A16 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Ociober 29, 2008 RedngraerWinning weekend moves 'Hawks into 5th efrom GABEL on page Ai 5 championships in Sarnia this Saturday. Joining Gabel at the provincial high school meet will be Bishop Redings Connor LeDrew, who placed ftfth (in 19:14) in the midget boys' race edging Burlington's Kurt McClure by tbree seconds for the final indi- vidual qualifying berth. Milton Districts jen Wormald was l4th in the midget girls' race and Drurys Robert Green was l7th among the midget boy's. Just back rom a broken collar- bone and far off last year's OFSAA qualifying mark, Scott Dermott of BR placed 2Lst in the senior boys' race. BALL HOCKEY INDOOR SOCCER ROLLER HOCKEY www.rnkcity.com Mens Winter Leagues 905268.0682 By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF As the leagues most pcnalized team su far thîs season, the lceHawks haven't had mou niany nîghts in whîch tbey've been mure dîsciplined than tbe opposition. Frîday iarked une of those rare occasions - and the payofl' was unmnistakahle. Sbowîng far mure restraini iban the Mîssîssauga Chargers uver the final iwo penudcs, Mlton scoresi four powerplay goals in ]usi over seven minutes - three tof îhern on two-man advantages - on the way to an 8-2 rout. Granted the lopsided vîctorv did corne agaînst the MacKînnon Divisions basemeni dwellers, wbt boasi hlne iin the way of defensive prowess. But given the fact thai the lceHawks lbasidroppesi five straîgbî hotme gamnes ansite Chargerat hasi been sîttvvaing sigiis of improvernent silice prothîinatte star Bruce Crawf-ord bas been out waîting for a trade, Friday coulsi certatnly be lookesi upun as a building block per[ormîanc e. 'li ,s gosi for the cunîmunity (tu win again ai borne),'"______ said captaito Art îLsebuiz, who assîstesi on four goals befarre drap. ptng the gloves in a hcavysvetgbt tilt witb Mîssîssauga.s Kvlc Croxaî rntdway tbistugb the thîrd. We'd been struggling at borne latcly, su hopefully witb a goous sreak of garnes cunîing up we can start wîn- ning sornie." Addcd Curtis Renaud, 'Tbis is a preîîy big wîn for us. We bad sorte trouble wîîb disciplitne earfv on. buît once wc pullesi back ansi ibey kept îakîng pemnalties wc reallv startesi rcllîng.- \Vitb absolutelv ioacoatpure ocsr tbe latter baIl oftfhie exenîng --alter t'iasiig aair oaf Miltont leasis - Mississauga afforded i s hosats more than a clozen powcr- plays wben the game waat still Up lftr grahs, and 19 ovcrall. Whtlc two shorihandesi tallies and a perfect 10-4or-10 penalty kîll wasn't cxactly a deterretit for siaying out of the bo.x tbemselves. the they won'î bc able tos dodge that kind of buffet ýThat's somehing we ve alked about," saîd Lifscbutz. "There are some good penalties, but ones in the offensive zone or bebînd tbe play aren't acceptable.' Fniday was especially sweet for the lceHawks' New Yrk captain, wbo'd been held off tbe score-sheet ai Memorial Arena for over a monib and went into the wcckend xith just une multi-point gante this tcar. liesaisi, "tcab l'csi hetonina bit oai a slunip, andi vith C Rieky Jr. Mustangs baffle to tie with Wildcats (-' et o adibi anca-l iuc-usisiio ii i au icI ý if tie da\ - b hic v ,' arr Ilbdown, ilti ona 6n tuin o ,ctd((,rco\11-ag inîubi ad drppibhlls returru bs, Tyler Smittri nhe iii xi hat il iie (etal eude Mltil Thifc \ildcais dislinitîeci lssng' iew minutes, tibejunoilr Mtsiangs )Distr its plalýca i ig.to cii tfongs. a tisi nd rnthIet e bad tot seule far a 7-7 tic xxitib the Bien Mliller hasi anotiher putit tfhe tearns boîb strutggled tht ougb ai Wbhie Oaks Wildcats -1 hursdax rturn tiaiicalliesibaekxxNlhtie lie scoreless secon asiilii Tbîs bad tbcinostttng ait 2 1 i and[ml tirieri-a.k l)arret o P sg \11) \S aps rip iterelasa Divsison 2 becading intu ta strfax' xxcie ibe ositix real b htbi siostssi tSio tl a iS a i iat ttsqtOis lgC. 'ýbwa a My %.f n %« 14.1 a a à m %W ý* Lit L ý À Ut-lt il ýi- ýt LI iý, tg 2%LU, ký y Ljý)ý ý týlýý ý eL ý- ý ý 9'. t', ý2 n.mah-ym- ne %4ATING C i; A hgh-efficiency heating Ask aout system from Lennox' $1,200 Umted apumoeonyi Time Rbatce cn a mremne the ENERGY SUPER your wallet and keep SAVE SYSEM!you cozy ail mînter long. Fail SÇavling Event Receive up to a $1,000 RSKun25o, when you purchase a Offt lann qualifying high-efficiencya utCen g* home comfort system: ~TERRY 925 Main Street East, Unit 3, Milton, ON L9T 4H8 905-878-1979 www.tr-mech.ca 24-1-loir Sen'ic A î'oila ble. '11142 PREMIER Ofer expires 11/142008. O 2008 [ennsa Idstsris ic Letas delers iniate setependently ownet and oeatet busnesses 'Seeîour patsopatstg Lento dealer tor detals. One offes atu ahal a qyt pu rshase Relate otters s alit osyith te psshase st tsaltystg Lettea" poduts tae LE c ~ j otter appies ta ew "so nrers ostis iL 200 EIsesO Saper Savas tystem elate is vatitte es wth prhaseaofthe qaaklyseg Lennx syttem ad aailale through Octales tît17,2008.sa.~,a.,a iLAE N dswtxv atu ght iîî goositht t bc wba.le team was going.- Native Miltunian jeIf Lynch tai- lied twice in the final [rame for his fîrst multi-goal game in Tier 2jr. A. whîlc Mac Whalen - back from injury - enîoved the biggest slice of the scortng pie, with a goal and thrcc belpers. Renaud and Dean Kulla had a goal and an assist each. Arn -for-I 1 puwcrplay white- wash couldn't keep the Iceflawks iioim claiimîng their third straight win the fol)lowng night in Vaughan. Renaud delivered the clubs first hat-titck of the year - including two shorthanded markers - while Dillon Branco tumned back 40 shots to nip the Vipers 4-3. Renaud potted the eventual game winner 26 seconds into the third pcniod, after sinking a buzzer beater nigbo before second intermîis- ston.fHe also assisted on the first goal.,xitb bis prtspcrous nigbt lift- ing [uni int a tic with Justin Basso for the clîbs poînts lcad (21 cach). Rs'an Stroz cttntnibuted a goal andi an assititos the wirt. taS bch bttrped Nitîton toto a tiecIfor fîfth Vo til Bramnptosn \ssxx 9-7-2, th c lcflaxks con- tinue a thice gaine toati p Endax att Bramoptoin',Pottweradc Centre againsi Brainalca. Satîtrdav thex tirax ci Misîsasssaoga before return- ing to Menicorial Sundav for a 3:30 1) n.cla'shb witî the Pbtllips lOvston s ollingxx otd Bluet.