H ow ca n pay It's worth atalk. CIBC CIBC Iniperial Service For vvhat matters. GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES GALORE: W/ant to find out about local volunteer opportunities? Those loaking ta give back ta their community w))) want ta swing by the Milton Sports Centre this Saturday. That's when the annu- ai Milton Volunteer Fair wiII be held tram 10 arn. ta 1 p.m. The event wîIl off er residents a chance ta meet representatives of variaus non-profit organizations and find out what vlunteering opportunities are available. Here (ram eft), Wendy Somerville of Bg Brothers Big Sisters of Halton, Ano Caburn of Volunteer Haltan and Tony Lambert o) the Milton Community Polcing Committee get ready for the big event. CIBC Imperial Service@t s part of Canadiani Imperial Bank of Commerce ("ClOU) and is most appropriate for indiorduals with househod investable assets greater than $100,000. Banking products are provided by CIBC. CIBC invesîrvent prodacts and services are provided through CIBC Investor Services Inc, 'CIBC ISI"), Member CIPI, or CI8C Secarities Inc. ("CIBC Si"). CIBC ISI and CIBC SI are CIBC subsidiaries. "For wlrat mratters." anrd "I's worth a talk." are IMs of CIBC. @> Reçstered trademnark of dCIS "The business that considers itÈelf immune to the necessity for advertising sooner or later finds itself immune to business." Derby Brown The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, October 29, 2008 -Al Reaching your current and long-term financial goa7s investment plan complete with solutions such as the new CIBC Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSA) - coming soon. Cail me today on how you can contribute up to $5,000 annually to a TFSA. Here's how it works: " lnterest earned within a TFSA is completely tax-free " There is no tax on withdrawals " Withdlrawals can be re-contributed, in fulli n a subsequent year, without affecting your regular annual contribution room To find out how a TFSA may I enhance your overaîl financial plan, cali me today at (905) Î 878-6265 at our 1005 Maple Steve Reid, CFP, FMA Ave, Milton location. Financial Advisor CIBC Investor Services lnc.