aud the communitv, Its set for thîs Tuesday at Granite Rdge while Golf Club, 9503 Dublin Line. lu particular. the bica klast will look ai Eutitled Counectîug Employces to thceI-iret ocalca aud EsuploscrRt ,, 5wo Commuuity, the breakfast runs [rom 730 to onhsuc tbols 50 sssiss cipt)ov-ers su 'couuiect- 10 s.m. sud Nwll suclude Milton Mayor Gord mt1 hî uu okos Krantz, Halton Hilîs Mayor Rsck 1Bonnctte i t h cocu tulc oks Ctsd asc sud Halton Regional Chair Gar, (arr.1. ecntwlasoihd apeli- Keyuote speaker Chris Venu s sought- cIS01 ater preseuter sud suthor - wdtl preseus Registration ss sestfor 7 30 a su o ohthe 'The Business Insidc: Leveraging Business program gettsug uucrsvas as 8 a.rsu aud Success Principtes to Create Personat sen makiug bis addrcss as 9) Success, while the morusug will also show- The cosi oft he breakfast sud prograim s~ case some of the many projects sud services $35. The Canladian Champion, Friday, November 14, 2008 -Al ~~W. V Treat yourself to one of our fabulous packages in honour of our 2nd Anniversary Celebration. Thermo Effect Regeneratin Treament Faciai Spa Manicure & Spa Pedicure Purchase 3 Chemnical peeis, eigîr al kirsi <I<ceîiw FREEPrfi ramvn Receive the Fourth one 100. ~ 65FREE 05.C Ail ,,edt offsav~ilabie ponappoIv f ale rdit only onyu Brck Cad Platinam, Mnimum pchase of i250.00. ny Brick delivrya rge d s, GT (5%). povnal ale taxes (ifapplcable), and adminirnation O f (89.95) ae equrd te be paid a timef purhae nees a ccu o te fial 25 day per e th epomtons de date bt will b5e aaed if te payteent e tmade inSfli by th due date Se intoe or efer te yurtBric Crd Acount Holde Ageemetfofull detals Product tay aaty by loaton. Weresere te rght te litqaatt.e by stoeand pertarohaset+Thise ffet can ecmie ih n te icutorfreegfttpahaesale, or atet pomoton, 6uniess othettet pmafled. ee tintstoe for caepiete detal. Offet effective Nvembet itd -26h, 200, cles theeatse idcated A B edi 0- ýytYKuJ1011 - St.d sAv, Eai Milton 1220 Steeles Ave E. -Fà -K Hwy 401 & James Snow Pkwy H" 40 (905) 864-3303 --