The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - A27 Wise customers read the tine prit: *No purchase necestary. For your chance 10 enter, visit a particpating Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge retaler between October 16 and October 24, 2008 (the "Contest Period") for the Sbowcaxe 2009 Fetailer Event complete a ballot and deposit i in the ballot box aItbe retaler during tbe Conteot Period. os may alto receive a coteot etry ballot via mail to depoxt in tbe ballot bot aI participatboo Crytler, Jeep, Dodge refailer doring tbe Cooteot Perixd. Yox movt attend tbe Sbowcase 2009 event at a participatinq retailer dvrrvC the Contest Penvod to partiorpate vn thi cvn'est Mail in ballots will flot e acceptef. Contest Clvsinq Date is the clxxe of the Showease 2009 Event, at pvrticpatinq relailers voi Friday, October 24 2008 Ste dealer for full detais