AS-The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, October 15, 2008 COMMUNTITY (w5) 8782881 Fundraiser planned to help disabled boy By Stephanie Hounsel CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Ten-year-old Christopher Lambert may be confined ta a wbeelchair, but bes certainly nat conbined when it cames ta lite experiences. The next adventure is just a car dnive away. Via the familys station wagon, Christopher - wha bas cerebral palsy - gets araund, living lite ta the fullest witb bis mamn Lisa, dad Pat and seven-year-ald brotb- er, Ryan. "He always bas a smile an bis face," Lisa said. However, transporring tbe small boy dites bave its difbculties. Eacb time be gets in tbe car, tbe wbeelcbairrbas ta becI olded and Cbristopber bas ta bc lifted. If its a day of enarnds, Lisa and Pat eau [mnd tbemselves quickly tred otut by tbe arduous process. Add ta tbat tbe even bîgger problem tbat Cbnistopber is qurckly out- growing bis current wbeecair, and itîIl soon be trme for sometbiug brgger. And tbere's no way tbat biggcr cbair wll it in tbe station wagon. Wbhat's needed is a converted van ta accommodate bis wbeelebair, and tbat eati cosi up ta $45000. For a single-income fam- ily wbose finances are already stretcbed by Cbristapber's vanious therapies, tbat's a buge amount. Enter famly triend Cbarlene Naykalyk, wba canvinced tbe Lamberts ta let ber organize a fundraising spagbetti dinner. "Ive been watcbing tbem for years take bim bere and tbere and everywbere wtbout complaint," Naykalyk said. "Tbey must assemble and disassemble Cbristopber's wbeelchair everywbere tbey go because it won't fit in tbeir car otberwise. Tbey alsa bave ta lift Cbristopber in and out of bis car seat. Tbey do ahl of tbis witb smiles on tbeir faces and gratitude for baving Cbristopber ru tbeir lives." Tbe spagbetti dinner - one of Cbristopber's favourite meals - will be beld Tbursday Oct. 23 ram 4 ta 8 p.m. at Cbarley Fitzwbiskeys, 55 Ontario St. N. Residents will bave a cbance ta meet Cbristapber for tbemselves and Sneezy tbe Clown will also be tbere, donating ber time. The cost is $10 for adubts and $5 tor kids GrdtRaies reatRespoOSe, PRINT & DISTRIBUTION PACKAGE Flyers: 8.5x 11l" 2 Colour, 1 sded, 20 lb white stock 5,000 = $499 TARGET VOUR MESSAGE UP TO 24, 000 HOUSEHOLDS Wer olya al 90 -8 8-34 GRAHAM PAINEI CANADIAN CHAMPION YOUTH NEEDS VOUR HELP: Chrstopher Lambert flashes a smile on his porch while in the wheelchair he's quuckly outgrowing. (drinks not included), witb ail proceeds gorng tward a wbeelcbair accessible van. Ail the meals are berug donated by Cbarley Fitzwbiskeys. "Tbe reason tbat 1 wanîed t belp out Cbnistopber's tamnily is because Cbristopber is a beautitul boy wbo eau put a smilc ou anyones lace,' Naykalvk, sard. "He knows more tban be lets ou and wbeu vou gel lt) know bin, you lrnd tbat out." Cbnistopber was boru ergbî wceks carly and ot wasn'î long belore bis parents uotcd be bad lrmrtcd mobilityylbe wasn'i rcting out on bis îtsvn or tutcbrg ugbs loys. & itueFrmng Sînce 1976 âm. Art Show & Sale Meet Artist David Ticknor October l7th 7pm to lOpm October l8th 6pm to 9pm See his one of a kind original paintings that are nich in colour and texture or his bold abstract collection. Most of these oil painings range in pricefrom $300 to $900. www.,harropartgalle ry. com fie was diagnosed wrtb cerebral palsy when bc was nine montbs old. An MRI revealed theres no damage to the grey matter -where the tbitiking process takes place - of C bristophers brain. But tbere is damage to the Ipart of the brain tbat sends messages to his body Chrisiopher bas limited use of his arms, his eyesightirs darnaged and be tan't feed himsell or grabhbold of objects He also cant operale bis wheelchair on bis own, and caoi speak only a iew words, i isa sard. Verbal communication tan be tedrous. He uses a system wbere he pushes a swtch to bear vanious messages and pushes tbe switch again s\vbiieo be bar s tbe one lie wanits to relay ' be caruse a cuickei commiiumicatiooi board sinice he cao 't scec ssci iliugbi ..ilartazes nie thai bie's ot frustrated al tbc trie i î Lsr said. île's tht' bap1iest cbîld. 1lie b '-l)iog oui and about mu tec tout u)itiioitys aodis sivrsocial, sbe said. lie also lias a 1)1gb les cl ofl c i)itlrelier)sioo atd lias ioH 1)1 01)1c tiucletstar)diig wIat s goiog mn at au inovetii itc' lrsob i lue oc Iodes a flurrs of al)loii)trt)ets aod ibei apies I isalcarned car lv on sIte bad to bec orne au ads'ocate fotr bier soui to receive te lest tare possib)le. lie car) i igi or biinsell, so il 1 don't do il, uobody wril sbe sard, addîng, lies well Wortht it li-e bas soine great lnends at bis sebool. Robeit Baldwîni, and tbey often trgbt oser wbo gels to pusb biiniru is wbeelcbair. He mrightbc termed non-verbal, but bis family knows better tl)au ar)vone tbat words arent always needed R) spread love- and tbat's an area iu wbicb Chbnstopber doesu t bave any problems. "Cbristopber is so responsive and appre- drative. He really is a bappy, happy boy" Ibose wbo tant attend tbe diuner but want to utake a donation eau drop off- a cbeque at Cbarley Fitzwbîskeys. Also, a trust tund bas been set up at CIBC. Donations eaui bc made at auy brancb (Institution number 010, îr'ansrt number 07232, account number 53-08895). For more information, eall Naykalyk at (905) 875-3513 or e-mail Siepîranie Hounscîl tan h'bcrclrcd or sîhicssen@anii lia) 345 Steeles Ave. E., Milton 905.878.8161