Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Oct 2008, p. 6

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 ina iàn a -'àa~n, y, Ocoîer' 1, 2008 y 5c,.~ A.. ~d5 B"itter clash Us Iooming Neither side budgng in infrastructure batlle it appears that Halton Region and the provincial goverit ment are bcadcd for a Hîgb Noon-style sbowdown. At one cnd ef the street is the Region, headed by chair Gary Carr, who - whilc ading the Fairncss for flalton campaign - says the Province is bctng unI air tri asking Halton te accommodate thousands of new residents in the coming years tbrougb the Places te Grcux plan wtthout ofier- ing cnougb funding for infrastructure. Tbc Province, through Mînistet of' Encrgy anc1 Infrastructure George Smithermran, bas saîd ulhe Regienr- infrastructurc defîcît - pcgged ai $300 million - is the facîli of the Region and precedes the Province's Growîh Plan. î le's callcd Carry pica for faimess ýgrandstanding. Il's bard to believe this is the saine George Smthcrmatî wbo, four ycars ago as bealîli îiinister, helped neighibouning Georgetown win ils fîghî agaînst the William Osier Hcalth Centre te keep ts bospitals obstcîrtes ward open. That situation isnt unlîke the one betwcen the Regioni and Province today In both cases, a more powerful body (i this case the Province) is trying te impose tus wîll on the weaker one (the Region) wthout proper justification. W'hile the Province bias provndcd some infrastructure funding, ît cicarly fails short of what the Rcgîon requires if it is forccd te f oliow the Provinces plan te add 300,000 more people in Halton in the next 25 ycars. On top of ihat, the Region is now beîng told to pony up money te pay for badly- nccdcd ncw and rcnovated hospîtals in south ilalton. The Region, rigbtly se, isn't inclined to place that huge financial burden on tbe backs of local taxpayers. Thats wby last wcck regional politicians indicated they xiii use a loophole in the Regnons Officiai Plan, whicb allows îbem 1te refuse sewcr and water pipe connections te ncw dcvciopments until a more equitable fundîng arrangement wtth the Province is workcd out. That move wonlt please developers, but ifs the only bain- mer the Region bas 10 wield in this battde. Time xiii tell wlîo blinks hirst. Readers Write b-ii yoii cebol(Frtcn iiV-) Time to support our veterans DEAR EDITOR: The annual Remnembrance Day poppy campatgn starts today' and ruins untul Novembher il. This veat marks 90 vears since the First Wo(rld War guns ftnally teil),ideit, a symbolte anntversaty of Armistice Day' that we have recognized caeh year in Canada snce Novemiber 11l 1918. Please take a poppy lromn a veterait or a 1-cgton volunteer, and wear it te show respect te the brave young meni and women who fought for the iree- domi we enjoy here in Canada today. Ask our veterans about their miedals. They xiii share stories that young peo- pie shouîld neyer have to expenience Were lortunalc to have about 100 veterans ini the area. Please corne out, finîe our su ets anîd ceher thiese people on at one et eor paîrades. Oui goal sto have ever\ on(,% car a poppy n honour of our veterans frein the Second World War and the Korean War, as we ll our fine Noung soldicis now in the confliet zones of Afghanistan and elsewhere. KATHLEEN BLANE, POPPY CHAIR ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 136 ((f2 Ontario Conrrjnîty ()CM.iA Newspapers Association CaainComnmunty C NA Neoipapeis Association K ' ubanNewspapers SNI of mfc Aroundtown Is your teacher tops? Tfeli the Champion Ai about it Ask the question Who was your favourite teacher growing up?' and most people bave an almost instant response. Mine was a high sehool Englisb teacher, Ms Laughlin-Hillicr - Ms L.H., as wc al calîed ber. There was somctbing about ber. She was exuberant and got us excited about lcarning. She taught me somcthing about life, not just transitional verbs and the pyra- mid structure. 1 told ber wbcn I left higb scbool that Id decicate my first pîîblisbcd article to ber. Who was your most memorable teacher? Was it the one wbo ddfdni md staying after sehool îo belp? The one who gave you a sec- ond chance afîer you messed up? Or maybe it was t.bat teaeher who seemed to inspire more than teacb. The Champion wants to know about these educators for its Teacher of the Montb fea- ture. This is a chance for you, as a student or parent, 10 drop us a line and tell us wbat makes your - or your child's - teacher special. The contestisivopen 10 Al teachers from pre-seheol te Grade 12 in the public and Catholie sehool systenus, as well as Miltons > private sebools. Eaeb month, we in the editori- al department go through the nominations and make an execu- tve decision. The winners have an article writtcn about îhcm and their class reccives a pizza lunch on us. As a reporter, its always fun to deliver good news. And once a montb, usually around week two, I put the phone tc, my car and gel ready 10, make the eall. By the time I bang up, having told one special person tbey've been chosen Teacher of the Month, 'mi usually smiling car to car. 1 love the surprise in their voices. "i'm notbing special,' is often what they say; although net in se înany words. But they are. And t often scems te mean just as niuîch t0 S the nornînating parent or sut ~)dent as it dees te the teacher. Octobers Teacher ef the Month stor y rats in Wednesday's paper. We're now looking for suhmissions for November. If you'd like to nominale your teacher, send us an e-mail at editorial@miltoncanadi- anchatnpion.com. Simply tell us what sets him or her apart, and make sure 10 unclude your contact infor- mation. Stlmn HeltS, e Wut cto MILITO N SANTA CLAU S PARADE UNITE wavWAY 0F MIiLTON SIiowcase Mlton ï i1A itardç P, C;ý Miltoni, Ont. 9T SEl 905-878-2341 Edici'a] Fax. 9M-878-4943 Advortisimg Fax: 905-876-2364 Clasufieci905 875-33')0 Curceuatiorj 905-878-5947 www.iniltoncanadianchampon.com V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver General Manager Da ici iire , Editor in Chief Managing Editor Advertisîng Direclor Production Manager T1n C I,ý Circulation Manager CYjr. ne Hall Office Manager S un lj Parn The Canadian Champion, published every Wednesday and Friday, is a division of Metroiand Media Group Lid. - Preident tan Oliver, A1ý1i 1ýj')j f0,t'. JP CCAB Audited

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