Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Oct 2008, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Oclober 15, 2008 Remember Deidre Scholtz? Remember how the eommunity ralied around the five-year-oid to try to [mnd a match for her life- saving bone marrow trans- plant? Hundreds of people iined Up for hours at Bishop Reding Secondary Sehool to sec if they couid heip. A match was found and Deidre is a heaithy 18- year-oid today. Now a local teen reaiiy needs your heip. A biood drive bas heen organized in honour of Greg Occhiuzzi, 17, who bas a rare form of leukemia and xiii undergo intense chemotherapy and a stem ceii transplant nexi mionth. While his younger brother, jonathan, xiii donate the stem ceils, Greg xiii aiso nced lots ol blooci. Tomorrow, Miltonians xiii have a chance t10 help) Greg and others like him at the Miton Sports Centre, 605 Santa Maria Bivd., where the hiood drive wili be heid romn 1:30 to 8 p.m. its reeommrended peo- pie irst book an appoinît- ment with Canadian Blooti Services hy cailing 1-888- 236-6283. Greg's family hopes the drive \viii give a huge hoost to the blood bank for the good of everyone. We know Miltonians won't let them down. DEAR EDITOR: 1 feit compeiied t0 respond to the recent letter by Ann Marie Kuarsingh entitled 'Some youngsters showrng real iack of respect behind wheei nowadays.' ileing at the reeeiving end of an obseene gesture can he a very upsetting incident. However, when Kuarsingh asked the questions, WVhats happen- ing to the youth in Miton? Are we fail- ing as parents to instiii common decen- cy and courtesy in our chiidren and raising young adults we xiii be ashamed of?" she took this upsetîing incident too far. Painting all of one group wiîh the same brush was a very shortsighted and intoierant attitude. Last mJnth, I100o was driving and wanting 10 make a right turn onto Woodward Avenue rom Ontario Sreet, northbound. There was a driver in front of me in the same iane who, having seen my right tumn signai, decided t0 move mbt the other iane, aiiowing me te, make my turn on the red iight and DEAR EDITOR: i wanî tu, îhank the voiunîeers of the Miton ieash-free dog park iocated off of Fourth Line for a fantastie park faciity i went there for the first ime and was impressed with the size of the park and tise doubie-door secunty Since our dog doesn't ike chiidren, we loved that saving me time. This is a move i con- sider to he very courleous, and guess whaî, t was a youth - a young man, 1 waved my thanks and went on my way 1 sec xerv few adults making such courteous mnoves while driving. i myseif, a 47-year old woman. have oniy hegun to dnive in such an extra courte- ous manner witin the iast rwo years or so. It takes a certain lack o[ selishness, awareness and patience 10 drive in this manner. Perhaps instead of denigrating al youth in Milton in this manner, Kuarsngh couiti have tumned the situa- tion around and reaiized that this was one person who stili bas some growing Up t0 do. 1 know of many aduits, long past their youth, who havent grown up yet in many ways. Yes, we need more patience, respect and eourtesy rom ail drivers, but what we soreiy need as weil is more toierance in this world. ELLEN DE GUERRE MILTON the kids were weii c ontained in a sepa- rate area and the park was all about the dogs. i hope iî stays open for many years 10 come as it wouid be a shame t0 iose such a vaiuabie asset in our communiîy GINElTE GIBSON MILTON Urban barking just as annoying DEAR EDITOR: 'm wriling in response 10 ast Wednesdays icîter in regard 10 the constant barking that homeowners in riral Milton are facing. Rest assured, i compieteiy agree with you and wanî to make a point that the probiem exists within urban Miton as weii. A dog's ie shouidnît consist of being lied up for hours or even days at a ime. These dogs are simpiy bark- ing either out of distress or boredom, and it infuriates me to think tbe owners dont care or simpiy ignore their cails for heip. 1 ive in urban Miton and many times i hear the samne dog nighî after nighî barking constantiy with no owner intervention 10 stop ih. There have been limes i look out the window and notice their outside ighî is off, yeî the dog remains outside barking. Have they ever stopped to consider the people around them? Have they ever slopped 10 wonder why the dog is barking? My gness is no, seemng as this probiemn happens every night. The disregard these owners have for their feiiow neighbours and their dog ieaves me to believe that these kind of people shouidnît own dogs. If i had to0 suni up this behaviour with respect 10 the owners, negleet and seifishness are two words that comne 10 mmnd. Dont own a dog if you believe lhaî tying lhemn up and aiiowing them 10o bark constanliy is a way of iife. If you ask me, i consider il a form of animai abuse. Owning two Aiaskan maiamutes myseif, i feit îeach- ing them at a young age not t0 bark was key. A happy dog means a happy master. A quiet and content dog, means a happy neighbourhood. il's a win-win for all. SARAH BOWDEN MILTON Teen could really use your blood Newspapers Asociatoon Canadian Coninny CCNANewsp.nperssAssociatinlss Soburban Newspapers u n ' ofAmesica , il F 0rs> dia on-o r ib s MILTON WLOMF* SANTA 005' CLAUS viglevBellFînd PRD UNITEDWAYWI OF MILTON CAN-ADA OAY SYYMÇA 1 N, -N AHLN 5hýowcase»lton Zije < anabiîî tampon 1 rYiYYýuYily[(w sp tre Si i« 18 555 Industnial Dr. Miton, Ont. L9T SEl 905-878-2341 Editonial Faxý 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified.905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 vwww niltonicanadianchamnpion.com V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver General Manager Davi Harvey Editor in Chief T.lDai Managing Editor Advertising Director Debbi K uSIJF n Production Manager Tin lColes Circulation Manager Charlerso Hal Office Manager Sancdy Paie The Canadian Champion, published every Wednesday and Friday, is a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. - President Ian Oliver Adasrlsinsg is acepted on the condtion sial, srthe evesi of atypographs al essor tsapotion of the 3dvs ss,,q spae ossupiessby Ithe Pionssie ms gtp ih a psonbelpa'owse forsignsature, ollsoi bo narged for, bt heba sneof tlire ad0ostnsmnt v,1 pid os il th-o pplicabrsrtTh. pbsise, servs ie right I ni goe r ecsn CCAB Audited Readers Write E-mail your lttera toedaetonal@rniloanadiane apion.om Our youth shouldn't ail be painted with same brush Leash-free park a great asset eNq rh, Oakýilleý Milimi Qw

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